Fell running (Read 328746 times)


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#675 Re: Fell running
October 05, 2016, 09:05:56 am
And the three rounds all done within 6 months, plus Paddy Buckley 2 weeks after winning the Glen Coe Skyline!



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#676 Re: Fell running
October 05, 2016, 09:10:24 am
Not to mention getting married and holding down a full time job. Superhuman!


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#677 Re: Fell running
October 05, 2016, 09:35:12 am
Not sure if people have seen this Dusk till Dawn Ultra in the Peak but looks a lot of fun/pain. You get 14 hours to cover 50 miles in the dark,being chased by the reaper and trying to beat the sun.

Gutted I can't make it but having run another of these -The Gritstone Grind like the idea of these low key, low cost events


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#678 Re: Fell running
October 10, 2016, 10:16:00 am
Ref Langdale, I'm assuming they'll open a field for parking? Nowt on the FRA forum about this.

Good to meet you on Saturday Tom! Sorry I had to shoot off so soon after the race. I was straight off to a formal dinner/party afterwards that ended at 5.30am Sunday. Needless to say, I am in bits today!

Hope to catch you again soon for another race!

SA Chris

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#679 Re: Fell running
October 10, 2016, 10:21:35 am
Happy with your time?

Other that what google throws up, any recommended advice for planar fasciitis. Did first 5 k for about 3 weeks on Saturday and bottom of heel hurts like hell.


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#680 Re: Fell running
October 10, 2016, 11:06:07 am
Good effort at Langdale Tom and Tom. Looked like a great day out and an exciting end to the championships - Simon Bailey taking 2nd place by 5 secs to win the overall again!

Who's at the relays this weekend? I'm heading up on Wednesday for (very) long weekend - my favourite event of the year (along with Calderdale).

Other that what google throws up, any recommended advice for planar fasciitis. Did first 5 k for about 3 weeks on Saturday and bottom of heel hurts like hell.

I don't think there's a silver bullet for this and, as with lots of injuries, it's just a symptom and depends on the cause. In my case, I had a bout caused by tight calves so I just did a chunk of stretching/foam-rollering on my calves and it sorted itself out. If I feel it coming back, I revert to the same exercises to manage it. I've heard of others where the cause was their arches collapsing, which could be lots of things - over-pronation, weak glutes, etc. I'd have thought you need to work out what's causing yours or just do some general stretching and strengthening work to see if it sorts itself out.


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#681 Re: Fell running
October 10, 2016, 11:23:41 am
Thanks Stabbsy.

Langdale perhaps best summarised through a mini report:

Having last ran at the Anniversary Waltz race several months back, other than two 1.5 mile jogs there wasn’t any running in the locker. I had somewhat naively misinterpreted Wendy Dodds’ advice that “cycling can be a substitution for running at any time” (or something very close to those lines!).

Needless to say, this proved my undoing and several months of road cycling had me tight as a steel cable. The climb up Pavey Ark felt effortless from having acquired stronger legs on the bike and I wanted to let rip on this first climb a lot more than I was able to due to the slew of runners ahead.

Thankfully I didn’t get to realise this ambition as cramp kicked in during the second mile! Nightmare! The rest of the race was spent shovelling jelly babies and gels in like a mad man to keep this at bay as best as I could. Bizarrely, I was able to continue without stopping somehow and even managed to overtake a few folk who had been some way ahead of me near the start. There was a good bit of cramped-up lolling around on the grass going on from these poor souls.  The GPS watch died at around this point so it was nice to forget about what lay ahead!

I’d wanted to hit a time of 3hrs and had I have continued running and racing as much as I had been earlier in the year, I feel that I could have done. Alas, I ended up with 3hrs 34mins and it was probably a minor miracle that I even made this.

Weather-wise it was a stunning day and the sort of conditions you would dream of. The atmosphere was as convivial as ever at a race and it was great to catch up with plenty of fellow Bowland runners.

