Climb Britain (Read 63987 times)


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#125 Re: Climb Britain
August 24, 2016, 10:40:12 am
Ok I see your points though if actual hill climbers/walkers prefer it to the status quo then I am inclined to vote in favour of the rebrand but open to what is said at the Area Meet on both sides

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#126 Re: Climb Britain
August 24, 2016, 10:44:55 am
My face book is full of people requesting sponsorship for climbing Snowdon, Ben Nevis etc, climbing the 3 peaks but they seem to all walk up them.


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#127 Re: Climb Britain
August 24, 2016, 10:45:18 am
Who knows what HSBC stood for
Hairy Scary Black Canary  :)

I'm afraid some hill walkers do use the word climb. Just because Dave never heard it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

Perhaps they'd buy a t-shirt like this.

or they'd use a website like this to find out which routes climb Snowden.
"There are 7 main routes to climb to the summit of Snowdon. They are represented in the map below. Please click on a route below for a more detailed route description"


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#128 Re: Climb Britain
August 24, 2016, 10:47:39 am

Maybe as a direct consequence of living in a hillier country than you,  I'd say 50% of people i meet when they first discover I'm a climber ask how many of the munros I've  done. Nowadays,  I'm assuming because I'm older they ask if I've done them all.  Granted,  some people do understand what the word climb means,  so they ask how high I've climbed,  or if I've done many of the 5000m peaks.

Interesting. Thanks


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#129 Re: Climb Britain
August 24, 2016, 10:50:34 am
There you go again....

Ok I see your points though if actual hill climbers/walkers prefer it to the status quo then I am inclined to vote in favour of the rebrand but open to what is said at the Area Meet on both sides

why did you feel the need to put 'hill climbers' in your sentence.  In any other thread/discussion, you would have just put 'walkers'.

Imagine the 6pm news, what would they say... "Today, walkers and ramblers gathered at the historic plaque, near Hayfield to mark the anniversary of the Kinder Mass Trespass"   

They would just never use the phrase 'hill climbers' , its simply not part of common parlance.


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#130 Re: Climb Britain
August 24, 2016, 10:54:59 am
I actually wrote it without thinking then it amused me to leave it in and add "/climbers"

We get annoyed with news reports when they say climbers died in Snowdonia when they are walkers. If the public perception is that hill walking is interchangeable with climbing and part of the reason is to be more understandable to the non-climbing public then the rebrand makes sense


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#131 Re: Climb Britain
August 24, 2016, 11:07:38 am
So throw away the BMC existing strong brand to make it easier for lazy journos to write articles? Bonkers. First Brexit, then Mrs Browns Boys gets best sitcom, and now this.

Anyway does anyone want anything from the shops? I'm just nipping out for a climb up the road.

SA Chris

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#132 Re: Climb Britain
August 24, 2016, 11:09:02 am
Maybe as a direct consequence of living in a hillier country than you, 

That's a bit of a hillier than thou attitude surely?


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#133 Re: Climb Britain
August 24, 2016, 11:12:02 am
Anyway does anyone want anything from the shops? I'm just nipping out for a climb up the road.

Thats quite believable in Sheffield. In Hull - impossible.


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#134 Re: Climb Britain
August 24, 2016, 11:13:02 am
If this is supposed to be a 're-brand' then I think the powers that be have misunderstood what a brand is. A brand isn't a fancy logo and name. What defines a brand is what it does - in the case of the BMC, securing access (which the membership consistently says is the most important role of the organisation), providing it's membership with specialist insurance etc. The more I think about it, the more I think Climb Britain is not right. What has Climb Britain got to do with selling travel insurance for overseas ski touring, for example? Climb Britain would sound right if the organisation primarily represented the interests of competition climbers, but it doesn't. Access is not sexy and the BMC doesn't need to look cutting edge or modern in its branding.

I can see the attraction of free marketing consultation and a new logo/re-brand, but no-one understands an organisation better than those within it and you need to have the confidence to say "sorry guys, thanks but that's not quite right".


