the shizzle > get involved: access, environment, BMC

Changing the BMC

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--- Quote from: GraemeA on September 01, 2017, 03:54:47 pm ---Can the BMC stop referring to comps as INDOOR competition climbing. If I remember rightly the BBC was outdoors and things like the DWS in the SW are outdoor. The key thing is that comps take place on Artificial Climbing Structures.

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Fake Climbing Comps OK with you then Graeme?  :tease:


--- Quote from: Offwidth on September 01, 2017, 05:40:52 pm ---"There are some impressive and experienced people on the review group       and John Roberts"  just spotted this.... hope JR gets a suitable revenge ;-)

--- End quote ---

It was my revenge for him doing a gratuitous downward dog in my face at the Depot

The Independent Organisational Review Group presented to National Council at the weekend.

A copy of the slide deck is here

Latest from Organisational Review group. They are still not giving much anything away. The big reveal is at Kendal on Sat 18th followed by a roadshow to all the Area Meetings:

How to have your say in the future of the BMC

Climbing, hill walking and mountaineering are changing, and the BMC needs to adapt to meet future challenges. A major review of our work is underway, and we need your help to shape the future of the organisation.

What is the BMC Organisational Review?

The BMC Organisational Review Group was formed this May. Its role is to look at the way the BMC currently works – in terms of organisation, governance, and decision-making structures – and evaluate how this reflects current best practice in governance, whilst continuing to act in the best interests of the membership. The group will also recommend new ways to increase engagement and consultation with all BMC members on key issues.

What’s happened so far?

Headed by independent chair Ray Wigglesworth, an eminent QC and climber, the review group volunteers have gathered views from an online survey (with over 5,000 responses), focus groups and individual feedback from across the BMC. They are now balancing these views against information on best practice in sporting organisational structures and modern codes of governance to produce their iniitial report.

What’s the next step?

The review group will launch their initial report at Kendal Town Hall at 2.45pm on Saturday 18 November, as part of Kendal Mountain Festival. All members are invited, look out for more details soon. As soon as the report is public, we will be uploading it to the BMC website and emailing all our members.

Then it’s your turn

The review group will be making various recommendations, but it is your feedback that will help make them reality. We’re asking all BMC members to download the report and then send us your feedback through a quick online survey. The online consultation period will run from 18 November – 22 December, then the final recommendations will go to a vote at the BMC AGM in April 2018.

Don’t miss: your local BMC area meetings

If you’d like to discuss the recommendations in detail, then head to your local BMC area meeting. The next round of area meetings will be attended by two members of the Organisational Review Group, who will present the group’s findings and recommendations. This is an important opportunity for you to discuss the findings and provide feedback to help shape the final recommendations, which will eventually go to a vote at the BMC AGM in April 2018.

Please do take the time to get involved and have your say in the future of the BMC. As Ray Wigglesworth remarks: “We believe that we have conducted the process objectively, dispassionately and independently. We also believe that if the members adopt our proposals then the BMC will have a bright future.”


Join Steve McClure, Mary-Ann Ochota, key volunteers, BMC staff and the organisational review team at Kendal Mountain Festival to discover the future direction of the BMC.

If you’re heading to Kendal Mountain Festival this year, then don’t miss the launch of the independent BMC organisational review report. This is the culmination of a major review of our work and will be your first chance to view the results and recommendations.

The launch is taking place at 2:45pm at Kendal Town Hall on Saturday 18 November, and is open to all BMC members.

The organisational review team will be there to answer your questions, as well as BMC staff, key volunteers and BMC ambassadors.

The launch is a relaxed event, taking place in the fully-stocked Eden Brewery bar, and copies of the report will be available to take away.

The launch will run from 14:45 – 15:30 and includes time for a QnA session, which can be extended until 17:00 if required. It marks the start of a consultation period which will last until 22 December.

Watch the livestream

We will also be filming and livestreaming (dependant on 4G) the launch. The film will be uploaded to BMC TV the following week.

Please book your place, so that we can plan for the right size of audience.


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