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#150 USA
October 14, 2015, 07:00:27 pm
14 October 2015, 4:38 pm

After many years of dreaming about climbing in the states, I'm finally here! Not sure how to put down in words how excited I am. Psyched on the climbing off course, but also on exploring the country, meeting new people, picking up tips and tricks from master Said,  eating burritos, camping, spotting bears and moutain lions and much, much more.

We arrived here in Boulder CO last night and will be hanging out around here for about one and a half weeks, before driving west through Utah, Idaho and Oregon. I will try to post as much as I can from along the way, but since we'll be spending quite a lot of time living in a tent out in the desert, our internet access will be limited. A part of the trip I'm actually looking forward to quite a bit...


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#151 A learning experience
October 20, 2015, 01:00:38 am
A learning experience
19 October 2015, 9:50 pm

Time flies here in the US. Tomorrow it has already been a week since we arrived and each day has so far been an adventure. The first couple of days we where hanging out around Boulder, climbing in Cleer creak canyon and Eldorado canyon. It was good to get the body going a bit and shake some of the jetlag.

USA 2015 - First week in Boulder height=567 Said catching up with Christian Griffith on a walk between the Verve office and Christians house in Eldorado canyon.

Said has been introducing me to many interesting people. Supermotivated climbers who are dedicating their whole lifes to the rocks. For some, this devotion has turned them in to legends as they have been part of making the sport (or whatever it is) what it is today. Meeting these guy's and being at the crags around here, is definetely giving me some perspective of things. Seing how strong people are is mindblowing to say the least. It's also really fun to watch Said climb. I'm sorry to say that I believe the Swedish climbing community is not aware of what an incredible athlete we got in this man.

USA 2015 - Weekend in Rifle height=567

USA 2015 - Weekend in Rifle height=567Sam Elias climbing Slice of life 5.13d/8b (Rifle) on his second attempt.

Over the weekend we payed our first visit to Rifle. A hotspot for sportclimbing in the US. The two days climbing there was humbling for sure. I'd heard a lot about this place, about the very tricky style of climbing which makes it close to impossible to climb well without beta. Due to this I off course tried to lower my expectations, but I guess no matter how hard you try not to put preasure on your self, you will still allways have some hopes on doing well. These hopes of mine however, was brutaly crushed within the first day. But I am still really looking forward to returning as I feel this is a place where I can develop a lot as a climber. We'll be going back in a day or two, after having enjoyed some much needed rest back here in Boulder.

USA 2015 - Weekend in Rifle height=567Said redpointing Vision thing 5.13b/8a (Rifle).


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#152 Moving on
October 23, 2015, 07:00:27 pm
Moving on
23 October 2015, 4:36 pm

After hanging out in Boulder for a couple of days, we drove back to Rifle on wednesday morning. Weather here has not been great so far, but we still climbed loads. I guess one of the upsides with travelling with a person like Said, is that there is almost nothing that can keep him from going climbing. That attitude makes it easier for me to stay motivated. Even on days like yesterday, when rain was pooring down pretty much all day, we kept climbing from early morning until dark. Today however, we are both pretty beat up and will use this rainy day to recover so that we are hopefully fit when good weather rolls in tomorrow.

USA 2015 - Weekend in Rifle height=496Said contemplaing what tea to take for the road.


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#153 The eighth day
October 27, 2015, 07:00:21 pm
The eighth day
27 October 2015, 4:44 pm

Last weekend on our first trip to Rifle, we went over to check out the "Project wall". A large overhanging sector hosting numerous hard routes. To the right of the wall there is an orange face which is divided by a beautiful grey streak. A route called The eighth day comes out of an overhang to the right, traverses on to the grey streak and follows it to the top of the wall. 45 meters of perfect limestone. Immediately when I saw it I thought, "thats a climb I would love to do before moving on from here". At that time not knowing what it was, I turned to the person closest to me and asked - "I haven't climbed it my self, but people say it's a real adventure" said Jen, as in Jen and Andrew Bisharat who was kind enough to host us at their home while we where in Rifle.

