Changing the BMC (Read 175295 times)


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#75 Re: Changing the BMC
April 07, 2018, 11:12:52 am
BMC implementaion group papers for recommended actions on the ORG review available now.

The site and the documents in it are a bit untidy in places but thats not unsurprising given the short timespan taken to produce this. I think the key document to read first would be this one:

The proposal seem to be split in two parts ... resolve legal governance positions in June (either with or without SE compliance requirements) and pick up the remaining ORG recommendations next year.

(Apologies for the cut and paste from t'other channel)


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#76 Re: Changing the BMC
April 09, 2018, 03:15:55 pm

The Organisational Review is reaching a crucial phase and the BMC is now seeking feedback on the proposals to go to the AGM on 16 June; the proposals will be discussed at the forthcoming (11-19 April) round of Area Meetings and include some extremely important issues to the future of the BMC.

At its meeting of 17 February the BMC’s National Council considered the proposal by the Organisational Review Group (ORG) to hold two General Meetings in 2018 (June and November) and opted to seek approval for the high level governance changes required to ensure ongoing Sport England funding (and importantly the BMC’s position as the government recognized umbrella body for climbing and hill walking) by June. The BMC has been part funded by Sport England (and UK Sport at times) for the last 30+ years and the current total funding to the sector (BMC, Mountain Training and the climbing wall industry) amounts to c.£380-470k per year (projected income for 2018-21). The 17 February meeting set up an implementation working group* to liaise with legal advisors and Sport England and develop the draft documentation to go to the April Area Meetings.

Following publication of the second ORG report in early March an additional National Council was held on 10 March to agree the specific recommendations to be taken forward by the working group. The past four weeks has been a frantic period for the working group and a significant voluntary effort has been put into the package now presented to members for discussion.

The proposed changes have been driven by a combination of factors in particular:

A general need to update, modernise and reformat the BMC’s constitution to bring it in line with contemporary good practice and the Companies Act. The constitution was produced in 1990-93, pre-dates the internet and has never been subject to a comprehensive review. There is a strong case that this is needed.
National Council’s desire for the BMC to continue to be recognised by government as the umbrella body for climbing, hill walking and mountaineering. Funding is part of this equation but there are more important issues including the potential loss of influence and stature across government agencies and partner organisations, and the fragmentation of the way the climbing and hill walking sector engages with government.
The documents include two key proposals as follows:

Proposal 1: updates to the BMC’s constitution (Memorandum & Articles of Association) considered necessary for the BMC to comply with the Companies Act and the necessary governance requirements to enable the BMC, Mountain Training (MTE, MTUK) and the climbing wall sector (ABC & ABCTT) to continue qualifying for Sport England funding.
Proposal 2: a commitment to make a detailed assessment of the costs and benefits of the remaining ORG recommendations and deliver them in a timely manner with proposals for any further constitutional changes to go to the 2019 AGM.

Overview of Proposal Documents

How to get involved

National Council is encouraging all members to read the proposals, attend the April round of area meetings, and share their views via the online mechanisms listed below. All views expressed will go directly to working group, which will then present amended proposals to National Council on 28 April. Subject to changes and National Council’s approval, resolutions will then be presented to the AGM.

The working group has published several related papers, of which the key documents are:

Briefing Paper

Questions & Answers

Background Paper

A mini-site has been set up to host all the documentation. The site includes a Q&A facility, where members can submit questions directly to the working group: Visit the ORG Review Implementation Proposal mini-site

Specific responses can also be submitted to the working group via a Google Form.

* Members of the National Council Implementation Working Group:

Andy Syme – Yorkshire Area Chair and National Council Rep – Group Chair
Rik Payne – Executive member. London & SE Area Chair and National Council Rep
Will Kilner – Executive member, South Wales Area National Council Rep
Andy Say – North West Area National Council Rep
Les Ainsworth – BMC Honorary Member (NW Area)


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#77 Re: Changing the BMC
April 14, 2018, 09:19:36 pm
Well, the SW area meet voted overwhelmingly in favour of the four proposals.
Only proposal 1c really raised any eyebrows. I think that comes down, principally, to confusion over the wording. Lots of nit picking over the wording of this, that, and the other etc; but as I said, no votes against any of the proposals.

Valid point from a legally minded individual, given in response to a somewhat “hippy” objection to the use of the term “good governance”; that currently the BMC is (technically) operating illegally in terms of the NC/Board split in authority.


