technical > photography

Panasonic GX7 4/3s - opinions

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Right folks,

I currently have a Canon 40D and a couple of lenses. I barely ever use it, but when I do I love it. It's just too big and cumbersome for pretty much everything.

I also have a Panasonic LX3 which I love. It comes on all climbs and when I'm skiing or biking but it never really inspires me to go out to take photos. It's a strange paradox - because I always take it, I get great photos but when I go out to take photos, I'm not so impressed.

I also want to start filming a bit more. Not to make films for general consumption, but more for memories, family and friends.

So, I'm on the verge of selling the 40D and getting something that does good video, good photos, decent handling (dials for functions, not menus) and still enough of a "camera" to keep me inspired. I'm thinking 4/3s is a good idea because of the interchangeability.

The GX7 seems to fit the bill. Anyone used one?  Does anyone else use 4/3s in the mountains? I reckon most of the time I'll probably just take the LX3 but maybe with the 20mm pancake it would be almost as packable.

I was close to getting a GX7 but opted for an OMD instead. Used its predecessor the Gf1 with the 20mm in the mountains, it's a nice size, no problems there. Should be a decent camera. Wasn't as impressed with the eve on the gx7 as much as I was with omd.

Which OM-D have you got? EM-10 or EM-1.

EM5, Cofe and I have one. I gather Obiwan has just come by an EM10 too.

Nice one, I'll see if I can have a play with one - the EVF was one thing that I didn't think was amazing on the GX7.


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