I started trying The eighth day this past Saturday, a week after having spotted it and with only two more days to climb in Rifle this trip. I would have liked to do some more milage before getting on such a long route, but with the amount of time we had left before moving on west, I had no choice if I wanted to give myself a proper shot at doing it. So I spent that afternoon hangdogging it a couple of times and also gave it one burn from the ground. But after working the route I was totally emptied out, or "helt blank" as my travelling partner Said would have said. I did not even pass the lower crux.

USA 2015 height=567

After a good night sleep I returned on Sunday morning. Along with doing a couple of easier routes, I warmed up by dogging the route past the upper crux once more. I felt much better than the day before, but still doubted I would be able to keep it together all the way. Half an hour later it was time for my first real readpoint attempt. I passed the lower crux which I had thought of as perhaps being the main obstacle for me. Standing at the rest after having climbed out the overhang and traversed on to the streak, the nervousity I felt all morning was blown away. As I set off, laybacking my way towards the upper crux, I enjoyed every move. Without really thinking about it, I found myself at the rest past the crux. However, the route was not finished there. I still had another 15 meters of climbing a head of me, which I had only done once yesterday and by now forgotten how to climb, putting all my focus on the moves leading up to there. It's such a different experience to climb routes that are this long compared to bouldering which I've been mostly doing in the past. Physically off course, but mentally as well. To become better at it I have to practice my abilities to switch between relaxing at resting points and moving without hesitating.

Said has an admireable approach towards climbing. One that you don't see very often and that I believe many climbers could learn from. My main goal on the rest of this trip is to work on my attitude to why I go climbing and what is important. I think one of the reasons why I made it to the anchors of The Eighth day are some of the talks Said and I had in the past days. I owe him for that, as well as for his patience with me while trying this route. Thank's buddy, on to the next one(s)!


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#154 Trick or treat
November 02, 2015, 07:00:20 pm
Trick or treat
2 November 2015, 2:44 pm

After a couple of days climbing in Maple Canyon on the most funky rock I've ever seen, we moved on to Salt Lake City on Thursday night. Our plan was to only stay during our restday and then move on towards Smith Rocks. But when we where invited to spend Halloween with Sam Ellias and friends, plans changed.

It was fun to be parts of this holiday in its cradle. During the day we went bouldering in Little Cottonwood Canyon (LCC) with Ronnie Jenkins and Lauren Callaway. They gave us the grand tour of the area and pointed us towards all the best climb. As sun set over SLC we drove back down from the mountains and headed to Sam's place for burgers and off course, Halloween candy. The house was filled with people and we ate, drank and talked all night.

Yesterday morning we jumped back in our very small rental car, perhaps the smallest thing on four wheels in the entire US, and continued west. On the way we did a quick stop in Idaho city of rocks. It was nice to break up the long drive with some climbing and to see yet another great crag.

While Said has been driving I've been scanning the Smith Rocks guidebook and I can already say that the two weeks we are planning to stay there wont be enough.


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#155 Smith Rock
November 10, 2015, 07:01:00 am
Smith Rock
10 November 2015, 4:15 am

Since a bit more than a week, we are in Smith Rock, Oregon. So far we've managed to climb six full days, which is just about as much as my skin has been able to take, perhaps a bit to much acually. The rock here is sharp, but a side from that this place is incredible in many ways. The area in it self is beautiful, the climbing is awesome and so far, weather has been good pretty much the whole time (except for at one point when a halestorm came in just as I was doing a burn on a route a was trying).

Smith Rocks height=567

It's hard to know where to start with so many good routes to try. I would love to spend some time on some (for me) slightly harder climbs, at the same time as there are tons of moderate stuff that I also want to do. I was hoping that I would be able to do a bit better here than I have in the areas we been to before on this trip, seing how the style of climbing here should suite me really well. But the last year of injuries, laziness and being undisciplined seems to haunt me here also. Still, it's good to be here as it gives me even more motivation than I had before we went on this trip, to keep climbing and get back to (and beyond) where I was a couple of years ago.