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#78 Re: Changing the BMC
April 15, 2018, 12:26:27 am
Thanks Matt. Illegal is a bit strong but certainly legally vulnerable.

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#79 Re: Changing the BMC
April 15, 2018, 03:59:06 pm
I thought the BMC was not in compliance with the companies act? Which is illegal?


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#80 Re: Changing the BMC
April 15, 2018, 08:50:41 pm
I thought the BMC was not in compliance with the companies act? Which is illegal?

Rupert can can answer better as it is not really my bag but as I understand it the companies act covers the status of “shadow” Directors ie individuals not on the Board but who in effect making Board type decisions. Shadow Directors could be held legally liable for decisions they make for the organisation. National Council members might be deemed to be shadow Directors without being covered (currently) by BMC Directors insurance. So whilst the set up isn’t illegal of itself NC members are legally vulnerable from the provisions of the Companies act if the organisation is sued for negligence, inadequate child protection, corporate manslaughter or whatever.

It is therefore considered that it is best practice that the Board has responsibility for decision making as well as carrying it out ie “primacy” and I buy that. The current set up with National Council setting policy muddies where legal responsibility lies. For governance wonks and legal bods who are dominating the debate this is all terribly important and can made to be sound so.

From my POV from an entrepreneurial small business background where you tend to take risk in your stride I largely view it all as being irrelevant bollocks 99.9% of the time and far less important than having good leaders and organisational direction ie the cultural stuff which to be fair the ORG also addresses but is off the table till till the governance stuff is settled. However, the current very practical implication of all this is that if don’t restructure than we can’t claim government grant funding for ourselves and related organisations we assist.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2018, 09:49:39 pm by shark »


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#81 Re: Changing the BMC
April 15, 2018, 11:07:19 pm
I believe the reference (by the legally minded individual I mentioned earlier) is to The Companies Act 2006,Part 10, Chapter 2, Article 173.
But I’ve just read it...
(The whole bloody act (well; skimmed. I’m not a complete nerd)).
I’m not sure I understand the issue. Para 2b of that article seems to provide a get-out for that.
Also, I no-longer understand Sport England’s objection to the reserve matters (proposal 1c). I understood that they objected to any matters being reserved for “members”, and that such would be “non-compliant”, yet isn’t there clear provisions for exactly that within the act? Doesn’t Part 4 state that directors powers can be limited by constitution and member resolution? And aren’t we all “members” as defined in Part 8, Chapter 1?

My head hurts.


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#82 Re: Changing the BMC
April 16, 2018, 06:36:26 am
You should form a new rival group within the BMC.

So we have council,

The OldGits32 (or whatever they’re called)

And now:.

The Legally Confused 7.


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#83 Re: Changing the BMC
April 16, 2018, 08:18:13 am

Also, I no-longer understand Sport England’s objection to the reserve matters (proposal 1c). I understood that they objected to any matters being reserved for “members”, and that such would be “non-compliant”, yet isn’t there clear provisions for exactly that within the act? Doesn’t Part 4 state that directors powers can be limited by constitution and member resolution? And aren’t we all “members” as defined in Part 8, Chapter 1?

My head hurts.

Sport England will be benchmarking against their good governance guidelines rather than legislation.

The Sporting Recreational Alliance (trade body of Sport NGB’s) provides guidance on good governance which the ORG used to form their recommendations and it aligns with SE requirements and is quite readable:


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#84 Re: Changing the BMC
April 28, 2018, 07:41:42 pm

BMC Constitution: the way ahead

Members Open Forum 7.00pm, Tuesday 15 May 2018

BMC members are invited to an Open Forum event in Manchester on 15 May to debate the proposed constitutional changes to go the AGM on 16 June. The Forum will be chaired by BMC Patron Lord Greaves and attended by senior representatives from the BMC, clubs and the wider membership. All interested members are very welcome to attend. The format will include a presentation of the proposed changes / Q&A and a ‘Question Time’ session to allow members to quiz the panel on the direction of travel and the detail of the new constitution. The event will be livestreamed with a facility for real time questions to be submitted by remote viewers.

Event information

Venue: St Thomas Centre, Manchester, M12 6FZ. More detail can be found here.

Logistics: free parking after 6.00pm, 10-minute walk from Manchester Piccadilly train station, light buffet / tea & coffee provided.