Time to lay off the bike a bit I think and reassess how my training plan might look from now on.  It’s an ongoing battle with 3 lower back issues but a private consultation, MRI report and good Osteo seem to be helping in understanding and working with these issues.
Roll on 2017!


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#682 Re: Fell running
October 10, 2016, 11:28:34 am
Cheers Tom. I hadn't realised you'd just finished too. I was somewhat short of breath...  ;)

What an amazing race. Pretty obvious why it's considered such a classic. My favourite section was below Esk Pike where you could get some respite hopping across the rocks. Also snatched some views across from Bowfell to the East Buttress of Scafell, lit up in the sun.

I had a full bog splat on Martcrag Moor, having to heave myself out. Well funny. And missed the bad step by accidentally going down some really steep ground to the right, which sort of worked out fine as there was a bit of a 'scene' going on on the bad step. It's probably quicker to go round though tbh.

I'd decided not to get too stressed about the inevitable bun fight start and just to take it easy up to Thunacar Knott. So whilst in hindsight maybe I could have gone a bit faster at the start it meant I really enjoyed the middle and latter half of the race and gained 41 places between C1 and the finish. Time a bit slower than I would have hoped for (was aiming for 3hrs20mins, came in at 3hrs35mins), but at least I could run off Pike O Blisco.

Took Plattsy's advice and had a wonderful wash in the river at the end, and even had time for a pint/pasty.

Running that course in under 2 hours is just so frickin incredible I can't really get my head around it. It's not like the really runnable sections are on an even surface!
« Last Edit: October 10, 2016, 11:37:32 am by T_B »


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#683 Re: Fell running
October 10, 2016, 01:26:08 pm
Definitely back next year and be good to share a pint afterwards eh Tom?

You're at 28mins 36sec here and I at 44mins dead. Quiet lunch today!


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#684 Re: Fell running
October 10, 2016, 04:00:31 pm
Top work people - sounds like one to add to the CV!

I'm at the relays Stabbsy - agree on it being a highlight of the year and indeed one of the reasons I finally joined a club was to get a chance to run in these. I'm off first for Helsby with the aim of giving Leg 2 plenty of people to chase. I've swapped from our 'funner' team because one of the faster guys has picked up a hamstring niggle.


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#685 Re: Fell running
October 10, 2016, 04:36:06 pm
Wow, looks like an amazing day out. Well done to both of you! It's definitely in the calendar for next year as something to work towards.

I ran in the Withins Skyline race yesterday. Found it really tough - turns out that a late night with prosecco cocktails and gin the night before is not conducive to feeling great running  :badidea:

We got there a bit late so barely had time to warm up, especially since the booze and a 2 day diet of nothing but curry necessitated a fairly urgent pre-race toilet trip! Ended up right at the back, fell in a bog up to mid thigh at one point and generally limped round but made up a handful of places with a burst of energy at the end. I'm trying not to be disheartened by finishing at the back though - taking part and coming nearly last is still better than not racing, right?

SA Chris

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#686 Re: Fell running
October 10, 2016, 05:05:24 pm
turns out that a late night with prosecco cocktails and gin the night before is not conducive to feeling great running 

Who knew! Hope it really was a "falling in a bog up to mid thigh"


Good effort for finishing!


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#687 Re: Fell running
October 10, 2016, 06:40:41 pm

Who knew! Hope it really was a "falling in a bog up to mid thigh"

Haaa! It might have ended up like that if I hadn't managed to get to the toilet beforehand - four curries in two days does not make for happy guts!


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#688 Re: Fell running
October 10, 2016, 07:32:46 pm

Or why caffeine gels are not always the best idea....

I'm at the relays Stabbsy - agree on it being a highlight of the year and indeed one of the reasons I finally joined a club was to get a chance to run in these. I'm off first for Helsby with the aim of giving Leg 2 plenty of people to chase. I've swapped from our 'funner' team because one of the faster guys has picked up a hamstring niggle.

