the shizzle > shootin' the shit

U-S-A! The American Politics Thread.

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In case anyone hasn't heard the 'You've Been Trumped Too' documentary is available to watch on facebook here: -

There's a 15 minutes interview with the director at the beginning. The film itself starts around 18 mins.


andy popp:
I have a ringside seat at this election and it is very, very ugly. Everyone here is on edge and I think people are fearful about both what might happen on Tuesday itself and in the aftermath, whatever the result. I can't wait for it to be over (not that it will be over).

They've just announced the FBI's retraction of allegations against HRC, here, this Sunday evening. Pretty scary that they seem to be doing Trumps bidding. He has his Gestapo all ready and Comey is playing Himmler.
Anschluss of Canada by 2018?

"Sound of music" this is not.

Mind you, here we have:

So the right is rising across the Western world.

Melodramatic? Possibly, but if I'd written the same things in 1935/36ish, you'd have said the same.


That photo contrasts a 1933(ish) headline in Hitlers pet paper, a Daily Fail piece from the same period and last weeks headlines.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


--- Quote from: Oldmanmatt on November 06, 2016, 10:20:50 pm ---They've just announced the FBI's retraction of allegations against HRC, here, this Sunday evening. Pretty scary that they seem to be doing Trumps bidding. He has his Gestapo all ready and Comey is playing Himmler.

--- End quote ---

And lets not forget in the week while that "scandal" was live a lot of the early voting was going on.

Bookies are still giving it to H-dawg comfortably.


--- Quote from: dave on November 07, 2016, 07:32:00 am ---Bookies are still giving it to H-dawg comfortably.

--- End quote ---

I may be being excessively paranoid but don't forget the bookies all called Brexit (and to a certain extent the UK General Election 2016) wrong as well.

Trump still available in and around 4/1 if you're looking for an emotional hedge bet.


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