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#135 Re: Climb Britain
August 24, 2016, 11:25:14 am
I can see the attraction of free marketing consultation and a new logo/re-brand, but no-one understands an organisation better than those within it and you need to have the confidence to say "sorry guys, thanks but that's not quite right".

I was with you till this bit. Clearly Dave and Alex(The BMC Marketing Manager)  understand the organisation as do the various veteran volunteer representatives at the National Council who uncharacteristically gave it close to a standing ovation when Dave presented the consultants proposals at the National Council Meeting.It seems to me that any re-brand whether successful or otherwise is going to have to overcome inertia and resistance to change. If nothing else it is the first time in ages that it has got people talking about the BMC as opposed to the usuakl indifference so from that perspective already a partial success.   

The BMC in what it does wont change. Clearly there must be re-brands that are successful if the old one appears (at least to some) worn out or not communicative fully of the organisations work. As a Marketing guru can you help here in giving examples of quasi-public sector or charity rebrands that have been successful ie better representative of the organisation internally and externally rather than ones that have gone wrong (Consignia)?   


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#136 Re: Climb Britain
August 24, 2016, 11:31:54 am
The BMC in what it does wont change.

Hence why a rebrand is utterly pointless, it will gain the BMC nothing and lose them so much. And it makes it look like the top brass hold the members and public in complete contempt.

That's quite believable in Sheffield. In Hull - impossible.

Yeah that's true, I often see folk struggling with the gradients around here when they are out climbing the dog.

Also, what T_B said.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2016, 11:41:18 am by dave »


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#137 Re: Climb Britain
August 24, 2016, 02:13:12 pm
I can see the attraction of free marketing consultation and a new logo/re-brand, but no-one understands an organisation better than those within it and you need to have the confidence to say "sorry guys, thanks but that's not quite right".

Clearly Dave and Alex(The BMC Marketing Manager)  understand the organisation as do the various veteran volunteer representatives at the National Council who uncharacteristically gave it close to a standing ovation when Dave presented the consultants proposals at the National Council Meeting.

Well then I can only imagine they were being polite and got swept along with events, because it's clearly a bollocks-up of a re-brand.

I still don't understand why, if the word Climb is deemed so crucial for conveying who this organisation represents; and the organisation has the acronym 'BMC' with the 'C' currently standing for Council; and Council is felt to be an antiquated word... someone didn't think of utilising the existing strong brand The BMC and - you know - change the 'C' to stand for the word Climb instead of Council  :shrug:

And dropping the word The...

British Mountaineering & Climbing.

Or slight change of emphasis,

British Climbing & Mountaineering.

Keeping a strong existing brand while subtly re-branding to better represent all-members as per the rationale behind 'Climb Britain' - a weaker brand in most sane non-committee members' opinions.


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#138 Re: Climb Britain
August 24, 2016, 02:19:55 pm
I can see the attraction of free marketing consultation and a new logo/re-brand, but no-one understands an organisation better than those within it and you need to have the confidence to say "sorry guys, thanks but that's not quite right".

Clearly Dave and Alex(The BMC Marketing Manager)  understand the organisation as do the various veteran volunteer representatives at the National Council who uncharacteristically gave it close to a standing ovation when Dave presented the consultants proposals at the National Council Meeting.

Well then I can only imagine they were being polite and got swept along with events, because it's clearly a bollocks-up of a re-brand.

I still don't understand why, if the word Climb is deemed so crucial for conveying who this organisation represents; and the organisation has the acronym 'BMC' with the 'C' currently standing for Council; and Council is felt to be an antiquated word... someone didn't think of utilising the existing strong brand The BMC and - you know - change the 'C' to stand for the word Climb instead of Council  :shrug:

And dropping the word The...

British Mountaineering & Climbing.

Or slight change of emphasis,

British Climbing & Mountaineering.

Keeping a strong existing brand while subtly re-branding to better represent all-members as per the rationale behind 'Climb Britain' - a weaker brand in most sane non-committee members' opinions.

+ 1

James Malloch

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#139 Re: Climb Britain
August 24, 2016, 02:24:46 pm
Anyway does anyone want anything from the shops? I'm just nipping out for a climb up the road.


