UK election 2017 (Read 142747 times)

Will Hunt

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#176 Re: UK election 2017
May 11, 2017, 06:59:25 pm
Just for nostalgia, pressing the flesh can be hazardous.

Prezzer was told by Blair to "reconnect with the electorate" so he did.
Just waiting for 2017's rumble in Rhyl equivalent.
Running over the Beeb cameramans foot doesn't cut it.
Shame it wasn't kouenssberg foot, we would never hear the end of it!
« Last Edit: May 11, 2017, 07:05:52 pm by jfdm »


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#178 Re: UK election 2017
May 11, 2017, 10:21:11 pm


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#179 Re: UK election 2017
May 12, 2017, 08:08:00 am
Just for nostalgia, pressing the flesh can be hazardous.

Prezzer was told by Blair to "reconnect with the electorate" so he did.
Just waiting for 2017's rumble in Rhyl equivalent.
Running over the Beeb cameramans foot doesn't cut it.
Shame it wasn't kouenssberg foot, we would never hear the end of it!

Gotta hand it to TwoJags, gets a left jab in before the egg hits the floor. Lesson: don't fuck with an ex-boxer.


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#180 Re: UK election 2017
May 13, 2017, 08:31:59 am
"A politician complaining about the media is like a sailor complaining about the sea"


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#181 Re: UK election 2017
May 13, 2017, 09:50:41 am
Just for nostalgia, pressing the flesh can be hazardous.

Prezzer was told by Blair to "reconnect with the electorate" so he did.
Just waiting for 2017's rumble in Rhyl equivalent.
Running over the Beeb cameramans foot doesn't cut it.
Shame it wasn't kouenssberg foot, we would never hear the end of it!

Gotta hand it to TwoJags, gets a left jab in before the egg hits the floor. Lesson: don't fuck with an ex-boxer.
Ex Merchant Navy. [emoji123]

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#183 Re: UK election 2017
May 17, 2017, 01:02:46 pm
Lots being banded around about the manifestos of the different parties on the tinternet.
Most about if Labour's pledges have been properly costed. I'm no account, billions here and there are too abstract for me to imagine.
If Labour doesn't meet all it manifesto pledges its not the end of the world. If they can only afford to finance a few pledges they would be moving things along in the right direction. I would be able to see that the taxes i pay finally being put to good use rather than used to prop up big companies, meddling in the middle east etc.

As for voting strong and stable - having caused brexit and instability, May wants a return to Grammar schools and fox hunting.
Not really the vision of the future I had in mind.


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#184 UK election 2017
May 17, 2017, 03:10:55 pm
That's it isn't it?

The Tories are promising a return to the 1950's.
They're selling to the over 55's a vision of the world they half remember from their youth, when Britain was "Great" and ruled the waves. Grammar schools, Fox Hunting and a rigid class system where everyone knows their place and respects their elders.

Because post war Britain was a fantasy land, a period of rapid recovery and financial boom.
My Grandparents generation, born in the 20's, who actually fought "THE WAR" that so many over 55's harp on about; are mostly gone. That generation grew up surrounded by true poverty and pre-NHS.

Side note: My Grandfather (now gone) grew up in Coventry. With a Father who'd been gassed in the Trenches, a Mother who kept the family by taking in washing, thirteen Brothers and Sisters. In one room and with only one mattress, no bed, between them.
Three of his siblings died from common diseases before they were ten years old, two were permanently disabled by Polio.
Hitler, obligingly, blew their room to atoms along with every brick for streets around. Fortunately his Pa was off Air raid Wardening, his mam serving tea at a NAAFI wagon a few streets away and the kids evacuated at the time (he was in Buckfastleigh, and that's how I ended up here).
The following year, at 16, he joined up.

I can hear him spinning in his grave.

He was a Foreman at the Engineering works in Buckfastleigh, after and a shop-steward. Never a "Red", he hated them with a passion.
Pretty sure he'd recognise May for what she is and be aghast that her support will mainly come from the kids that grew up on the benefits he and his pals fought for during and after the war.


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#185 Re: UK election 2017
May 17, 2017, 04:54:14 pm


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#186 Re: UK election 2017
May 17, 2017, 05:43:52 pm

As for voting strong and stable - having caused brexit and instability, May wants a return to Grammar schools and fox hunting.
Not really the vision of the future I had in mind.

If it's stability you're after that means staying in the EU....


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#187 Re: UK election 2017
May 17, 2017, 07:08:07 pm
That's it isn't it?
The Tories are promising a return to the 1950's.

If only! In the 50s the NHS had been launched and BR was running the rail network.
Unless you mean the 1850s ??

Will Hunt

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#188 Re: UK election 2017
May 17, 2017, 07:16:30 pm
BBC news tonight. Doing the taking heads with Dumb, Summer, and Hard Of Thinking of Dewsbury.
What issues are important to you?
Local issues really, they're closing our hospital.
Who are you going to vote for?
The Conservatives.



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#189 Re: UK election 2017
May 17, 2017, 08:22:54 pm
Why the Left can't win:

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#190 Re: UK election 2017
May 17, 2017, 09:21:23 pm

As for voting strong and stable - having caused brexit and instability, May wants a return to Grammar schools and fox hunting.
Not really the vision of the future I had in mind.

