technical > photography

Converting old slides

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Mike Tyson:
Evening all.

It's my dad's 70th this year, and as a present I'd love to get a bunch of his old slides converted to digital format. Him and pal hopped on their motorbikes, and rode overland from Keswick to Australia in 1969. The slides are therefore very old, and have a priceless sentimental value, so I don't fancy doing it myself and wondered if anyone had any experience of companies who may offer the service I'm after?

Have googled and seen a few out there, but figured this kind of thing could have been encountered by some UKB members perhaps.

I'd have a word with someone like Peak Imaging.

Are you worried about damaging them?

I have scanned loads of my grandparents slided from the 50/60s and it has not harmed them. Just gently blow and brush the dust away and hold them by the card frames.
Got to have a scanner and the software to correct the faded images though.

Johnny Brown:
Peak imaging are pricey and not amazing, for small numbers of high quality scans I'd look at an independent drum scanner operator like me or Tim Parkin. are supposed to be good and much, much cheaper for large numbers.

The main risk with either is losing them in the post.

Johnny has done some very good scans for us, including for the cover of this from a 35mm.

We've used Peak plenty too. They're 'fine', but no better. Professional service, consumer-level scanning. We've tended to send them slides that are especially dirty or dusty - especially old card-mounted chromes. Not used them for a bit, I'll probably send the next lot somewhere else. Always send using Special Delivery (or equivalent) and pay for the same return service.


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