Unknown Stones (Read 26540 times)


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#25 Carncliff Top and Upper Earl’s Seat
July 20, 2015, 07:00:51 pm
Carncliff Top and Upper Earl’s Seat
20 July 2015, 4:50 pm

An updated guide to this summer spot. Great for a bit of shade and some quick hits.

Note the Project Alert at Earl SeaIMG_20150715_135038247_HDRt Main Crag for the strong and brave among you!!

Source: Unknown Stones


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#26 Two new areas near Air Scar.
July 21, 2015, 01:00:54 pm
Two new areas near Air Scar.
21 July 2015, 8:56 am

Two newly recorded areas near Air Scar (see page 382 of Vol.1, YMC, 2012).


Air Scar Upper is above the main crag – there is more to discover here.  Rowan Tree Crag is a lone boulder which has been used as a boundary stone on the plateau south of the main areas.


Source: Unknown Stones


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Some extra problems at the mighty Baildon Bank.
21 July 2015, 9:28 am

Entering this quarry transports you away from a hub of the industrial revolution and feels like real wild bouldering.

Approach as for Baildon Bank – see the YMC guides. The boulder is the lower quarry below the great soaring lines such as Anne of Cleaves.  The Pipe Boulder is the obvious block on the left (looking in) – it had a metal pipe under it.

Five good problems which combine well with the other quality offerings at Baildon Bank.



John Hunt on Fresh Prince of Bail Aire   6b (Photo by Dave Musgrove).

Source: Unknown Stones


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#28 Lanshaw Rocks (Grub Stones)
July 21, 2015, 01:00:55 pm
Lanshaw Rocks (Grub Stones)
21 July 2015, 9:54 am

A circuit of mostly easier problems on clean rock with good landings.  Set on a lovely spot high on the beautiful Ilkley Moor.  There are numerous possible approaches and the crag combines well with a walk on the Moor.


Above: “The Devil” – one of the carvings to be found on the rocks.  There are other mythic creatures to find at the crag.

Source: Unknown Stones


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Full details for Panorama Rocks, Ilkley.
21 July 2015, 10:53 am

This venue was mentioned in the latest YMC guide; the full topo is now online.

Source: Unknown Stones

Will Hunt

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#30 Re: Unknown Stones
July 21, 2015, 06:37:12 pm
I can only surmise that the summer holidays have begun and that John has figured out how to use WordPress!


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Trundle Stones – a nice kids’ circuit near Ilkley.
21 July 2015, 10:33 pm

A really nice kids’ circuit on the flanks of Beamsley Beacon.


Source: Unknown Stones


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#32 Re: Unknown Stones
July 22, 2015, 08:40:06 am
Why do none of the blog posts actually provide a link to the relevant page?

Will Hunt

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#33 Re: Unknown Stones
July 22, 2015, 12:29:46 pm
Because that would make it too easy and we are utterly incompetent interneters.


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White Wells Pinnacle – a boulder with its own tearoom and bathhouse!
22 July 2015, 9:09 am

A nice little boulder near the popular White Wells bathhouse and tearoom on Ilkley Moor.

Ideal for family walks; you can even get an all-terrain buggy up there.  There is some good easier stuff for small kids nearby.

This guide is an updated version of the 2007 topo that appeared on


Source: Unknown Stones


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#35 The three Burley crags are online.
July 22, 2015, 07:00:39 pm
The three Burley crags are online.
22 July 2015, 4:41 pm

Burley Crags

Three crags high on Burley Moor (the Burley Woodhead/Burley-in-Wharfedale section of the mighty Rombold’s Moor):  Coldstone Beck Crag, Stead Crag East and Stead Crag West.

Paul Farish recalls climbing here in the 1970s or ’80s – John Syrett has also been linked to these crags.

Mostly bouldering but a few brave routes thrown in.

Source: Unknown Stones


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Woofa Bank added to the Burley Crags page.
27 July 2015, 11:43 am

Woofa Bank


Paul Clarke on Grand Flake.

One excellent boulder, amidst heaps of little ones, on the skyline above the Stead Crags.

Good for a quick hit in its own right; this would combine well with the other Burley Moor Crags or could be combined with a wider circuit also taking in Lanshaw Rocks (Grub Stones).

Source: Unknown Stones


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#37 Thruscross Beach
July 29, 2015, 07:00:38 pm
Thruscross Beach
29 July 2015, 6:33 pm

Not deep-water soloing but you do get to climb beside the reservoir.  This has to rank as a pretty unique experience for Yorkshire.

Thruscross Beach

Thruscross was a major find showcased in the original Wild Bouldering – this little boulder doesn’t really compare but the setting qualifies it as really wild.  This bloc only reveals its true extent when the reservoir water is very low.

Please note the usual warnings about fatally cold reservoir water apply.  Be careful and have fun.

Source: Unknown Stones


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#38 Hoodstorth
July 30, 2015, 01:00:53 am
29 July 2015, 7:07 pm

A new problem added to this steady circuit by the Norvills.

