Get Richard Bertinet's book Dough, then throw the bread maker in the bin
Mixing wet doughs (ciabatta / fougasse etc.) by hand can be a real pain.
I've got into baking / bread making recently. I'm really hoping that this isn't the onset of middle age.
Thanks for all the above posts - I have in the past few days been experimenting and have discovered that...All yeast is not equal... it seems that you need to 'calibrate' your yeast quantities a little... I got some yeast (IDEAL FOR BAKING BREAD AT HOME AND FOR BREAD MACHINES) from the Co-Op - and was using recipe recommended amounts - 1 tsp etc.. for 500gm flour loaf.. and it was flat.. tried proving longer, more water (just went sloppy), warming the water etc.. then read the yeast packet and it suggested one sachet (at least 2-3 tsp) for a 500g flour loaf.. Tsk...