Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle? (Read 58549 times)


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#25 Re: Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle?
December 13, 2014, 06:56:35 pm
No idea why I can't embed this...

karl s

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#26 Re: Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle?
December 13, 2014, 08:48:24 pm
I used to draw and paint a lot, then stopped dead in my mid twenties. I still get the odd hankering to draw sometimes but haven't moved past that yet...

I used to do a bit of sketching in my early twenties too, packed in and forgot about it. Then i inherited some brushes, paints and paper, and have got into watercolour painting in the last few years. It's not quite as addictive as climbing, but absorbing nonetheless. Rest days on climbing trips are now something to look forward to.
It's a slow rate of progress with lots of moments when I feel like packing in, but I can see improvement when I look at earlier stuff.


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#27 Re: Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle?
December 13, 2014, 09:29:28 pm
No idea why I can't embed this...

I like that, oils?

My mother painted in oils, mostly Landscape commissions, when I was primary school age. She was moderately successful in that Lord this and Earl the other would commission her to paint a view of the family pile.
We were dragged around to various galleries where she was exhibiting, during school holidays.
She probably made about half what my dad did as a copper and in the '70s that was sweet Fanny Adams...
So she became a Road Safety officer instead.

My daughter came down with tonsillitis today, so I did this to make her feel better.
Not quite as effective as calpol.


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#28 Re: Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle?
December 13, 2014, 11:46:46 pm
No idea why I can't embed this...
I like that, oils?
Thank you!
I think I did ths with acrylics, but I have used oils for other stuff, I find acrylics a bit more forgiving.
I never got my head around watercolours though, I have tried but they always came out crap...
Travelling around painting houses for cash sounds great, although as your mum became a road safety officer says to me it didn't pay great! As with a lot of creative jobs they often have to be sidelines. Me and my Dad stayed in a B&B in Yorkshire while on the coast to coast where they ran an art gallery cum cafe downstairs and a B&B upstairs, now that could be my perfect existence... Would blow selling electronics for a living out of the water..


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#29 Re: Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle?
December 13, 2014, 11:51:03 pm
 Ps, I think the climber above works a lot better with the black background, it's good that! As is the one for your daughter, heads are hard if you don't get the proportions just right...effort!


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#30 Re: Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle?
December 14, 2014, 10:15:06 am
That daughter is ace, nice get well soon for her :)

I like the fox's cheeky expression.


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#31 Re: Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle?
December 14, 2014, 10:26:27 am
Fiend, get some of your warhammer paint jobs up! I'm sure I have a vague recollection that you're pretty handy with an extremely small paintbrush...?  :)


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#32 Re: Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle?
December 14, 2014, 11:43:16 am
I've been resisting but since OMM hasn't said it's not allowed, I might...


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#33 Re: Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle?
December 14, 2014, 12:12:15 pm

I've been resisting but since OMM hasn't said it's not allowed, I might...
I meant if Damien Hurst/Tracy Emin is considered art, then even my Great Aunts left ankle is art, so there are no limits!



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#34 Re: Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle?
December 14, 2014, 05:26:14 pm
Okay toy soldiers - often regarded as intolerably geeky in the way that football-supporting fanaticism, endless car modifications and extraordinarily detailed training treatises AREN'T, but high-end painting these days has seperated from the gaming and role-playing side into an artform in it's own right. Personally I think I am aesthetic rather than artistic, I can't create stuff on a blank canvas but when I'm "painting by numbers" on a 3D model I do pretty well at colour themes and concepts (which interest me the most) as well as the technical side. And of course the fantasy and sci-fi mythologies of the lead figure universes provide a rich context for ideas and themes.

Here's a selection, in reverse chronological order, of what I've painted in the 5 years since moving to the grim frozen North (which incidentally provides generally very inspiring weather for painting - although my main displeasure about being into this side-hobby is about how sedentary it is, a few hours honing a nice green Orc skin is not good warming up for TCA...), the rest are on my other blog.

