UKB power club week 266 16th March - 22th March 2015 (Read 10772 times)

nik at work

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STG - Trad projects, hmmmmm bird bans looming....
MTG - 8c, age related flim flam
LTG - 9a...
BHAG - Bruderliebe

M - nothing
T - BM session
W - Very brief climb outside, a bit pointless but it was nice weather...
T - nothing
F - NNFN went to pick something up at work and BOOM lower back "goes". Felt bad, not just like a strain of muscle but like something slipped/moved, aaaaaargh. Finished work at lunchtime and went to lie down (and sulk...)
S - Back sore, can't really bend down. Went climbing anyway. Had a pretty good session. Trad project is sort of coming together in a still not really together way. When I started looking at the line I pinned it as a STG but it turned out to be (much) harder than I thought and forthcoming bird bans mean it's not really a viable STG. Anyway I can now climb from the ground to the first crux move, drop the  first crux move, pull on drop the first crux move, pull on, almost hit the first crux move, pull up a move, pull on, do the next (hard) move to the mono. Now the mono, the mono is not good, when I first found it I thought it was similar to the mono on the bottom row of the BM but revisiting the BM and comparing I think the mono is more like the shallow four finger pocket/crimp on the bottom row of the BM only a mono instead of a 4-finger. And it's on a ~30 degree overhanging wall. The good news is it's not a huge move off it and the feet are OK. Anyway I can get the mono and slap to the next hold and hit it but not hang it. Then pull back on and climb the next three moves to the mid height rest. Then after a rest (on the rope, ahem) I can climb the next boulder sequence, then rest on the rope again, then climb the final boulder sequence to the top. So like 5 completely not overlapping sections and a couple of undone moves, hmmmm.... Sorry for all the wittering. Anyway back didn't feel to bad whilst climbing, I find that climbing doesn't usually aggravate back strains and pains. At the end of the day it felt sore and stiff and such like but no worse than before climbing. However...
S - Back felt OK when I woke up then I went sea kayaking for a couple of hours. Spent the rest of the day lying on the bed in a lot of pain. Booooo. (in case you can't wait until nexxt weeks thrilling instalment, my back feels a lot better today... in a still broken way)

Annoyed about my back and another week of not that much quality training. Some project progress but really need to play the long game a bit and come up with some sort of plan... or not.


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Now the mono, the mono is not good, when I first found it I thought it was similar to the mono on the bottom row of the BM but revisiting the BM and comparing I think the mono is more like the shallow four finger pocket/crimp on the bottom row of the BM only a mono instead of a 4-finger. And it's on a ~30 degree overhanging wall.


More of this sort of thing. It should be compulsory for everybody to describe the crux holds on their proejcts in terms of the Beastmaker holds they are sort-of-like-but-more-not-like.

Sorry to hear about the back though.

nik at work

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I'm just making a fuss, I'm sure the back will be fine in a couple of days...

Anyway on a more interesting note I see that you too have an interest in the Marmaloda area, so what are you doing in five years time? :)

The Rules Of Power Club

1. No one talks about power club
2. NO ONE talks about power club
3. If you must talk about power club then make sure that any reference to holds on routes is cross referenced with a BM hold...


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Anyway on a more interesting note I see that you too have an interest in the Marmaloda area, so what are you doing in five years time? :)

Jumaring Bruderliebe?

Seriously, I'd be well content with getting up one or two of the "easier" classics like the V-M, Don Quixote or Schwalbenschwanz. I can't bring myself to see things like Tempi Moderni or The Fish as anything other than out of my league, even if that means I'm guilty of self-limiting negative thinking.

I'm just making a fuss, I'm sure the back will be fine in a couple of days

Understandable, that sort of thing is worrying and frustrating. I had what seemed like an incident of sciatica a couple of years ago and was scared that I was going to have a recurring problem for life. Cleared up quickly though and hasn't recurred.


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1. No one talks about power club
2. NO ONE talks about power club
3. If you must talk about power club then make sure that any reference to holds on routes is cross referenced with a BM hold...

There's a power club?


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2015 Goals:
Bouldering Pyramid:
7B: 0/1
7A+: 0/3
7A: 3/9
6C/6C+: 4/27 (Mark's Roof Left-hand) - 0/13 slabs/aretes

Sport: Do more sport, get in to redpointing properly

M: V3-V5 circuit. I meant to do them off limited rest but found a few of them harder than I remembered so ended up having to project some of them. Then did most of the wooden (~V3-V6) circuit. Made up some balancey slab problems.
T: Repeaters. Struggled on 35 degrees slopers and front two, felt strong on the small crimps.
W: Limit bouldering, made small amounts of progress on some projects. Finished off with the V1-V3 circuit with zero rest (aerocap?).
Th: stretching, light weights
F:Warmed up on the new V3-5 circuit, flashed all bar one of them. Fun circuit but they felt very soft for the grade. Then had a play on the new woody. Good to finally have a board to train on again. Think I'm out of practice on board climbing, my feet were all over the place.
S:Gardom's. Did a few easy warmups and Mark's Roof Left-Hand, then attempted but couldn't complete: Mark's Roof, Pogle's Wood (nowhere near it), Pogle's Wood Left-Hand (couldn't work out the topout), A Fearful Orange (too fearful), Bin Laden's Cave (too tired) and G-Thang (no skin left). It was a good day, probably should have stopped a bit sooner.


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I'm just making a fuss, I'm sure the back will be fine in a couple of days...