Supporting information: National Council meets on 28 April to discuss the proposed changes in detail; relevant documentation and supporting information will be added to this article as soon as it is available.


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#85 Re: Changing the BMC
May 03, 2018, 12:35:15 pm
BMC members (and others on email list) should have received the below:

The content of the pre-AGM Summit magazine has gone to the printers today. Normally this issue would include the AGM agenda and associated papers as appropriate. 
However there has been a considerable amount of dialogue over the past few months since the publication of the final Organisational Review Group (ORG) Report. National Council has resolved on an early implementation of those ORG recommendations relating to governance, and to defer the remainder into a second phase to enable further consultation with members. Implementing the governance changes required for this initial phase has involved drafting a brand new set of Articles of Association for consideration at the June AGM.
These Articles have gone through several iterations over a short period of time, in response to member feedback both directly and through the Area meetings. The final changes were agreed and approved by National Council on 28 April, and importantly contain significant differences, and National Council believes improvements, from the version that was available to the Area meetings in April.
Whilst the proposed new Articles themselves will be released within the next few days, in order to ensure that members have sufficient time to view and consider this latest version it has been decided to extend the deadline for the submission of resolutions until 5pm on 16 May 2018. As a result the AGM agenda will not be finalised and circulated until 18 May 2018. The deadline for nominations for election of officer posts remains unchanged.
This extra time will provide additional opportunity for debate and discussion, and to further this we are hosting an Open Forum in Manchester on 15 May (see here for details). This will be live-streamed for those that can’t attend in person, and we hope that as many members as possible will participate.
Further information about the AGM will be available in Summit magazine, as well as on the BMC website.



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#86 Re: Changing the BMC
August 30, 2018, 10:02:30 am

The BMC is seeking two to three volunteers from the membership to join the Implementation Group overseeing the roll-out of the recommendations of the BMC’s Organisational Review.

In April 2017 the BMC commissioned a QC led independent review of the governance, structure and management of the organisation. Phase I culminated at the BMC AGM 2018, in acceptance of the recommendations, in the spirit of the ORG’s work, and the adoption of a modern set of Articles of Association defining a new governance structure for the organisation, aligned with contemporary best practice in sports governance.

The BMC is now addressing Phase II of the Review, namely the development and implementation of around 40 wide ranging, and interlinking, recommendations. The overall organisational change it recommends is likely to take several years to fully complete. The recommendations include a review of the organisational strategy and development of key policies, structures for managing competition climbing, the BMC’s presence in Wales, commercial activities, new strategies for supporting and engaging members, key partner organisations, volunteers, indoor climbers, hill walkers, and clubs, alongside a range of HR and internal management improvements.

READ: BMC Organisational Review final report

About the Implementation Group

An implementation group (IG) made up of senior staff, volunteers including the BMC’s National Councillors and others from the membership will oversee the roll-out of the recommendations; the IG has recently been set up and we are now looking for others to join our group.

The IG comprises the following members:

IG Chair: Vice President (John Roberts)
President (Lynn Robinson)
CEO (Dave Turnbull)
1 x Independent Director (Amanda Parshall)
2 x National Council members (Andy Syme & Fiona Sanders)
2 - 3 x ‘Independent’ BMC Members (from outside of National Council)
IG Project Manager (part time paid role – currently in recruitment)

About the independent member roles
The independent BMC members we are seeking should have significant experience in one or more of the following areas to support the BMC’s organisational change:

  • Finance / commercial
    Communication implementation
    Policy development
    Volunteer and membership engagement

The roles will involve monthly meetings in Manchester, ongoing weekly communications and further work in partnership with staff and other volunteers. Reasonable travel expenses are payable.

How to apply
If you are interested in contributing to this important process, or have any questions, please email  giving an outline of your background, skills and motivation for getting involved.

The deadline for this Expression of Interest is 9.00am, Monday 10 September 2018.

Appointments will be made shortly thereafter, for a period of at least 12 months.


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#87 Re: Changing the BMC
October 20, 2018, 09:52:11 am
Latest update

The vacancies mentioned in the previous post have now been filled.