Converted from this dude: . Didn't try to do an exact replica, just capture the vibe of Styx. Pretty pleased with how he turned out, he's fcking tiny (20mm base) so the painting looks a bit crude close up. I put in some fun details like subtle pink shading on the rocks (like in some of the in-game lighting), bubbles in the acid vial, serrations on the knife, an Amber gem etc.

I started this conversion over 15 years ago when I was actually inspired by it, then it languished for a couple of decades as I was put off by the daunting painting that would be required. Eventually I decided to make it easier by painting it mostly metallic (which would also suit the theme well), and finished it off. Because it was almost entirely metallic, I tried to get a lot of different colours and textures in the metals: faint turquoise for the armour, dulled rust for the mechanics, glossy and oily for the pistons, clean and shiny for the weapons, and sparkly and colourful for the towers. I also tried to blend the bone sections into the metals for a biomechanical look ("Epic" scale - 120mm high - more shots).

Steampunk Arielle and Steampunk Tinkerbell, sculpted by the formidably skillful Seb Archer for his own Guild Of Harmony range. Very fine details on these models, some of it easy to paint, some of it less so. I went for a bright colour scheme to match the cartoon characters, and then contrasted that with grimier metals and dominatrix black leather.

Quite a tasteful model really, I converted it a bit and tried to do it justice. Bon appetit!

Some progress in 20 years of painting. The original figure was the first figure I learnt to blend on and I was very proud of the beak.

Trying something a lot grimier than my usual style.

Small scenario to make use of these similar Imperial Guard figures, with a scheme in a "future military" style.

A very sombre and serious entry into an online contest entitled "In The Air". Obviously it was fun doing the base.

Tzeentch has always been my favourite Chaos power to paint due to the default colours of turquoise / purple / orange / gold. For this model I went for an oceanic style to evoke some kinda of marine origin.

Possibly the best painting I've done in the last few years, I'm very pleased with the subtle colours, lighting, and weathering.

To reflect this Elf's noble military demeanour, I went for colours evoking a Roman centurion, lots of reds with a bit of white and gold.

Orks orks orks orks. Always fun to paint.

A friend gave me a set of 3 of these Tau Stealthsuits as a present when I was in hospital with DVTs, and when I asked what colour I should do he said white, so I did, and I customised the base for a "Scenic Base" online contest which I'm pretty pleased with. I tried to get the vibe of him exploring around a seemingly-derelict base with ominous skittering sounds coming from the walls.

I enjoyed painting this mostly due to having a really good strong copper paint.


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#35 Re: Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle?
December 14, 2014, 05:32:45 pm

that top one looks like Ukko The Dwarf


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#36 Re: Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle?
December 14, 2014, 09:44:37 pm
Fucking brilliant, Fiend!

And a Billion times more artworthy than a sectioned cow in formaldehyde...

If you've got a phone number for Steampunk Tinkerbell......?

An ear infection has left me with some free time today, and since I can't hear what anyone is saying/kids are screaming/jobs Polly is asking me to do...

I drew Polly Lolly instead.


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#37 Re: Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle?
December 15, 2014, 10:40:07 am
TBH I quite liked the shark in formaldehyde....

Here's more tinkerbell / ariel:

She's available here, along with some genuinely stunning painting.


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#38 Re: Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle?
December 15, 2014, 10:44:56 am
Damn you Fiend. I was all ready to take the piss but those are actually really good.


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#39 Re: Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle?
December 15, 2014, 10:45:26 am
Is this one of yours too btw?