Smith Rocks height=567 Said on his way to the rocks. Smith Rocks height=567   If  weather stays good we'll be sticking around for another week, which  should be enough time for me to take down at least a couple of more  routes. Which ones to go for I have not decided, but it really doesn't  matter that much as all of them are good and fun to climb.


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#156 Said just do(es) it
November 13, 2015, 07:00:28 am
Said just do(es) it
13 November 2015, 4:14 am

I really admire Said's drive and motivation. During our time here in Smith he's climbed so many routes. Regardless of the difficulty, he walks up to whatever he finds appealing and most of the times, does it in a couple of goes. He is by no means chasing numbers. In Smith he's rather been chasing classics. A route that he's been talking about ever since we left Sweden some weeks ago, is "Just do it" on The Monkeyface. It might be the best line in Smith and also happens to be that hardest. The route was put up by Jean-Baptiste Tribout back 1992 and has an iconic status among the gems of the area. Over the last almost two weeks, we made the heinous walk over the hill a couple of times for him to try the route. Each time, he dogged up it once. No more. He's been saying that he wants to save his skin for the redpoint attempt. Only to walk back over the hill to climb a couple of "easy" classics.

Said Belhaj Just do it 5.14c height=567

Today he met up with an old friend that offered to come belay him on the route. I was glad not to have to fill my legs with lactic acid and stay on the route I was working and get my forearms pumped instead. But when Said came back with a smile on his face, I wished I'd went along to witness an amazing achivement!


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#157 Back to Boulder
November 21, 2015, 07:00:14 pm
Back to Boulder
21 November 2015, 5:32 pm

So came the day when it was time to move on from Smith Rock. I would have loved to stay longer, but as we had two weeks of good weather that over our last couple of days in the area turned pretty grim, I felt alright leaving.

USA 2015 Smith Rock height=567Said working Scarface, one of many classic Smith testpieces. Seing how much climbing has been moving forward in the last years, it's amazing that Scott Franklin put up this hard route already back in 1987.

In the end I'm quite happy with the techy sandstone-routes I managed to get up. It's by no means anything to brag about, but I think I did close to the best I could considering the shape I'm in. I climbed some of the routes I'd been wanting to get on, including some ultra classics like Chain reaction, Churning in the wake, Kings of rap and Darkness at noon. The perhaps best of them was Darkness at noon. 30 meters sustained, technical climbing up a beautiful vertical to slightly overhanging wall, makes for one of my all time favorites. Smith is packed with quality climbs like that, in varried difficulties. Many of them I would love to get on and I hope to be back soon, as psyched but much stronger.

USA 2015 Smith Rock height=567Yours truly climbing Churning in the wake. Photo: Said Belhaj.

Since we left Smith on monday night we passed trough Salt lake city to re-visit some friends and then headed to Moab for the second time this trip. Down there we got a bit of climbing in at Potach road and also spent a day squeezing our selfs (litterly spoken) up chimneys to the top of Castleton tower. A very unigue and frightening experience as I have no trust in my own abilties placing gear.

USA 2015 Smith Rock height=567

As from last night we are back in Boulder where the trip began six weeks ago. I can't believe we only have a few more days before flying home. If I could I would cancel my ticket and stay here climbing until I'd get borred with it, which would probably be never. But every trip comes to an end and to see something good about that, it means I can start planning the next one.

USA 2015 Smith Rock height=567


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#158 To soon to leave
November 26, 2015, 01:00:34 am
To soon to leave
25 November 2015, 7:05 pm

 "It's not like you wasted your time" was Said's respons to my complaints over how fast six weeks go by. I guess it's true as time seems to accelerate along with how much I enjoy myself. I can't think of any trip I made where I experienced as much and met so many new friends. Not once have I been bored or felt that I had to come up with something to do. The few times when we sat still for a change, I actually relished, which is rather unusual for being me.

The last couple of days in Boulder were nice and kinda relaxed. We did some climbing in Cleer creak canyon (Primowall is AWESOME) and bouldered in Flagstaff. Most of the time however were spent hanging out with friends, enjoying just being around.

Christian Griffith Christian Griffith repeating Undercling traverse at Flagstaff. A problem that he climbed "perhaps about a 1000 times", to use his own words.