David Stanley (don’t know who he is) has been appointed Project Manager (part time paid role). The two volunteer members are Paul Evans and Roger Murray. Paul is an active volunteer who supplies a lot of photos for guides and was also active on UKC and Crag Jones’ site debating the minutae of the constitutional changes. Roger I think was the gent who spoke knowledgably at the AGM on the difficulties of implementing cultural change. So two excellent additions IMO.  :2thumbsup:

The Implentation Group is now known as the Organisational Development Group. Hmmm.  :-\

This suggests that they are less tied to implementing the ORG recommendations than before. To me this removes some of the task related urgency which is never a good thing with tortoise BMC. Also given the extent of consultation and work the ORG entailed I hope the ORG recommendations and difficult decisions highlighted by the report aren’t substantively strayed from, watered down, delayed or obfuscated.  :worms:

The work is divided in two between those areas led by the Dave Turnbull CEO and those led by Lynn Robinson President with John Roberts VP and the Project Manager coordinating between the two and filling the gap in the middle. I see Roger Murray is specifically supporting Dave on Strategy, Vision, Operations and Finance which is a good thing too as he is lacking in these areas.

An update is promised for the November area meetings. No word yet on the appointment of a Chairperson. Made the mistake of referring to it as Chairman when I last spoke to Lynn  :spank:

« Last Edit: October 20, 2018, 10:58:14 am by shark »


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#88 Re: Changing the BMC
October 21, 2018, 12:45:45 pm

David Stanley (don’t know who he is) has been appointed Project Manager (part time paid role). The two volunteer members are Paul Evans and Roger Murray. Paul is an active volunteer who supplies a lot of photos for guides and was also active on UKC and Crag Jones’ site debating the minutae of the constitutional changes. Roger I think was the gent who spoke knowledgably at the AGM on the difficulties of implementing cultural change. So two excellent additions IMO.  :2thumbsup:

The Implentation Group is now known as the Organisational Development Group. Hmmm.  :-\

This suggests that they are less tied to implementing the ORG recommendations than before. To me this removes some of the task related urgency which is never a good thing with tortoise BMC. Also given the extent of consultation and work the ORG entailed I hope the ORG recommendations and difficult decisions highlighted by the report aren’t substantively strayed from, watered down, delayed or obfuscated.  :worms:

The work is divided in two between those areas led by the Dave Turnbull CEO and those led by Lynn Robinson President with John Roberts VP and the Project Manager coordinating between the two and filling the gap in the middle. I see Roger Murray is specifically supporting Dave on Strategy, Vision, Operations and Finance which is a good thing too as he is lacking in these areas.

An update is promised for the November area meetings. No word yet on the appointment of a Chairperson. Made the mistake of referring to it as Chairman when I last spoke to Lynn  :spank:

David, Paul and Roger are all impressive in my view. David is a good quality professional project manager. Roger has a lot of executive experience across sectors: I had a long conversation with him at the AGM dinner and am very pleased he volunteered. There are other members as well:  Fiona and Andy for National Council and Amanda as a Independent Director.

You also  forgot to mention there are numerous other volunteers involved in the various workstreams (several in each)

I'm glad its not an Implementation group. Firstly it avoids confusion with the previous group of that name. Secondly, we had to go through all the contention of last year to get a Board and by definition a Board implements (as approved by the AGM when it affects the articles).  This group is working for the Board on ORG recommendations to put them to membership for feedback as soon as they can (National Council, Area meetings and the broader membership). In a democratic organisation they might have to go round the loop again on issues that prove to be contentious (or tweak those which are not, but have sensible suggested changes). Finalised items have to be put on the AGM agenda for a membership vote.

The group has only just been formed and has a lot of work to do, so even as someone who agrees with you about avoidable delays, most of the sign off will probably be in 2020 and some areas with a lot of member feedback and/or AGM rejection might take longer than that.

All of the work is led by the Group. John Roberts chairs this and David works across all areas with his project mangement  There are 8 workstreams and  as you say, Lynn and Dave lead on half each, alongside several different volunteers in each of the 8.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2018, 12:51:19 pm by Offwidth »


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#89 Re: Changing the BMC
October 21, 2018, 01:00:22 pm

You also  forgot to mention there are numerous other volunteers involved in the various workstreams (several in each)

Why forgot?  I was commenting on the new developments in the update highlighting including the new kids on the block joining those who have been involved and up to their necks in it for some time in one capacity or another. 

most of the sign off will probably be in 2020 and some areas with a lot of member feedback and/or AGM rejection might take longer than that.



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#90 Re: Changing the BMC
October 21, 2018, 01:04:27 pm
Asking for a friend.. is it now Insect Overlords or Insect Overpeople?