Take care with that back - mine took 4 1/2 months to get back to close to how it was before.. (and c.£500+ in various physio/osteo fees)


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I missed two weeks on here. I panicked about being out of shape for my first trip to Font (The catalyst for the trip was to meet up with a visiting American friend who climbs way harder than me and I didn't want to look like I'd got worse at climbing since I saw him last), trained too hard too quickly and got an horrific chest infection that laid me up for a full week and was still lingering when I went away.

I got quite depressed and unmotivated for the trip and felt almost like I was just going so as not to let the mate I was travelling with down, particularly after it turned out the guy I'd intended to meet was moving on on the day we'd be arriving and, having not climbed for two weeks, I was feeling neither physically nor mentally prepared.

Anyway, here's a full-on trip report, starting on March 14th. I imagine my first-timer's observations about somewhere everyone else on this forum has been to loads will be entertaining!

S- Drive down. It's nice and sunny and by the time we get there I'm starting to feel like I'm on my holidays. The forest is surprisingly flat and there are a fuck ton of boulders visible just from the car.  :bounce: We're the only people staying at the huge peaceful campsite we randomly picked. There's still daylight so it's straight to Elephant, which turns out to be a beach with fences and bigger boulders than I'd expected. I immediately get on a 4A crack thing. Three strenuous goes later I'm at the top which is high and way slopier than I expected. A French guy and his family advise me not to fall and throw a pad on top of ours. I then completely fail on two 3Bs  :whistle:. I am such a punter here and it feels great. We both manage to scratch our way up a cool 6A overhang before dark.  ;D

S- Haute Pleins. A lovely place with no other climbers. The forecast was for rain but it's actually turned out to be lovely cool conditions. Plan is to quickly do the orange circuit to acclimatise. It takes all day and feels like a proper day out- this is not helped by having to do it all in newish Dragons after leaving a Mocc in the tent  :look: The circuit has nothing harder than 4A but I find myself feeling proud that I didn't need more than 3 goes to do any of them. My cough is way better  :2thumbsup: but it's obvious that my baby-soft skin is going to need some serious management if I'm to climb all week.

M- Apremont. Fucking hell what a place. There are lizards and it feels like the medditeranean in the sun. We step it up a notch with the "Baltic Blue" circuit which goes up to the heady grade of 5A and includes highballs. We only get through half of them before nightfall and are basically broken men by the end. Climbing circuits is, it turns out, really, really fun- a bit like playing crazy golf. Doing them all in sequence is also quite stretching as you do them all rather than skipping over ones you don't fancy- great for technique and confidence.

T- Rest day. It's 20 degrees! Check out Bas Cuvier, where people are braving the sex litter to throw themselves at polished problems in the full sun, Cuvier Rempart, where we get lost without finding a single problem, Diplodocus and a huge supermarket.

W- Petit Bois. This place feels like the southern Peak- shady, mossy and semi-urban- but with even better bouldering! Time to start throwing ourselves at 6s- 6As seem OK, but we only get one 6A+, despite working quite a few that are harder. My problem of using all my energy in working a problem out then needing to come back another time to have a chance is showing itself and I realise that prioritising climbing hard would be daft for this trip.

T- Cuvier. Really cool perfect temps. Lots of British people. Do plenty of 6s including the first 6B of the trip and La Marie Rose 2nd go ;D . This crag is simultaneously the best bouldering venue in the world and the worst! It must have been awesome 20 years ago. At the end of the day I have an "experience" with the most rounded thing I've ever topped-out.  :-[

F- Isatis. More 6s, including 3 6Bs, one of which is a slab I'm very proud of as it feel utterly nails- my (lanky) mate does it with four foot moves while I need more like 10! By lunchtime we decide that we should wind down on an easy circuit- for some reason we choose the red at Sablons. The problems are steep and brutal and destroy us.

went to Franchard sablons, but nothing happening, try Prise de tete again, but I can't figure out a sequence. My fingers are too sore and everything feels hard.
What felt like the trick to me was to get my left hand turned round on the flattest bit of the arete so I was kind of mantling up on it to get my right foot in the awkwardly-placed seam on the right. On my best go I then got my left foot on the left arete but couldn't move- foot and hand too close. My mate pointed out that if I'd put it on the highest poor foothold on the face instead that would have been the trick to then get my right on the big hold on the right (it's surely over then) but I couldn't get there again. I hope this helps!

S- 13 hour journey home.

S- Wrecked.

It's safe to say that my first trip to Font made a big impression on me! I feel like I've learnt so much about climbing in one week- the technique required for competency down there is just incredible. I've always said that you can't expect to improve at climbing if you don't boulder but I somehow never took my advice seriously enough to properly dedicate myself to it, even for a week. It was also great to be in France- I did French at A-level but hadn't used it since 1999 and I was unexpectedly confident with the language. With recovering from illness and the freakishly good weather we had (dry every day!) it really was a great experience  ;D

And I didn't tweak my fingers.  :2thumbsup:

Here's the film I made in case anyone missed it in the other thread.


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Great read cheque - laughed with you due to my own experiences there :-D


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Sounds like a class visit  :clap2:  Glad you enjoyed yourself.

I'll try manteling off the arete next time I try prise de tete ( I noticed this while I was freeze-framing through the whole sequence :blink:). I'd been trying to bump the right hand up from the flake then get the left hand on the flake...but I've also tried heels on the arete, starting on the other foot. At last I have another new idea!

Excellent short film too.


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had one go on Left Hand Man but was nowhere. Had 10 minutes rest, had another go and just did it. My foot slipped at the top but held it. First 7b+ for over 6 years so I was very pleased.

Nice work. 


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