We've only got one team and I'm on the 3rd leg. My other half is on the second leg for the Totley ladies' team so I'll be out and about spectating for the first hour or so. I'll keep an eye out for you.


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#689 Re: Fell running
October 13, 2016, 10:55:58 am
Who's at the relays this weekend? I'm heading up on Wednesday for (very) long weekend - my favourite event of the year (along with Calderdale).

Bowland has been a member short this week but hopefully we'll find a candidate to fill the gap. I'd have loved to go but already have plans. Good luck at it Stabbsy!

SA Chris

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#690 Re: Fell running
October 13, 2016, 11:13:19 am

Other that what google throws up, any recommended advice for planar fasciitis. Did first 5 k for about 3 weeks on Saturday and bottom of heel hurts like hell.

I don't think there's a silver bullet for this and, as with lots of injuries, it's just a symptom and depends on the cause. In my case, I had a bout caused by tight calves so I just did a chunk of stretching/foam-rollering on my calves and it sorted itself out. If I feel it coming back, I revert to the same exercises to manage it. I've heard of others where the cause was their arches collapsing, which could be lots of things - over-pronation, weak glutes, etc. I'd have thought you need to work out what's causing yours or just do some general stretching and strengthening work to see if it sorts itself out.

Seems it's not PF, just an inflammation of the fatty pad, which is apparently good news, not too bad to heal. Told to do loads of stretching before running, after running and any time in between. Recommended foam roller and knobbly ball, plus rolling arches with a frozen 2 l bottle of water, all of which seem to be helping. Recommended not running for a week or two until it feels better, annoying as we're on holiday in Callander next week, and there is an excellent trail system around there. Guess I'll have to try get my mountain bike to the top of Ben Ledi instead of running up.


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#691 Re: Fell running
October 16, 2016, 11:05:13 pm
Hi guys. Just cheekily joined the Strava group. Been running since the beginning of the year (with some gaps) after being challenged to run a half marathon, but have always intended to end up in the fells. Mostly roads/trails around Sheffield and the Peak up till now, but hope to start racing asap.


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#692 Re: Fell running
October 19, 2016, 05:14:06 pm

Other that what google throws up, any recommended advice for planar fasciitis. Did first 5 k for about 3 weeks on Saturday and bottom of heel hurts like hell.

I don't think there's a silver bullet for this and, as with lots of injuries, it's just a symptom and depends on the cause. In my case, I had a bout caused by tight calves so I just did a chunk of stretching/foam-rollering on my calves and it sorted itself out. If I feel it coming back, I revert to the same exercises to manage it. I've heard of others where the cause was their arches collapsing, which could be lots of things - over-pronation, weak glutes, etc. I'd have thought you need to work out what's causing yours or just do some general stretching and strengthening work to see if it sorts itself out.

Seems it's not PF, just an inflammation of the fatty pad, which is apparently good news, not too bad to heal. Told to do loads of stretching before running, after running and any time in between. Recommended foam roller and knobbly ball, plus rolling arches with a frozen 2 l bottle of water, all of which seem to be helping. Recommended not running for a week or two until it feels better, annoying as we're on holiday in Callander next week, and there is an excellent trail system around there. Guess I'll have to try get my mountain bike to the top of Ben Ledi instead of running up.

If you want to go for a ride/boulder gimme a shout, I should be free some of next week.


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#693 Re: Fell running
October 19, 2016, 05:44:50 pm
Welcome aboard boogster.

I suspect the relays this past weekend will go down as one of the tougher of recent editions. I was on Leg 1 and redlining a lot of it, first mile was just shy of 20 mins, so fairly climby. Less than 3 miles all in but around 1200' of climbing. Up in the mist and a lot of single file staring at the cheeks of the person in front till it opened out a bit on the traversy descent. Cursing the tight-fisted lack of tread on my old x-Talons. Time to shop I guess. Think I got by far easiest stretch though - 2 was long, 3 had some sneaky checkpoints and 4 had plenty of climbing.

