Bouldersgate (Read 77649 times)


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September 07, 2013, 04:41:54 pm
Home away from home - A short about my spring in Font
23 July 2013, 5:00 am

I think this one pretty much speaks for itself, but just to give a brief summary, this video shows some of my most memorable moments from the time I spent in Fontainebleau this spring. There's been quite a few, even though the weather overall was far from great. And as always, apart from the climbing, I came to know many new friends, as well as being reunited with familiar faces that I do not see nearly as often as I would like. Everyone has in some way contributed to this video...

In order not to make those of you who decide to watch this, feel like I'm robbing you of too much time, I have tried to keep it kinda short. If you after having seen it, would happen to like to see more, I will be putting together some outtakes-shorts that I will publish as I finish them. This way you can choose how much is enough. Hope you enjoy what I did...

Featured problems:

Big Dragon 8A - Petit Bois

NoNameYet 7B+ - Rocher Fin

Never last! 6C+ - Puiselet Mont Sarrasin

Megalight 7B - Rocher Saint-Germain

Modulor assis 7C+ - Franchard Sablons

le Mur Lombard 7A - Franchard Hautes Plaines

l'Enfer des Zombies 7C+ - Gros Sablons nord

Compression 7B+ - Coquibus Longs Vaux

Climber in video:

Daniel Olausson


Daniel Olausson


Neil Hart

Patrik Svensson

Andreas Elmqvist

Kim Lindqwister

Haroun Souirji

Henrik Sennelöv

Daniel Olausson


"Almost familiar" by Pretty lights

"Fight for everyone" by The leisure society

"Demain je change de vie" by David Löhstana

Intro logo-animations

Jamie Wood

Produced in association with:






Source: Bouldersgate


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#1 Burning spear 6B, Geta
September 07, 2013, 04:41:54 pm
Burning spear 6B, Geta
26 July 2013, 5:00 am

ÅlandAprilWeekendFW-302 height=558

Something tells me that the name of this problem has something to do with what your fingers feels like after having climbed on it.


Source: Bouldersgate


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#2 Le Trou du Simon
September 07, 2013, 04:41:55 pm
Le Trou du Simon
28 July 2013, 7:21 am

 Week1.För.internet-013 height=850

William Jarting on Le Trou du Simon, Fontainebleau.


Source: Bouldersgate


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#3 Out of the way Font
September 07, 2013, 04:41:55 pm
Out of the way Font
29 July 2013, 5:00 am

MaisseFW-085 height=591

MaisseFW-099 height=551

MaisseFW-079 height=561

MaisseFW-091 height=567

MaisseFW-094 height=567

Gilles Puyfagès avoiding the easter-crowds by going off the beaten track, exploring secret parts of the forrest.


Source: Bouldersgate


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#4 Handjam dynoing
September 07, 2013, 04:41:55 pm
Handjam dynoing
30 July 2013, 5:00 am

SKF40årFW-010 height=596

Olle Ringstedt flying up Z-sprickan in Häller.


Source: Bouldersgate


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#5 Eskimå 6B+
September 07, 2013, 04:41:55 pm
Eskimå 6B+
31 July 2013, 5:00 am

ÅlandAprilWeekendFW-257 height=567

Erik climbing Eskimå on the Hammas-boulder.


Source: Bouldersgate


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Betavideo - Stora stygga vargen 7c+, Tjörnbroklippan
1 August 2013, 5:00 am

It´s rare that I tie myself to a rope, but towards the end of last summer it actually happend on more than one occation. I know that there is a few of you out there who doubts me on this (and I am not blaming you), so in order to have some proof, I decided to film one of these moments. Off course, as soon as I'd loaded the footage on to my computer, I forgot all about it. Until the other day when I was looking throw my video-gallery and stumbled upon the clip. It did not make much of a video, but at least some beta from distance for those of you interested in seeing how I climbed Stora stygga vargen at Tjörnbroklippan.


Daniel Olausson


Daniel Olausson


Victor Lindqvist

Produced in association with:





LYO Food


Source: Bouldersgate


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#7 A hidden gem
September 07, 2013, 04:41:55 pm
A hidden gem
2 August 2013, 5:00 am

NalleHukkataivalFW-006 height=567

NalleHukkataivalFW-008 height=567

Nalle doing La Théorie des Jeux 8B in Rocher Brûlé, Fontainebleau.


