technical > photography

First DSLR...

<< < (10/10)


--- Quote from: Johnny Brown on November 25, 2020, 09:49:57 am ---This. The camera companies have been absolutely asleep at the wheel on this, I haven't seen a camera yet where it is well implemented. My wife periodically wants to borrow a 'proper camera' only to start an argument when she can't get it off the thing. Now that Instagram is the prime image-sharing platform things are even worse - it only accepts uploads from a phone. So even if you shoot RAW and use Lightroom etc you're still left having to get the jpeg back to your phone where Insta tells you 'could not load photo'. Fuck em.

--- End quote ---

I shoot in "RAW and JPEG" mode on my X-T1 then wirelessly transfer the jpegs to my phone. They can then be added to social media. The app is a bit clunky but it still only takes a couple of mins. I'd assumed other manufacturers had better apps?

Even just the jpegs pulled across are better than my iPhone 11 photos imho, especially, as noted above, if I have used a shallow depth of field. The main advantage of my phone is that it's always there.

Johnny Brown:
Yeah I think that's the case with any camera <5 years old, but none I've seen are user friendly to the extent that the average teenage instagrammer looking to upgrade is likely to embrace them.


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