If it's stability you're after that means staying in the EU....
True, in an ideal world Brexit wouldn't have happened. The genie is out of the bottle and it is going to take years to put it back in.  I dislike Labours stance in support of Brexit, but have feeling if Labour were negotiating we might get some kind of Brexit lite at worst. In a nutshell who would you rather have sorting out worker/legal/everomental protections during Brexit and its aftermath. May and her band of robbers, bozzer, Davies, fox don't cut the mustard for me and will happily sell us all down the swanny.


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#191 Re: UK election 2017
May 17, 2017, 10:31:39 pm
I'm not criticising your POV, just highlighting the irony of the motto, absolute nonsense that it is.


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#192 Re: UK election 2017
May 18, 2017, 08:09:18 am
As for voting strong and stable - having caused brexit and instability, May wants a return to Grammar schools and fox hunting.
Not really the vision of the future I had in mind.

Some late additions I've just read about are needed for a fuller picture of the conservatives wet dream of the "future."
"Death tax" for those that need care later on in life.
Winter fuel allowance means tested - I can see were how this policy will pan out.
And finally the end of hot school dinners for the kids, just a breakfast if they can get into school on time.
I cant really see any positives to take away here and people vote in the millions for this.  :no:


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#193 Re: UK election 2017
May 18, 2017, 09:11:34 am
I cant really see any positives to take away here and people vote in the millions for this.  :no:

There seem to be millions of the retired who still vote trbially - "I'd never vote Labour" but that doesn't explain all of it.


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#194 Re: UK election 2017
May 18, 2017, 02:12:04 pm
Just looking for the Conservatives pledges, couldn't really find anything.
Had to have a quick flick through the manifesto, my eyes feel a bit grubby.
Any how no pledges but they do have "Five Giant Challenges."
In no particular order
1. A strong economy, it aint rocket science, I thought that was a given for any party in government. Country becoming a sink hole so have no problems with fracking as long as it in Conservative heart lands.
2. Brexit and a changing world - a shambles created by the Conservative goons.
3. Enduring social divisions - we will just have to keep enduring???
4. Ageing Society??? er true, cons want to reverse this worrying trend.
5. Fast Changing technology??? er right/true, post Brexit we will be lucky to get around using a horse and cart.
So these are the key pillars of Conservative thought/wisdom.
As I mentioned this morning not really a vision.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2017, 02:20:30 pm by jfdm »


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#195 Re: UK election 2017
May 18, 2017, 02:24:56 pm
I'm not sure I have a particular issue with the "death tax", nor means testing things like the winter fuel allowance, nor getting rid of the tripple lock. Care to convince me otherwise on any of them?

Not that this gets me any closer to deciding whether to vote Lib, Lab or Green.. so anyone care to convince me on that front? (In Sheffield Hallam so safeish Lib with an outside chance of Lab)


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#196 Re: UK election 2017
May 18, 2017, 02:46:35 pm
In Clegg's seat it's the part of Sheffield with the lowest Leave votecontingent, and since the LibDems are the only main party against Brexit and Clegg is one of the few talking sense over Europe, I don't see them being unseated by Labour. If it was going to happen it would have happened last time. So logic dictates a vote for the largest non-rightwing party, so vote Clegg.


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#197 Re: UK election 2017
May 18, 2017, 02:49:50 pm
Not that this gets me any closer to deciding whether to vote Lib, Lab or Green.. so anyone care to convince me on that front? (In Sheffield Hallam so safeish Lib with an outside chance of Lab)

Same quandry

Going Green might mean the candidate earns enough votes to get their deposit back.

I'd go Labour if I felt they might have a chance of an outright majority and this seat might sway things but likely go Lib Dem because they oppose leaving the EU and I do think Nick Clegg is quite good, plus he has a high prolfile and has been one of the few to have made really strong, concise arguments against leaving.


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#198 Re: UK election 2017
May 18, 2017, 02:55:26 pm
Interesting ideas on the death tax - and more harshly means testing the old on their care costs. That and the end of the pension triple lock is quite a risk by the Torys - as the Elderly are usually their core vote.

It's also quite a socialist idea - inheritance tax is often argues as being the most effective tool to redress wealth inequality (bought in after ww2 I think - and credited with long term rebalancing in the U.K. Thereafter). Making the elderly pay for their care - by taking capital out of their assets (house) is a very bold and surprising move.

Ok there's fox hunting, grammar schools and Brexit. The three horsemen of the swivel headed loon Tory policy crew. But for a Tory manifesto there are some left wing ideas in there....

I'm not planning to vote for her by the way - just some commentary.

Wonder how the BBC will spin this - up to a month ago I didn't think they were that bad - but they do feel increasingly right wing biased.


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#199 Re: UK election 2017
May 18, 2017, 03:20:04 pm
Agree with Dave.
As with all these "commitments" the devil will be in the detail.

You mention death tax/fuel allowance/free travel cards/triple lock etc, having paid tax, paid your National Insurance etc surely in old age you should be entitled to be treated with dignity and well looked after. If death tax becomes a reality and in old age I am ill and end up in care for years then i will leave behind very little inheritance, which is a crazy state of affairs. Having worked/contributed for nearly 50 years. We should be looking out for each other not fleecing each other.

Maybe I am being too simplistic? I didn't go looking for greater detail in the manifesto as my eyes were hurting too much.

« Last Edit: May 18, 2017, 03:38:25 pm by jfdm »


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