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#91 Re: Changing the BMC
October 21, 2018, 01:38:10 pm


As I said  I agree with you with a need to proceed as fast as possible given the democratic constraints but  having been with Lynn on her travels,  I've heard many BMC volunteers at 'ground level'  doing a lot of great work in many BMC areas  say after the last two years they want the BMC to focus back on what's important to them (mainly access support, or volunteer support) Very few of these volunteers seemed to be expressing concerns about the timing of the remaining ORG recommendations. I suspect most members won't even know the main details of the  recent governance change.

In practical terms there are not many area meetings or NC meetings before the AGM in March. Hence, 2020 was always going to be where a good number of ORG recommendations would be resolved into BMC changes. I think we should trust the group to do their stuff and prioritise sensibly what can be done and when.


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#92 Re: Changing the BMC
October 21, 2018, 03:23:02 pm
I’m not so concerned about the actual governance changes either. What I am concerned about is the governance changes are an enabler for good decisions to be made and carried through based on a clear direction and purpose that enables time and money to be garnered, prioritised and allocated efficiently and effectively.


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#93 Re: Changing the BMC
November 14, 2018, 11:04:41 am
Organisational Development Group update: November 2018

An update on recent progress made by the Organisational Development Group (ODG) in its oversight of the work required to take forward organisational change within the BMC, and a request for feedback from members.

Leading on from the October ODG update, the group has made the following progress:

Work has begun on the National Council reconstitution, the Memorandum of Understanding between the Board of Directors and the National Council, and the proposed updates to the Articles of Association;
The restructuring of the Board of Directors is underway with appointment of a Chair close to being complete;
The proposed plan for the Strategy Review has been published; in outline it is an Interim Plan to address the BMC’s immediate priorities complete by April 2019. After this the Strategic Plan and Business Plan will be created by April 2020;
The work to assess options to support the BMC’s work in Wales and options for competition climbing structures are underway and both are expected to take a longer time to resolve than the other work in progress;
The work stream focussing on Partnerships has agreed its terms of reference and is recruiting a team of volunteers and staff who can contribute to the work in its scope; and
A key part of the ODG’s work is Membership Engagement, which is underway with a series of meetings with key contacts complete. The aim of this work is to increase engagement of the BMC membership in local, national and policy issues, and to develop volunteering and volunteers across the organisation.

Member feedback requested

The ODG has published a detailed update, to enable members to discuss the group’s work at the upcoming round of BMC Area Meetings (19-29 November), so that each Area’s National Council representatives can report to the next National Council meeting in December.

READ: ODG update to Local Areas: November 2018

The November Area Meetings will also include discussion of a framework for developing the BMC’s strategic planning process.

READ: BMC Strategic Planning process 2018-2020

Additional information
For members who wish to see further detail on recent work by the ODG, a number of supplementary documents are available:

Work stream 5: Governance

Terms of Reference
Memorandum of Understanding sub-group – Terms of Reference
Member update on Memorandum of Understanding
Reconstitution of National Council sub-group – Development Paper
Draft BMC Articles of Association
Briefing on proposed changes to BMC Articles of Association

Work stream 7: Partnerships

Terms of Reference

Work stream 8: Membership Engagement

Terms of Reference


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#94 Re: Changing the BMC
November 14, 2018, 11:52:34 am

The work to assess .... options for competition climbing structures are underway and both are expected to take a longer time to resolve than the other work in progress;

This stands out as especially disappointing. There is a golden opportunity to make the most of the  run up to Tokyo 2020 with regard to securing future public and private funding. Currently UK Sport Olympic funding is channeled through the UK Institute of Sport because the BMC is not fit to manage it. By the time the structures are sorted out the Olympics will have come and gone.

Most opponents of comp climbing and also supporters of comp climbing were in favour of a launch of a separate comp subsidiary as mooted in the ORG report. Nonetheless there is fear in some quarters that a split would overall be 'bad' for climbing with the usual example cited of the IFSC splitting from the UIAA and that it is best to keep all factions under one roof. Why it was 'bad' isn't clear to me as the IFSC as separate body was entirely successful in its prime purpose of getting climbing in the Olympics. It is only bad as far as I can see because the UIAA's power and influence has diminished as a consequence not bad for the sport as a whole. That is not a good reason for the BMC to retain Comp Climbing in house IMO.

