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Many people who don't use UKB because of its culture - why, and how to fix??

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Interesting one :-\
Not sure that focusing on anonymity is the key to highlighting/fixing {if you feel UKB is broken} things.

I certainly do Not post as much as i used to, finding UKB to a bit.....erm Judgey?

Perhaps we could be more generous with our comments, remembering that {Bots aside} we are all human.

I always found Aiden to be a nice lad, fairly thoughtful in what he does.

Recently watched Adam's repeat of Bon Voyage and was saddened {mentioned in another thread} by James Pearsons very real hang-up on a mistake he made some 15 years previous. Maybe if we all had waited and let the dust settle at the time, Dave could have had a simple conversation face to face with him, allowing the younger man room to rethink/readjust and move on without the pain of mob rule.

Anyway that's all, carry on :)


--- Quote from: scragrock on April 11, 2024, 06:43:27 am ---
Recently watched Adam's repeat of Bon Voyage and was saddened {mentioned in another thread} by James Pearsons very real hang-up on a mistake he made some 15 years previous. Maybe if we all had waited and let the dust settle at the time, Dave could have had a simple conversation face to face with him, allowing the younger man room to rethink/readjust and move on without the pain of mob rule.

--- End quote ---

Complete agreement on this, but I think it’s a function of the sense of remove from the impact of your speech on the internet, not this forum per se. And offensive comments people would bottle to say to your face? Behind a keyboard, not a moniker, is the reason imo


I know a fair number of the old guard that quite possibly lurk  a little still, and their reasons for not posting etc are not a product of any change on the UKb side, just more that they have for one reason or another, much less time on their hand than they used to.  Increased job responsibility, kids, etc etc.  Along with a general desire to wean themselves away from what can amount to inorndinate amounts of time online, arguing the toss over something essentially trivial, albeit often funny in UKb's case.

I do not understand why people use google-able nicks on forums.

Any human can figure out who I am, if they want  to (or just ask me if not). But reversely I certainly don't want my nicks on socials to be easily googleable.

This is not hard to understand.

(And nicks don't change much what people are willing to commit to text. The worst flame-war I've seen on a forum chiefly involved two friends with opposite view-points who lived on different floors in the same apartement building.)


--- Quote from: jwi on April 11, 2024, 08:50:37 am ---I do not understand why people use google-able nicks on forums.
Any human can figure out who I am, if they want  to (or just ask me if not). But reversely I certainly don't want my nicks on socials to be easily googleable.
This is not hard to understand.
(And nicks don't change much what people are willing to commit to text. The worst flame-war I've seen on a forum chiefly involved two friends with opposite view-points who lived on different floors in the same apartement building.)

--- End quote ---
I agree with you to some extent, but I do think being transparent and public causes many people to stop and think -is this really a statement I want to be associated with? -and if not ought I really to be making it?

Probably not relevant here, but I think if there is some issue regarding public policy or whatever, then having real people publicly putting forward a viewpoint, makes that viewpoint a lot more compelling -to me anyway. I realise it's not a universal privilege to be able to safely do that though.

Regarding Google-able social media presence, before I had any social media accounts, I was emailed by someone I knew through work who lives in California. He congratulated me on getting up a climb. I was baffled. He sent me a link to an affectionate piss-take someone had written on UKC. It had my full name (I'm probably the only person with that name).

What struck me is that the author evidently was aware that Google-ability was an issue since the author had himself used a nom-de-plume. I was initially a bit spooked because his nom-de-plume seemed like an actual name but not someone I knew of. I thought there was someone out there who knew all about me who I hadn't a clue about. Over a decade later, that piss-take is still there, so I have no hope of hiding what I'm really like (not that I could realistically anyway :) ).


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