Isla de Encanta repeated (Read 29281 times)

Si O'Conor

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#25 Isla de Encanta repeated
September 07, 2004, 12:50:36 am

Fingers of a Martyr

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#26 Isla de Encanta repeated
September 07, 2004, 08:59:25 am
maybe he thinks it annoys me

well it wud fuck me off...but as u say there's no point in gettin into a online bitchin session.
the reason i asked is cos i saw some pictures of si on it a while ago and wanted to no whether he'd actually climbed it or just had a go on it. in my eyes it's been cleared up so no need for said bitchin session.


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#27 Isla de Encanta repeated
September 07, 2004, 10:22:19 am
Yep there were photos of IslaDeC, yep a few pals were there,

Si, it is probably in your interest for people to be aware of this thread where one of your pals actually comes forward:

...but like i posted on the thread that wee metal bar still lodged in the base of the arete?...nobody seems to wanna answer that...

I haven't a clue but seeing as how you seem so keen to find out I'll have a look tonight for you! If its a shiny threaded stub it is Gaskins', he sticks a bolt hanger on it to hold him in when he's trying his V16 project on a rope.

Played alot on that boulder on all sides after & before Isla DeC, from the deep pit round right of Isla DeC & up that wall left via shattered lone edge. Wonder how that hold got isnt natural.

The hold isn't natural, it is "chipped". It was created by accident by the fumblings of the big equipment that they cleared the quarry base with a good few years ago.

Fingers of a Martyr

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#28 Isla de Encanta repeated
September 07, 2004, 11:33:59 am
correct me if i'm wrong,

but si has a credible independent witness of his second ascent of isle de canta and has said so himself on this thread that he made the second ascent. so why not give him credit for what he's achieved? by stating that katz made the 2nd ascent u r blatantly calling si a liar greg.


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#29 Isla de Encanta repeated
September 07, 2004, 11:42:17 am
Just read the threads on Nigels link with interest. The girl defending Si (I think her name is Hells or something) doesn't actually say that she had seen Si on Isla D'Encanta when asked by Nigel.

Although I like to give people the benefit of the doubt I am inclined to belive that Mark's is the second ascent not just because I was there at the time but also because alot has been said about Simon Connor over the years, and not all of it good, I have spoken to people who Si claims to have climbed with who say they have never climbed with him.

I am afraid in my eyes Si your reputation precedes you.

But of course I would love you to prove me wrong.

Fingers of a Martyr

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#30 Isla de Encanta repeated
September 07, 2004, 11:47:32 am
my burns wrote
Just read the threads on Nigels link with interest. The girl defending Si (I think her name is Hells or something) doesn't actually say that she had seen Si on Isla D'Encanta when asked by Nigel.

Wot The Fuck?

helly from SC

I was there when he repeated Gaskins Iladecanta

no, you're right tom she doesn't say she saw si repeat isle...

i must have read it wrong or something :roll:


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#31 Isla de Encanta repeated
September 07, 2004, 11:55:08 am
fingers, bear in you can't class any witness as credible until you know who that person is, know something about them, then they become credible. afterall a user XXXX on YYYY forum is as anonymous as the next man.


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#32 Isla de Encanta repeated
September 07, 2004, 12:02:23 pm
Oh no, not again ffs  :roll:

Some people don't believe Si O's claims, some do, or at least want to.

There's no "proof" because nobody was present to video the ascents.  So, either you take the man on his word or you don't. Most don't which isn't suprising because he's claiming ascents at the very top levels of world bouldering.

This is never going to be resolved by discussing it on here and this is about the 5th topic on this's getting boring.

If Si wants to prove he did something to those who doubt him then he's going to have to come up with the video footage. If he's not arsed, then the doubters will carry on doubting, and that's the way it will stay.

End of story. There's no solution. So please all stop going on about it.

Fingers of a Martyr

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#33 Isla de Encanta repeated
September 07, 2004, 12:04:36 pm
let me put this to u dave.

u no as well as i do climbing isn't a big commercial sport, its top athletes aren't making a lot of money, they climb for the love of it and the satisfaction it brings. not for money or publicity.

do u really think si'o connor set up at least 2 other accounts, bothered to find a picture of a woman and put it on as the avatar for ukb and then used these profiles to give his 4 year old ascent of isle de canta credibility?

if u do then... well... i don't know what to say.

do u really think that mr connor is a delusional crackpot with multiple personalitie's online? he ain't gettin shit from his claims. no money, no free shit. fo fucks sake he isn't even sponsored by anyone. (sorry si if u r).

the only possible pleasure he's getting from this is he's sitting laughing as i type this up and u reply, that he's laughing at all the controversy there is about him, and all the lines people have typed about him.

and lets say for arguements sake he is... well the jokes on him then. and u can content yourself with this. si's a lunatic on skye and you're not.

anyway i'm not writing another line about this subject.

sorry bubba i was typin this at the same time u were typin yours.


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#34 Isla de Encanta repeated
September 07, 2004, 12:09:59 pm
Quote from: "Fingers of a Martyr"
u no as well as i do climbing isn't a big commercial sport, its top athletes aren't making a lot of money, they climb for the love of it and the satisfaction it brings. not for money or publicity.