It seems that the BMC both wants competition climbing and doesn't want it. This isn't good for competition climbing which would have more chance of flourishing with a sense of purpose outside an organisation that has never been wholeheartedly behind it and is currently deadlocked on the issue.

« Last Edit: November 14, 2018, 12:19:10 pm by shark »


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#95 Re: Changing the BMC
November 14, 2018, 02:39:19 pm
Any news on when it might be safe to go back to area meetings without being bored to sleep?


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#96 Re: Changing the BMC
November 14, 2018, 03:38:25 pm

The work to assess .... options for competition climbing structures are underway and both are expected to take a longer time to resolve than the other work in progress;

This stands out as especially disappointing. There is a golden opportunity to make the most of the  run up to Tokyo 2020 with regard to securing future public and private funding. Currently UK Sport Olympic funding is channeled through the UK Institute of Sport because the BMC is not fit to manage it. By the time the structures are sorted out the Olympics will have come and gone.

Most opponents of comp climbing and also supporters of comp climbing were in favour of a launch of a separate comp subsidiary as mooted in the ORG report. Nonetheless there is fear in some quarters that a split would overall be 'bad' for climbing with the usual example cited of the IFSC splitting from the UIAA and that it is best to keep all factions under one roof. Why it was 'bad' isn't clear to me as the IFSC as separate body was entirely successful in its prime purpose of getting climbing in the Olympics. It is only bad as far as I can see because the UIAA's power and influence has diminished as a consequence not bad for the sport as a whole. That is not a good reason for the BMC to retain Comp Climbing in house IMO.

It seems that the BMC both wants competition climbing and doesn't want it. This isn't good for competition climbing which would have more chance of flourishing with a sense of purpose outside an organisation that has never been wholeheartedly behind it and is currently deadlocked on the issue.


Wasn't splitting off comp climbing into a separate organisation a large part of what the other lot were campaigning for in the recent motion of no confidence vote? And weren't the BMC claiming something along the lines of it being better kept in-house to secure sport england funding? It's all a haze now.


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#97 Re: Changing the BMC
November 14, 2018, 04:39:34 pm

No and no.

The basis of the no confidence vote was mainly around the aborted rebrand though certainly Pettigrew referred to the Olympics as a disease in his speech and railed against the IFSC President which seem rooted in grievances against a former friend of his - Alan Blacksomething and the split from the UIAA. The Sport England funding issue centred around having suitable governance which required changes to the constitution. 

The relevant recommendations in the final ORG report are:

Recommendation 15: The BMC should give clarity to members, partners and stakeholders on its level of support for the Olympics

This recommendation has not changed. However, based upon the feedback the ORG received, it was felt necessary to clarify to members that this recommendation is not about whether or not the BMC should support climbing as an Olympic sport. This recommendation asks the BMC to communicate to its members, partners and stakeholders the extent to which it supports, and intends to support, both the inclusion of climbing in the Olympic Games, and British athlete participation in them.

Recommendation 24: The BMC should create a joint subsidiary for competitive activities in partnership with Mountaineering Scotland and other relevant home nation governing bodies for the purposes of managing competitive activities and to support elite level competitive activities such as Team GB

Following the member consultation and discussions with Mountaineering Scotland, the ORG felt compelled to strengthen and amend this recommendation. The ORG recommends that a joint subsidiary should be created, in partnership with Mountaineering Scotland and where appropriate, other recognised UK governing bodies for relevant competitive activities.  This is required to ensure transparency of decision making in relation to all aspects of the Olympics and competitions across the home nations.
In light of the BMC’s recent acceptance as the governing body for ski mountaineering and the UK’s representative to the International Ski Mountaineering Federation (ISMF), the ORG notes that ski mountaineering will be an activity within the competitive activities covered in this recommendation. 
The ORG recommends that the BMC set up a working group as soon as possible to consider how best to implement this recommendation.  This working group should include representatives of Mountaineering Scotland to involve them in the strategic development of this recommendation and ultimately in the governance, and relevant committees related to this subsidiary.  The working group should also consider engaging with other home nation governing bodies for competitive activities within climbing, hillwalking and mountaineering as they see fit.  This could include Mountaineering Ireland.


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#98 Re: Changing the BMC
November 14, 2018, 04:58:03 pm
Ah right. Clear as.. :blink:


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#99 Re: Changing the BMC
November 14, 2018, 05:25:21 pm
You did ask


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