technical > POI files


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--- Quote from: Obi-Wan is lost... on January 20, 2016, 03:18:41 pm ---Looking good so far, a few suggestions:

- Where is it going? Any plans to embed it into a page in UKB?
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No plans really, I wanted to switch the embedded map on to OpenStreetMap after seeing Gary Gibsons maps on (although I can't find them there now!).

As I had all the POIs from this sub-forum lying around in GPX format it wasn't much more to convert them and include them too.

Slow day at work so I've just started building a list of other sites that map climbing venues to add into this (there is now a ToDo list where I'm going to collate links to sites with more data, not currently correctly formatted in HTML rendering yet though but theres one for Spain and one for a few of the areas in the South of France).

--- Quote from: Obi-Wan is lost... on January 20, 2016, 03:18:41 pm ---- Is a search box possible in geoJSON? Search for venue name or rock type?

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I don't think so, its a specialised form of JSON so as such the underlying file is just data that is then overlaid on a map which is embedded in a page.  It might be possible to create a web-page that filters the data to restrict what is actually displayed though but doing that is low on my priority list.  I've got to finish of my cams website first but haven't done much on that yet, too many ideas and too little time to work on them around work, climbing and other life obligations :).

--- Quote from: Obi-Wan is lost... on January 20, 2016, 03:18:41 pm ---- Include rock type in info box?
- A link in info window to driving directions (Google Maps?)
- Colour code markers for rock type or style of venue etc
- Change marker type (if possible) for artificial boulders/indoor walls etc

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These are probably all do-able, however a big challenge for rock type and subsequent colour coding is knowing what rock it is.  I can get broad ideas for areas I know but have little time to sit and enter everything by hand.  I've basically done the bare minimum taking data others have spent time collating and converting its format.

--- Quote from: Obi-Wan is lost... on January 20, 2016, 03:18:41 pm ---- Make URLs in info boxes clickable

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Yes, that was my thinking to including links to local guide books/online sites.  Only discovered the GeoJSON format two days ago and haven't understood it fully nor delved into how it is rendered on/by GitHub, just figured I'd get things started (so I might one day finish something off).

--- Quote from: Obi-Wan is lost... on January 20, 2016, 03:18:41 pm ---- Include indoor walls? With different colour/marker style

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I thought I'd already included the indoor walls that Jim created POIs for but it appears not.  Low hanging fruit but won't include newer walls that have opened since.

--- Quote from: Obi-Wan is lost... on January 20, 2016, 03:18:41 pm ---- Nothing yet in SW or South Wales?

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I've no POI nor GPX for these and haven't created anything myself.

--- Quote from: Obi-Wan is lost... on January 20, 2016, 03:18:41 pm ---- You should be able to use a batch convert tool to get the OS grid references eg

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Yeah, the Ireland/Northern Ireland version has a link to do this conversion, I've just not done it yet.

Since its on GitHub absolutely anyone can contribute towards any of these if they've the time and inclination to do so. :geek: :jab:


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