Comedy Leg 3 strava fly-by:


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#694 Re: Fell running
October 21, 2016, 05:59:09 pm
Mini fell running yyfy.

Went for a hillwalk/fell run hybrid last week around the Tyndrum 4. 30km & 1600m. Ran a lot of the flats and downhills...destroyed my hip flexors the my IT bands flared up (unsurprisingly) Final descent was....disgusting!

So, went for another, shorter one today - Driesh and Mayar, only 850m ascent and 14.5km. Got round in 2hr 44 mins. Ran the first 3km, then power trudged to the top of Mayar, then ran 80% of the descents/flats, having a few stops to stretch the hamstrings, quads, hip flexors & IT bands when things started to tighten up.

Next up will be some shorter, less steep runs where I can hopefully run the full thing! Quite fun this fell running thing when you can actually do it...
« Last Edit: October 21, 2016, 06:04:28 pm by Fultonius »


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#695 Re: Fell running
October 22, 2016, 02:30:20 pm
Good distance and vertical there Fultonius and a nice part of the world in which to do it too. Keep it up.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

SA Chris

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#696 Re: Fell running
October 24, 2016, 01:51:00 pm
Plus 2 new munros? In spite of climbing in both corrie fee and winter corrie, I've never tagged the summits.


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#697 Re: Fell running
October 24, 2016, 02:14:58 pm
Hi guys. Just cheekily joined the Strava group. Been running since the beginning of the year (with some gaps) after being challenged to run a half marathon, but have always intended to end up in the fells. Mostly roads/trails around Sheffield and the Peak up till now, but hope to start racing asap.

Good man! Welcome aboard and here's to your progress!

Mini fell running yyfy.

Went for a hillwalk/fell run hybrid last week around the Tyndrum 4. 30km & 1600m. Ran a lot of the flats and downhills...destroyed my hip flexors the my IT bands flared up (unsurprisingly) Final descent was....disgusting!

So, went for another, shorter one today - Driesh and Mayar, only 850m ascent and 14.5km. Got round in 2hr 44 mins. Ran the first 3km, then power trudged to the top of Mayar, then ran 80% of the descents/flats, having a few stops to stretch the hamstrings, quads, hip flexors & IT bands when things started to tighten up.

Next up will be some shorter, less steep runs where I can hopefully run the full thing! Quite fun this fell running thing when you can actually do it...

Getting stuck in there Fultonius, nice work. Banged on about it before but get yourself doing some serious glute medius, core and plyometric work and your ITB pains will start to lessen. Those and building up your distances gradually (note: I'm most certainly not a physio but those things have helped me).

Looking forward to some Autumn days out in the hills. Awesome weather of late eh!?


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#698 Re: Fell running
October 24, 2016, 02:44:14 pm
Plus 2 new munros? In spite of climbing in both corrie fee and winter corrie, I've never tagged the summits.

Yep, up to 31 now, thought I was on 33, but realised I had 2 on my list that I've not actually done  :shrug:

Getting stuck in there Fultonius, nice work. Banged on about it before but get yourself doing some serious glute medius, core and plyometric work and your ITB pains will start to lessen. Those and building up your distances gradually (note: I'm most certainly not a physio but those things have helped me).

So the total opposite of my approach  :lol:   I know I'm doing it all arse about tit, but I want to a heap of Munros and build up my running. I should probably just walk the hills and do some shorter, less hilly runs....but it's always so tempting to jog down and on the flat!  I suppose I could wear boots to prevent myself getting carried away.

Might go and do 3 tomorrow while the weather holds. This October has been the inverse of normal - instead of 24 days rain, we've had 24 days dry! (well, ~ dry but who's splitting hairs.)


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#699 Re: Fell running
October 26, 2016, 07:43:15 pm
Just joined the strava group (didn't realise there was one until reading that the two wheelers have one). 

Signed up for the 'wildest peaks trail race' in November.  Anyone else doing it?


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