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#40 Re: Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle?
December 15, 2014, 11:07:48 am
My girlfriend's cartoon from a few months back.

image by Nibile, on Flickr


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#41 Re: Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle?
December 15, 2014, 11:10:40 am
Uncannily accurate, except shouldn't your forearms be more pumped?  :strongbench:


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#42 Re: Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle?
December 15, 2014, 02:15:49 pm
Nice work Fiend, high quality pieces and always good to see non-GW figures

A couple of mates are/were professional staff painters/modellers at GW HQ in Notts and these are up there with their output, have you ever considered entering the Golden Demon competition? They are also heavily into conversions and sculpting with 'green stuff' for private commissions, which I assume you are too? I am reliably informed the living to be made as an independent pro is still very limited which is a shame as these are some seriously talented guys who put in a lot of hours.

I used to dabble in custom artwork for bikes/leathers back in the day mainly working with acrylics and an airbrush but hav'n't painted in anger in 15 years or more. I also did some figure painting more recently for my Bloodbowl teams which whilst quite respectable are very much punter level compared to your's. How long did the two female figures take, they look like 40-50+hrs plus each to me! any preferences on paint manufacturers I know I always did for airbrush and glaze work?


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#43 Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle?
December 15, 2014, 10:01:49 pm
Had to take that sketch of Polly and re-do it as a proper painting.

The problem with sketching on a black canvas is the show through. On white it just gives a misty, Indistinct, look to the sketch. Black just makes it blotchy...


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#44 Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle?
December 15, 2014, 10:24:23 pm
:D there had to be a sting (Jaspers post..)


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#45 Re: Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle?
December 16, 2014, 10:25:04 am
Thanks Pebblespanker (and others).

My stuff is still well below Eavy Metal / current Golden Daemon standard. I reckon I paint equivalent to E6/7 standard but the guys painting at the top around E9/10 standard are ridiculously good - see Bohun, Derwish, Automato etc on this list. I did enter GD2005 and got plenty of finalist pins but no daemons. These days the standard is so high that it would be too gruelling to spend 100+ hours on a single figure just on the off chance the judges liked it. I'm much more into speeding up my painting and getting more different figures done.

Incidentally Mike McVey - the biggest inspiration when I started painting - was a climber, I met him down the Nottingham bouldering wall soon after it opened, he was pretty good on the plastic too.

I do do some converting too - the Titan is heavily kit-bashed - but I'm pretty rubbish with greenstuff and don't do any scratchbuilding.

Most figures take me 10-15 hours per humanoid figure although I don't really count any more, I know the copper Warjack took me 12 hours and I was really pleased to get it done so quickly. I guess the faeries were about that long, the amount of fine detail makes then a bit easier to paint as I could do a lot with washes and small highlights rather then blending. The longest model (not shown) took me 25 hours converting and then 25 hours painting, I also did one that took me 40+ hours total painting, and vowed "never again" after that!

Paint manufacturers, there are loads these days. Citadel Colour, Coat D'Arms, Privateer P3 and Vallejo are the main ones. I mostly use Citadel - their Base colours and Shades are particularly useful, with a few CDA and V colours. If I was starting over I would buy the entire Citadel set as they have revamped it recently and have a really broad range.


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#46 Re: Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle?
December 17, 2014, 11:59:23 pm
My Mate, Dave Young has done the cover of "New Statesman" again tomorrow.
Not sure Sloper would like it.😜


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#47 Re: Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle?
December 18, 2014, 01:16:28 pm
Nice work but isn't a bit too easy to do political satire these days? ;)

For Pebblespanker, I did okay with my latest figure - the weather has been great for painting - maybe it stands up to the GW one (and I tried to do different colours):





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#48 Re: Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle?
October 31, 2015, 08:17:36 pm

Become quite addicted to this 200 hour Bob Ross marathon. Never heard of the guy before, but the shows are so mesmerisingly mellow, the antithesis of social media and soundtrack-driven MTV style gibberish. Happy little trees, happy little it.

nik at work

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#49 Re: Anyone else sketch/paint/doodle?
October 31, 2015, 09:02:46 pm
Bob Ross is one chilled mutha.
Fiend your figures are very good.
Tempted to start doing something myself in my spare time.


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