Source: Unknown Stones


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#39 Lords Seat and White Crag additions
August 20, 2015, 07:00:23 pm
Lords Seat and White Crag additions
20 August 2015, 2:50 pm

Some good additions from Dave Musgrove & Co especially at Lords Seat. Dave says they are well worth the walk and at amenable grades.

Source: Unknown Stones


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#40 Dale Head Rocks
August 20, 2015, 07:00:24 pm
Dale Head Rocks
20 August 2015, 3:43 pm

Worth checking out if you like your problems less than overhanging and high. This area has been climbed on for years but now documented.

Source: Unknown Stones


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#41 High Crag (Stump Cross)
August 31, 2015, 07:00:39 pm
High Crag (Stump Cross)
31 August 2015, 6:20 pm

Some great looking additions from Kim and Will Buck.  We will add a mini-topo in due course but to be going on with Kim reports: “The crag was really well covered by Malcolm Townsley in the new Yorkshire Grit Guide Volume 1 – all the numbers relate to that.  The little blocks on the left have loads of easy warm-up/kids problems which can be left for people to re-discover for themselves.  The arete of ‘The Prayers of a Fish’ (8) is a really good highball at around Font 6b ish – Will  on-sight soloed it on it’s left hand side – around E2 6a/b  The other new problems are: 12A: ‘Legal High’ Font 6B to 6C – sit start to Ship of the Desert 15A: ‘Stumped’ Font 7A+/7B – Lip traverse starting as for 12A and finishing up the right arete (Two Feet Dyno) without touching the foot block 15B: ‘Kim’s Crimps’ Font 6B/6B+ – Direct up side wall L of 16 from a sitter. Quite reachy/morpho. 19A: ‘Cross’ Font 6Cish – From a sit start at 15B, slap rightwards to better holds and traverse with hands below the top to a long stretch for the top of the right arete (19 – Billy the Fish) up which it finishes. Nice moves throughout. There’s also an extended, low/lying down start to one of the roof problems (13 or 14) that Will did at about Font 6C.”  Check out the video at  (

Source: Unknown Stones


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#42 Re: Unknown Stones
September 01, 2015, 11:30:59 am
Hi chaps, loving your work....

Any chance of a map-with-pins-in kind of arrangement? Would make crag location considerably easier for those of us not so familiar with the wilds of Yorkshire but who like to visit fairly frequently.


Will Hunt

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#43 Re: Unknown Stones
September 01, 2015, 11:38:01 am
Ta, Si. Is this what you're after? You should see a google map with a coloured pin for each crag. The colour relates to the area the crag is in. If you click the pin, you should get a link to the crag page. There's also a summary table which gives a breakdown of walk in times, aspects, and spread of grades.


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#44 Re: Unknown Stones
September 01, 2015, 11:57:00 am
Perfect Will! Many thanks  :)


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#45 Thieves Moss
September 21, 2015, 01:00:45 am
Thieves Moss
20 September 2015, 7:57 pm

A great little limestone crag on the flanks of Ingleborough. The rock is like Malham’s finest (not the rubbish on the bolt routes but the  good ones on the wings).IMG_20150913_132806302

Source: Unknown Stones


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#46 Rylestone new additions
September 22, 2015, 01:01:03 am
Rylestone new additions
21 September 2015, 8:11 pm

Two areas of this long edge recently developed by Dave Musgrove and friends. Well worth the walk!

IMG_20150916_154317639_HDR - Copy

Source: Unknown Stones


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#47 Rylstone new additions
September 22, 2015, 01:00:36 pm
Rylstone new additions
21 September 2015, 8:11 pm

Rylstone – new additions

Two areas of this long edge recently developed by Dave Musgrove and friends. Well worth the walk!

IMG_20150916_154317639_HDR - Copy

Source: Unknown Stones


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#48 Rivock Edge Wood Clearance.
October 16, 2015, 07:00:38 am
Rivock Edge Wood Clearance.
16 October 2015, 6:16 am

Mametz 3, Polygon Sitter 5, Polygon 4, High Wood 3.The front face L-R: Mametz 3, Polygon Sitter 5, Polygon 4, High Wood 3. OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe good boulder is behind the remaining trees on the crest of the hill on the left. The wall of Crimp Imp 6a and the arête, Delville 6b+.The wall of Crimp Imp 6a and the arête, Delville 6b+.  Both sit starts. The plantation covering the western half of Rivock Edge has been felled. Paul Farish and I visited these boulders a few years ago and climbed on the right hand group (just over the wall from the good Rivock Boulders covered on this site and in the YMC guide).  We weren’t impressed enough to record anything and the tree clearance hasn’t really made this area anymore appealing.

However, the western most clump of boulders on the skyline yielded one really decent square block among a lot of shorter rocks. The names are inspired by the desolation left by the logging operations, so reminiscent of the shattered woods of the Great War.

This area does not seem to be officially on Access Land.

Source: Unknown Stones


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#49 Crimple Beck Crag
October 20, 2015, 07:00:26 pm
Crimple Beck Crag
20 October 2015, 6:05 pm

The strangest crag in Yorkshire?  The bouldering on the sandstone below the limestone at Crimple Beck is now online.

http://Crimple Beck Crag



Source: Unknown Stones


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