I'm putting this here in the news forum but if this isn't appropriate, the mods are free to move it.
The Grampians bushfire that I reported in the "Abroad" forum has apparently burned through the Mt Stapylton area at the northern end of the range (see map here:
If this is correct then the Amphitheatre (Taipan Wall, Kindergarten), Hollow Mountain and Summer Day Valley areas (taking in most if not all of the main bouldering) have probably been affected to some degree or another. I would say that entire area will be closed for the forseeable future - they generally keep everybody out to allow vegetation to recover and for tracks and roads to be cleared and repaired where necessary.
I'll try and get more info bit in the meantime there is a thread on the chockstone.org forum which is likely to see updates from the Arapiles and Grampians regulars who have been involved in the fire-fighting.