technical > photography

Proper pocket compact

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Finally sold my neglected DSLR and am after a truely pocket sized compact (ie is small enough to carry around in your pocket without really noticing it)
Initial searches turn up either the Cannon S120 or Lumix LF1 both with a similar price. Am yet to go to a shop and handle either of them.
Anyone had either or looked at a similar sized camera they could recomend?

The key really is size because if it can't just be picked up and put in a trouser pocket then it won't be used much. I really want a capable camera to replace the phone camera's (my S4 and wife's S5) both of which are good phone cameras in their own right but I would really like to have a proper camera to hand

I have the Canon S100 - it was a toss up between that and the old Panasonic LX5 at the time. I went for the Canon purely down to size. It was just that bit smaller and when you're climbing multipitch with it in your pocket, I can't say I've noticed it. It's been dropped a fair bit, slightly out of line I think the lens is now but I just tilt the camera ever so slightly but despite getting dropped, wet and generally not looked after - it still works fine. I do think that the LX5 would have taken better pictures on auto-focus (a few mates have them) but flick the Canon into manual and it takes some nice stuff.

I know you're looking at newer stuff but I've had the S100 for two and a half years, so sorta know what they last like.

i got the lf1 and its not a bad little camera. its got good zoom and the quality is not bad, i normally shoot on a 5d mk2 and 7d.
the canon is a very good camera too from what ive read, it was just a bit more than i wanted to pay for a carry around thats prob going to get damaged biking or climbing. not sure it has the same focal lengths too.

have a look at the sony compacts too, they get really good reviews.

Depends on budget and features really...

I'm constantly umming and ahh'ing about selling all my DSLR stuff and getting the X100t - think it's pocket-able, but the reviews and images are fantastic. Depends if you'd be happy with a fixed prime though.


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