Normaly when a trip comes to an end I'm pretty tired and can see some bright sides about being back home. This time is no different in terms of me being tired, but not of travelling, so I could just as well have taken some rest in Boulder and then kept going. But I guess I will have to get used to the thought of climbing in minus degrees around Stockholm for a while, which is also quite nice. Only not as nice as climbing in Rifle or Smith.


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#159 Slice of life 5.13d/8b, Rifle
December 01, 2015, 01:00:23 am
Slice of life 5.13d/8b, Rifle
30 November 2015, 7:43 pm

Sam Elias, Rifle height=567

Sam Elias, Slice of life 5.13d/8b (Rifle) height=567Sam Elias cruising Slice of life 5.13d in The Wicked Cave, Rifle.


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#160 Oh, take me back
December 08, 2015, 01:00:20 pm
Oh, take me back
8 December 2015, 8:18 am

I used to quite like everyday life in Stockholm, but since I got back from the US I can't seem to get used to waking up early, being indoors all day and having a schedule to adapt to. Guess I'm lucky to at least have a job that I like and awesome people to work with, otherwise I would probably have sold all my belongings and jet the f**k out of here.

USA road height=379

USA road height=567

USA road height=567

USA road height=567


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#161 Re: Oh, take me back
December 08, 2015, 01:33:12 pm
I used to quite like everyday life in Stockholm, but since I got back from the US I can't seem to get used to waking up early, being indoors all day and having a schedule to adapt to. Guess I'm lucky to at least have a job that I like and awesome people to work with, otherwise I would probably have sold all my belongings and jet the f**k out of here.

I think he/ she's conflating being on holiday with life in another country here. It's not like the US is some fantasyland where no one has a schedule or anything!

Who writes this blog anyway? Doesn't seem to be anyone who posts on here as they're Swedish and there are never any comments on this thread.


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#162 Re: Bouldersgate
December 08, 2015, 02:07:42 pm
What you mean if I move to Spain it wouldn't be like the sport climbing holidays I have there?


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#163 Lucky pigeon 5.13c
December 17, 2015, 01:00:19 pm
Lucky pigeon 5.13c
17 December 2015, 7:56 am

Said Belhaj Lucky pigeon 5.13c height=567

Said Belhaj Lucky pigeon 5.13c height=567 Said having a go on Lucky pigeon 5.13c/8a+ in Aggro gully, Smith Rock.


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#164 Shoryuken 7C+/8A, Focksta
December 19, 2015, 01:00:08 pm
Shoryuken 7C+/8A, Focksta
19 December 2015, 9:02 am

Fredrik Sydstrand Shoryuken 7C+/8A height=567Fredrik Sydstrand trying to figure out the beta for Stefan Eklund's latest addition to the bouldering around Uppsala, Shoryuken in Focksta.


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#165 2015
December 31, 2015, 01:00:14 pm
31 December 2015, 10:58 am

Another 365 days goes by and so it's time for me to put down some thoughts from the year. I almost forgot this little tradition of mine this time, as I did not reflect over the fact that a whole year already passed. Anyways, 2015 has been good. I enjoy everyday life in Stockholm, working as a routesetter. The possibilities  there is for training is a major reason to why I really like it. It's been a great asset having all the well-maintained gyms around when trying to recover from the quiet severe finger injury I suffered last autumn.

Västervik September weekend 2015 height=567 In September I spent a weekend climbing in Västervik with my friends from Germany.  I spent most of the year climbing indoors, the first half focusing mainly on rehabilitating. I have come a long way from where I was a year ago, although there still is a long way to go. Carlos has given me great support and for that I'm extremely thankful. Without him I would probably still be injured.

The highlight of the year was off course the trip to the US with Said. There where many great experiences in cool places, and altough I climbed like shit, I still managed to drag my ass up some really awesome routes.

Said Belhaj height=567

Said Belhaj Just do it 5.14c height=429

Smith Rock,  Oregon height=448

I've put down some goals for myself for next year. It's been a while since I had those so it's about time, and I'm really looking forward to working towards achieving them. I'm hoping to travel a bit more, maybe go back across the Atlantic. But I also want to do more climbing around Stockholm and Uppsala (on rock that is). The few times I made it out since I moved there, I always spotted climbs that I really want to get on.

