the shizzle > bouldering

Boulder problems re-cleaned

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Good work! You climbed many of them?

Yes but couldn't do the sit start to T Bone.  Sussed the method now but it's pretty aggressive on the right groin and aggravates an already aggravated old injury (sorry excuse) - will have another visit in the Autumn - it should stay clean for a while now.  It still makes a really good 6c as a stand start.  CC Wolf was okay but I uncovered a side pull just under the moss line that you can see on BMC Guide photo which makes it a bit easier if used.  The description's brief - do you remember finishing with RH in the pocket or crossing and finishing as T Bone?
Great boulder.
Angel Falls is quality too. 

Think I finished further left than T bone, but it was a long time ago...


--- Quote from: Stubbs on March 20, 2014, 02:42:34 pm ---
Yeah I was pretty knackered by then and not up for stabbing into fingerlocks! Will get back at some point.

--- End quote ---

I did that problem and I ended up with an infected finger and had to go to the doctor! Good skin cruncher. Like a finger crack version of Savage me Softly at back of Stanage.

Everything except the  6b to the hole is cleaned on Black and Deckout butress (Blackwell Dale). The stuff on the right is much better than it looks. Haven't done B&D yet but that looks excellent. Emlyn added a great 7a highball to the left of this. Will put details and photo on new probs thread when he thinks of a name  :jab: (he didn't rate my suggestion of Young, Gifted and Black).


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