are some people more injury resistant than others? (Read 25359 times)

a dense loner

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hear, hear :clap:


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if the recomended average intake for a male is summert like 2500cals then assuming you are more actve than average the if you're eating 1000cals then you don't have to be laplacce to do the maths on that one.

thing is, where is there weight loss coming from? fat? you don't sound very fat. if like people starting the atkins diet the loss is coming from water loss then its a bollocks weightloss and is only to your detriment.

if you're getting hunger pains then thats your body's way of telling you summert is wrong.


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Low calorie diets have not been tested on individuals undergoing athletic training, so I'd be careful.

You probably feel better because of all the shite that you're no longer feeding your body. Food is the main factor in most people feeling crap. For instance if you drink one can of pop a day you're instantly consuming several tablespoons of refined sugar, numerous synthetic chemicals, and blocking your digestive system with gas.

Eat properly (i.e. fruit, grains etc.), little and often throughout the day and you can't go wrong. Come on, we all get taught it at school!

P.S. Dense, I've always been your hero and you know it.


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Jeezus Blondie - why post up asking for advice and then just ignore everything everyone tells you? There's a lot of people know what they're on about on this forum.

Anyway, I'm sure you'll feel stronger today at the Bowderstone but let's see where you're at if you keep 1000 cals up for a few more weeks  :roll:

SA Chris

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Seriously Blondie, I would be bloody careful with dieting and overtraining.  You are 16 and in the middle of some major physiological changes. These could lead to serious injuries and health problems later in life.

Stick to a balanced diet and plenty of rest. Also do some aerobic stuff, to develop the rest of your body as well.

I'm probably not going to be around on this site in 10 years time to say "told you so prat" and would take no pleasure in doing so anyway.

I know you are young, dumb and full of cum (to coin the old phrase) and think we are a bunch of know it all old gits, but i dont want to think of the total combined years of experience of all this crap ( probably goes well into the hundreds!)

Look after yourself lad.


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yup and maybe you're getting better at locking, because you've been training them for a few weeks and thats how long it'll take to notice improvements!?


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Even exponents of dieting to climb harder do not recommend hard dieting at the same time as hard training. You either do one or t'other.


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blondie;  I weight about 11.5 stone.  I can do one armers without a problem, and I am also currently dieting.  However, This is because I know I could weigh 11 stone and be 100% healthy as I am now.  It's just I eat a lot of shit, so I have this thin layer of fat that I can lose.  I wouldn't really want to go under 11st because for my height (5'10") and build I reckon that is adequate.  I am just watching what I eat now, less fats, no chocolate/refined sugars, and trying to cut out tea and coffee.  I definitely think 1000 calories is way way too low.  You are not giving your body enough energy to do all the things you are doing.  

What's important to remember is that everybody has a body shape that's right for them (in a climbing sense).  You can't compare Dave Graham to Malc or Klem.  Each person has their own build type.  If you are small and are destined to stay skinny then that's fine, but don't force yourself to stay there.  Big muscles are not bad and inevitably mean you can pull hard.  Just find the right weight for yourseld.  Also, being 16 you are still growing and shit, so don't fuck your body up at that point in your life.  I didn't start climbing until I was 19 and by then I had already taken on my intended body shape, all climbing did was bulk me up a bit.  

So, listen to the advice from all the old timers on here because they are the ones who've been in it since way back... when I was just running around in nappies!  And definitely don't try to get too strong too quickly, because this WILL lead to injury (no matter how injury resistant you think you are).  

Take it easy (and have a mars bar on me!)

Fingers of a Martyr

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fuck me guys. really appreciate the concern but chill, if i start to feel ill believe me i'll stop. right to put your minds at rest heres wot i'm eating today.

breakfast 11am - 2 small slices of white toast with flora, 1 yoghurt
snack 2pm - bowl of fruit - 1 apple, 1 orange and some cherries
6pm - bowl of vegetables - carrots, peas, sweetcorn and peppers

breakfast 11am - 1 yoghurt
tea 5pm - two chicken breasts, lots of vegetables, oven chips

day before yesterday
breakfast - a bowl of cereal (no milk)
snack - an apple
tea -  a toasted bagel

plus as much water as i want a minimum of 3 pints a day and one glass of irn bru :oops: . i love that shit.

i cud go on as i keep a diary but won't bore u guys.

Jeezus Blondie - why post up asking for advice and then just ignore everything everyone tells you? There's a lot of people know what they're on about on this forum.

chill bubba, i am heeding the advice. no more than 2 sessions of locks a week from now on :8)
i am fairly built but feel i could weigh less.
i haven't touched chocolate for 2 weeks now. don't even miss it that much to tell the truth.