Castleton tower height=567Standing on top of Castleton tower was one of many great experiences from the autumn adventure in the US.

I always have a hard time dealing with how fast time is  moving and I have to be careful not to put too much presure on myself to  make things happen instantly. I think that having a strong will is agood  quality, but focused in the wrong way it can be rather destructive. I'm  constantly trying to be better at deciding where to focus my efforts to  benefit from them, instead of letting my obstinacy make me counterproductive. A year ago I was actually not really sure if I wanted  to do as much climbing any more. I could not enjoy it as my approach  since several years, being way to focused on performance, had taken all  the fun out of it. After getting that perspective and realizing that  things had to change if I wanted to keep climbing, I started making some  changes. This has by no means been easy, but seing how I seem to enjoy  climbing more and more again, there is no doubts that I'm on the right  track.

James & Arvid hits  Orminge height=567Bouldering with friends (and colleagues) in Orminge outside Stockholm.

Happy new year!


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#166 Billybob 7B, Uppsala
January 11, 2016, 07:01:31 pm
Billybob 7B, Uppsala
11 January 2016, 6:38 pm

Billy Bob 7B height=567Staffan Wahlsten climbing Billybob 7B in Focksta.


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#167 Volt 7B+
March 15, 2016, 07:00:30 pm
Volt 7B+
15 March 2016, 5:54 pm

Volt 7B+ Fredrik Sydstrand height=567Fredrik Sydstrand climbing Volt 7B+ in Jumkil outside Uppsala.


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#168 Red hot 7B+, Uppsala
March 23, 2016, 01:00:20 pm
Red hot 7B+, Uppsala
23 March 2016, 12:45 pm

Red hot 7B+ Fredrik Nilsson height=567Fredrik Nilsson working Red hot 7B+ at Källbergahygget.


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#169 Pasila invitational
March 28, 2016, 01:00:20 pm
Pasila invitational
28 March 2016, 8:02 am

Last week I visited my friends at Boulderkeskus in Helsinki. I was there to set boulders for Pasila invitational (Finish boulder league final) together with Tonde Katiyo,  Rustam  Gelmanov and local setters Olli Antikainen, Anssi Venho and Marko Siivinen. It was a very good experience in many ways. I learned a lot working with these guys and gathered tons of inspiration for future work. Alvi Pakarinen put together a very nice video about the event.  Check it out:

from Boulderkeskus on Vimeo.


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#170 The great hassel, Källberga
April 01, 2016, 01:00:34 am
The great hassel, Källberga
31 March 2016, 7:02 pm

Staffan Wahlsten, The great hassel height=567

Staffan Wahlsten, The great hassel height=567 Staffan Wahlsten climbing The great hassel in Källberga outside Uppsala.


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#171 Underdog, Jumkil
April 06, 2016, 01:00:28 am
Underdog, Jumkil
5 April 2016, 8:33 pm

Olof Norin Olof Norin trying Underdog 7B(ish) in Jumkil, Uppsala.


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#172 A-team 7C, Rörbo
April 14, 2016, 01:00:16 am
A-team 7C, Rörbo
13 April 2016, 7:10 pm

Staffan Wahlsten Staffan Wahlsten working A-team 7C in Rörbo.


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#173 Slaporama 7A, Bromma
April 15, 2016, 07:00:15 pm
Slaporama 7A, Bromma
15 April 2016, 6:23 pm

 Bromma bouldering April 9th -16 height=567Thom Hörnström sticking the first move of Slaporama 7A in Bromma, Stockholm. /DO

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#174 Mad hooker 7A+, Linköping
April 21, 2016, 01:00:27 am
Mad hooker 7A+, Linköping
20 April 2016, 7:23 pm

Staffan Wahlsten Mad Hooker 7A+, Knutby height=567Staffan Wahlsten climbing Mad hooker 7A+ in Knutby outside Linköping.


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