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#140 Re: Climb Britain
August 24, 2016, 03:12:35 pm
However, people do climb stairs too, so I am very concerned that this might be TOO inclusive and mean that people at work who decide to use the stairwell rather than the elevator may feel entitled to claim the same passtime as myself.

As long as they pay their subs does it matter?

I've never used the word mountaineering to describe what I do even when I have been mountaineering. I've often said that I've climbed a hill even when I just walked up it. I only ever see people described mountaineers on Twitter profiles were outdoor dilettantes are trying to promote themselves, you know "Adventurer, mountaineer, brand ambassador for Ethel Austin and first person to climb Mont Blanc with a flaming torch up my arse" type of thing.

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#141 Re: Climb Britain
August 24, 2016, 03:17:22 pm
If it had been up to me I would have gone with British Mountaineering and Climbing. It would have retained the current logo and much of the brand of being colloquially known as The BMC (which I think is strong and well liked). It would have been inclusive of all the things the BMC want to be involved with, and it would have udged the perceived function of the organisation towards its growing role in competition and indoor climbing by piggy-backing on the well-used formula adopted by British Cycling, British Swimming etc. Climb Britain sounds clumsy and doesn't make it clear that the organisation is there to represent or govern hillwalkers or climbers. Sounds like a charity event to me.

Jesus fuck, Pete! Look at that! We've agreed about something!  :o

Let's agree to forget about this and pretend it never happened.

SA Chris

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#142 Re: Climb Britain
August 24, 2016, 04:18:42 pm
first person to climb Mont Blanc with a flaming torch up my arse"

An impressive feat, well done!


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#143 Re: Climb Britain
August 24, 2016, 06:03:12 pm
I like Climb Britain.

However, people do climb stairs too, so I am very concerned that this might be TOO inclusive and mean that people at work who decide to use the stairwell rather than the elevator may feel entitled to claim the same passtime as myself.

I'm not a member - but I bet I live closer to their secretive HQ eyrie in Manchester than any of you :p So if they change their logo permanently, my eyes ywill be scarred every time I walk past to go to the co-op to pick up some Stella.

Yours confusedly from West Didsbury.

You just don't get it: most stairs are the indoor version of hill climbing. They started as quarried or otherwise constructed ways of being able to walk up slopes or walls (rather than walking round). Indoors they were mainly for the rich but they spread over time and for decades now access to indoor and outdoor stairs have been common all over the UK (even the world) and there is massive participation in climbing them. There is a clear market oportunity for Climb Stairs in the CB brand and maybe one day it might make the IOC list.

On a different matter this appeared next door (maybe UKB should complain):

Please visit the BMC website for a message from BMC president Rehan Siddiqui outlining the rebranding consultation process which will be conducted over the coming months.



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#144 Re: Climb Britain
August 24, 2016, 08:50:25 pm


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#145 Re: Climb Britain
August 25, 2016, 11:57:43 am
nobody says 'I climbed Win Hill the other day', they'd say, 'I went up Win Hill the other day' , We went up Snowdon, We went up Ben Nevis,

Objective: find out the relative popularity of the phrases "I climbed X" and "I went up X" in the field of hillwalking
Design: google search on these phrases for selected hills
Outcome Measure: number of hits
Results:  "I climbed Win Hill" - 3 hits; "I went up Win Hill" - 5 hits; "I climbed Ben Nevis" - 2280 hits; "I went up Ben Nevis" - 3240 hits
Conclusion: I have far too much time on my fucking hands...


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#146 Re: Climb Britain
August 25, 2016, 12:04:00 pm

Similarly - I googled "Hill Climbers" and "hill walkers"

hill climbers seemed to give results to do with razzing cars and bikes up steep hills etc or abs workouts, whereas "hill walkers" obviously returned what you'd expect, loads of rambling/walking type stuff.


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#147 Re: Climb Britain
August 25, 2016, 12:33:36 pm
Drop it guys, did you read Shark's post? The rebrand got a DAMN NEAR STANDING OVATION at a meeting. There's no way we can counter reasoning as robust as that with something as flimsy as, say, facts.


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#149 Re: Climb Britain
August 25, 2016, 01:07:56 pm


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