Fingers of a Martyr

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ps i've been training locks for about 6 months now but still can't hold 120's with 1 arm. believe me the last thing i want is to get injured, have a drop in performance or get ill and at the first signs of any of them i'll stop BUT at the moment i feel fine and we'll see if i can keep it up for anohter 2 weeks.
everyone i've talked to about this has basically sed what you're saying. but on the other hand everyone sed i shouldn't be bouldering 6 times a week a year ago and guess who's improved the most out of me or them?


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stick to that and you'll end up with need a shed load more protein given your age and the training your doing. stop eating chips if you wanna lose weight.
kids eh :lol:

Fingers of a Martyr

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stop eating chips if you wanna lose weight

it wos the first portion i'd had in two weeks. :x


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Quote from: "blondie"
and guess who's improved the most out of me or them?

But isn't it about maximising your potential? You may have improved a lot, but think outside of the box - perhaps if you trained and ate differently you would have improved much more by now?

And oven-chips are ok I reckon...


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Quote from: "blondie"

day before yesterday
breakfast - a bowl of cereal (no milk)
snack - an apple
tea -  a toasted bagel

all that lot together would be about an sufficient breakfast. i bet if you were eating like that in the wintertime you would be constantly cold and lethergic. i mean fuck, most POWs in japan ate more than that. as someone said, theres no protein and almost no carbs there. as soon as any fat in yo body goes then you'll be eating muscle - best for you body to be eating the muscle of a dead animal rather than your own i recon.


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Quote from: "Bubba"
And oven-chips are ok I reckon...

yeah, thy may be processed but they're not dripping in fat.


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Quote from: "blondie"

breakfast 11am - 2 small slices of white toast with flora, 1 yoghurt
snack 2pm - bowl of fruit - 1 apple, 1 orange and some cherries
6pm - bowl of vegetables - carrots, peas, sweetcorn and peppers

breakfast 11am - 1 yoghurt
tea 5pm - two chicken breasts, lots of vegetables, oven chips

day before yesterday
breakfast - a bowl of cereal (no milk)
snack - an apple
tea -  a toasted bagel

hmmmm, no beef eh?

you say that's the food for 3 days. that could be combined into one meal as far as i can see. i bet dave has more than that in a ciabatta

SA Chris

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Ok, once more then I'm giving up.

Blondie, you may feel fine now, but I am once more saying the words LONG TERM HEALTH PROBLEMS. Diabetes, Anemia, Gout (A friend of mine got it while dieting and couldnt walk for a week), Liver Problems etc.

Live long and prosper mate.


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i've just done your height,weight on  the body mass indicator,which scores you at 21.this is 1 point off  being underweight for your height.1500 cals a day is considered low enough to lose weight and thats for inactive males.
you also need to get more balanced diet,20% fat,25% protein,55% carbs is a rough guide regardless of calories.

Fingers of a Martyr

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i mean fuck, most POWs in japan ate more than that.

believe me they didn't my dad used to play tennis with a former pow and that wud probably be two or three days worth of food when it was really bad.

but seriously the bottom line is i feel fine and protein isn't a requirement for muscle maintenance only for muscle growth and repairing damage. most westerners eat far too much meat than is necessary for a healthy diet. protein should only make up about 15-20% of your dietary intake. or so i got told in food tech last year :? i actually thought i was eating quite a lot of food but evidently not.


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Quote from: "cofe"

hmmmm, no beef eh?

you say that's the food for 3 days. that could be combined into one meal as far as i can see. i bet dave has more than that in a ciabatta

more worrying is theres no brocolli in there

i've have quadruple that every time i go to an all-you-can-eat chinky.


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but seriously the bottom line is i feel fine and protein isn't a requirement for muscle maintenance only for muscle growth and repairing damage.

 Is repairing damage not the same as maintenance :? . What do you think happens when you train muscle if not damage and repair??


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i felt fine dieting,training like shit but hell i enjoyed my 8 years of cycling when i was too fucked to climb. :cry:


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Aye, Bon Jovi is right - like I said before, your muscles get stronger by breaking down and then reassembling themselves. Training = damage! Which needs to be repaired.

Fingers of a Martyr

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by maintenance i ment restoring the supplies of glycogen and making sure they have energy to perform not so much rebulding the muscle.


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I dunno if anyone else has mentioned it, but thats a hell of a lot of pulling you're doing with what appears to be no pushing.

Its not so bad if you're out on the rock all the time because you're using a larger variety of muscles, but you really should counteract that amount of hanging/locking with some antagonist work. At least one session a week.

Otherwise you'll end up with serious imbalances (forearms/triceps etc) and these are often the cause of injuries. Protect yourself now.


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