I'll just add to my list of character traits for human beings "no-one lies unless its for money" and "no-one does anything for publicity". Cheers for pointing that out. I could have looked a right idiot there.

Quote from: "Fingers of a Martyr"

do u really think si'o connor set up at least 2 other accounts, bothered to find a picture of a woman and put it on as the avatar for ukb and then used these profiles to give his 4 year old ascent of isle de canta credibility?

Ah you're right, its totally impossible. What was i thinking?

Fingers of a Martyr

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#35 Isla de Encanta repeated
September 07, 2004, 12:12:47 pm
nice one dave since u've obviously got all the answers why is si'o connor doing this?


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#36 Isla de Encanta repeated
September 07, 2004, 12:18:34 pm
people do thing for a lot of reasons other than money. I don't post on here for money, you don't go climbing for money. That guy didn't shoot Lennon for money, nelson mandella didn't bring down apartied for money. the human race is a diverse one, use your imagination.

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#37 Isla de Encanta repeated
September 07, 2004, 12:21:15 pm
no, i posted up viable reasons why he's doin it?
a)he ain't lyin
b) he's of his trolley and laffin at us all

i want to know why u think he's doing it.
ur obviously completly happy to make personal comments on the man's achievements so why not comment on what u think he's gaining out of all this if he is lyin?


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#38 Isla de Encanta repeated
September 07, 2004, 12:23:35 pm
P.S. I'm not saying what Si has or hasn't done, nor have i any vested interest in proving either way (i.e. he's never clamed anything at my local crags etc) other than a general respect for honesty etc., I'm just saying you can't rule things out just cos you deem them a bit unlikley, cos a lot of unlikley things happen all the time.

belive me i'd love to be sure that the UK now had three 8cs. That would be amazing.

Fingers of a Martyr

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#39 Isla de Encanta repeated
September 07, 2004, 12:28:07 pm
hang on a sec dave. ur not bothered about proving what he has or hasn't done? why do feel the need to make belittling comments about him then? so you're prepared to slag him off even though u don't really actually care about proving him wrong? that makes it worse in my opinion.

once again u refuse to answer my points. i can't see any other reason why si is claiming these problems othere than the ones i've listed so why won't u enlighten me on why u think he's doing it?


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#40 Isla de Encanta repeated
September 07, 2004, 12:28:09 pm
Quote from: "dave"
belive me i'd love to be sure that the UK now had three 8cs. That would be amazing.

Is it not 4?
Walk away SS, Il Pirata, Extradition, HyperBallad, (and maybe special roped guest apperance of Violent New Breed?).


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#41 Isla de Encanta repeated
September 07, 2004, 12:28:35 pm
Quote from: "Fingers of a Martyr"
so why not comment on what u think he's gaining out of all this if he is lyin?

not sure how many times i need to state that theres a whole range of motivations for human beings to do stuff. Obviously i've not stated it enough. :roll:

Fingers of a Martyr

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#42 Isla de Encanta repeated
September 07, 2004, 12:29:25 pm
how many times do i have to ask that i want your personal opinion on his motivation? because if u haven't got one then once again why slag him off?


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#43 Isla de Encanta repeated
September 07, 2004, 12:30:20 pm
Quote from: "Fingers of a Martyr"
once again u refuse to answer my points. i can't see any other reason why si is claiming these problems othere than the ones i've listed so why won't u enlighten me on why u think he's doing it?

no, as it say above (move your eyes up 2 inches) i've answered your point several times over. open your eyes.

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#44 Isla de Encanta repeated
September 07, 2004, 12:33:01 pm
not sure how many times i need to state that theres a whole range of motivations for human beings to do stuff.

well if thats your answer dave then i'm sorry but its pretty pathetic.

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#45 Isla de Encanta repeated
September 07, 2004, 12:34:35 pm
'si has a range of motivations for lying about his 8c claims but i won't lay any specifics down, i'll just rip the shit out of him avery time his name pops up' sounds like a good way to deal with things in my opinion.


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#46 Isla de Encanta repeated
September 07, 2004, 12:39:08 pm
Quote from: "Fingers of a Martyr"
how many times do i have to ask that i want your personal opinion on his motivation? because if u haven't got one then once again why slag him off?

for crying out load, there can be all manner of reasons for someone to lie, and if Si is lieing than they can be applied here. I'm sorry for creding you with the common sense to be able to see these for yourself, as it seems to have caused you some distress. (IF si is lying and IF his motivation is listed here then i can't pin it down as i'm not a mindreader.).

I'm sorry if my telepathic skills are a little under par today.

Fingers of a Martyr

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#47 Isla de Encanta repeated
September 07, 2004, 12:44:30 pm
i'm not asking u to read minds just to back up your opinions of the man. perhaps u don't realise but as u so candidly pointed out to me in the conspiracy thread my opinions on the black gun crime thing were ignorant and probably making it worse. i accepted your comment and apologised for being a bit of knob basically.
did u ever to stop to think that all your slagging off of si wasn't helpin the situation and just making it worse?


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#48 Isla de Encanta repeated
September 07, 2004, 12:46:51 pm

Fingers of a Martyr

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#49 Isla de Encanta repeated
September 07, 2004, 12:50:39 pm
that's right dave instead of discussing the matter, just be clever and sarcy. nice one dave :worthy: , nice one.


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