the shizzle > MoonBoard

Moonboard - climbing by numbers or rather LED lights

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--- Quote from: tim palmer on April 05, 2016, 10:17:54 am ---It seems like quite a nice idea but seems to require someone having made the board to the exact moon board spec with all three sets of moon board holds?

Plus it isn't exactly a cheap bit of kit for a home board.

Presumably the moon board thing also means you can exclusively use moon holds?

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you need to build a 40 degree board. You need at least one set of the moon holds.

I wouldn't go for this because it's a bit overkill. But I understand there is a growing community of people/climbing walls who have built moon boards and contribute to the online database of problems. Ben's a business man, he obviously thinks he'll be able to sell a few, perhaps climbing walls is his target market.

tim palmer:

--- Quote from: highrepute on April 05, 2016, 12:26:18 pm ---
you need to build a 40 degree board. You need at least one set of the moon holds.

I wouldn't go for this because it's a bit overkill. But I understand there is a growing community of people/climbing walls who have built moon boards and contribute to the online database of problems. Ben's a business man, he obviously thinks he'll be able to sell a few, perhaps climbing walls is his target market.

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Yeah I was a bit confused about the 1000 problems thing as there is only 150 problems on the moon board website (which you need all three sets of holds to do).  Are these just pre-programmed problems?

Will Hunt:
There are various standard placements for each set of holds and then people have made various problems based on those. Each hold has a "North arrow" on it so if you've built a to-spec Moon Board you can orientate the holds according to the standard placement quite accurately. Some of the problems in the database will use holds from one, two, or all three of the individual sets of holds.
I have a 40 degree board (shorter than a real Moon Board) so bought the moon holds as they were designed for that angle. My problem with the concept is that it uses a feet-follow-hands format. Obviously no right thinking person would actually do this so I use screw ons for feet. Even if I had the space to build a Moon board (I can see a huge benefit of sharing psyche and problems with lots and lots of people) I would be reluctant to use it in the way intended purely because of the feet-follow-hands issue.

I think boards work best when there is a regular scene of people using them. You need other people to set different problems to generate the element of competition and psyche. It keeps things interesting. This is where the Moon Board comes in

SA Chris:

--- Quote from: Will Hunt on April 05, 2016, 01:16:14 pm ---My problem with the concept is that it uses a feet-follow-hands format. Obviously no right thinking person would actually do this so I use screw ons for feet.

--- End quote ---

Why not. Using hands for feet is good for training. Using screw ons only is also good for training.

Will Hunt:
So you don't get nasty horrible boot rubber on the precious expensive holds.


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