Source: Bouldersgate


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#8 Swedish climber vs. Swiss roof
September 07, 2013, 04:41:55 pm
Swedish climber vs. Swiss roof
6 August 2013, 5:00 am

ÅlandAprilWeekendFW-114 height=613

ÅlandAprilWeekendFW-115 height=567

Stefan Wulf sending Swiss roof 7B+ at Fågelberget, Åland.


Source: Bouldersgate


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#9 Video - Hetsitt, Hultastenen
September 07, 2013, 04:41:55 pm
Video - Hetsitt, Hultastenen
9 August 2013, 5:00 am

After finishing "Home away from home", I have not been cray keen on sitting in front of my computer, watching myself on the same climbs over and over again. To be honnest, I am not keen on editing any footage of me right now. But being able to work Victor in to the intro, made it worth putting together also the few bits of climbing-footage I gathered when spending a April-weekend in Kjugekull together with the Cabrera-Tillman family.


Daniel Olausson


Victor Tillman-Cabrera

Daniel Olausson


Daniel Olausson


"Sun/Shadow" by Michal Menert

Produced in association with:





LYO Food


Source: Bouldersgate


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#10 Jet d'Eau droite
September 07, 2013, 04:41:55 pm
Jet d'Eau droite
12 August 2013, 5:00 am

EndofMarchFW-053 height=567

EndofMarchFW-060 height=563

Jarmo Annunen sending Jet d'Eau droite in Rocher des Demoiselles.


Source: Bouldersgate


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#11 Trying hard sure is tiring
September 07, 2013, 04:41:55 pm
Trying hard sure is tiring
13 August 2013, 5:00 am

ÅlandAprilWeekendFW-182 height=567

ÅlandAprilWeekendFW-205 height=567

ÅlandAprilWeekendFW-204 height=567Maja taking a well needed powernap between here goes on Pop the glock at Kasviken.


Source: Bouldersgate


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#12 Unknown Häller-lowball
September 07, 2013, 04:41:56 pm
Unknown Häller-lowball
14 August 2013, 5:00 am

SKF40årFW-054 height=567

Victor Lindqvist doing the first move of a problem in Häller which I do not know name of (perhaps it doesn't even have one).


Source: Bouldersgate


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#13 Video - Buthiers with Masterspot-Kim
September 07, 2013, 04:41:56 pm
Video - Buthiers with Masterspot-Kim
15 August 2013, 5:00 am

This is the first of a few edits that I hope to put together from the footage that did not make it in to  Home away from home. The shots is from an afternoon I spent climbing in Buthiers, cheered on by Masterspot-Kim.

Featured problems:

Contrôle A 7C

La Rampe 7A

Master Edge 7B

Climber in video:

Daniel Olausson


Daniel Olausson


Kim Lindqwister

Martin Argus

Neil Hart

Daniel Olausson


"Out of this world" by Michal Menert

Produced in association with:

Revolution climbing




LYO food


Source: Bouldersgate


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#14 Apremont warm-up
September 07, 2013, 04:41:56 pm
Apremont warm-up
16 August 2013, 5:00 am

Petter and Kim enjoying a fun "red climb" in Apremont.


Source: Bouldersgate


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#15 Supermartikainen
September 07, 2013, 04:41:56 pm
17 August 2013, 5:00 am

ÅlandAprilWeekendFW-140 height=567

ÅlandAprilWeekendFW-142 height=567

Fred trying Supermartikainen. A problem that proved to be not so fitting for someone who's just been through hip surgery.


Source: Bouldersgate


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#16 Evätys, Kasviken
September 07, 2013, 04:41:56 pm
Evätys, Kasviken
19 August 2013, 5:00 am

ÅlandAprilWeekendFW-029 height=564

ÅlandAprilWeekendFW-018 height=567

Amazing feature, amazing climbing. Erik enjoying one of many great Kasviken climbs.


Source: Bouldersgate


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#17 Buthiers classics
September 07, 2013, 04:41:56 pm
Buthiers classics
21 August 2013, 5:00 am

KimButhiersFW-020 height=590

KimButhiersFW-018 height=644

Kim working two classics in Buthiers Piscine, Attention Chef d'Œuvre and La Rampe.


Source: Bouldersgate


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#18 The equivalent to my anti-syle
September 07, 2013, 04:41:56 pm
The equivalent to my anti-syle
23 August 2013, 5:00 am

SKF40årFW-059 height=532

SKF40årFW-060 height=572

 SKF40årFW-062 height=567

Wish I had better stamina and knew how to handjam. If I would, Z-sprickan would probably not feel anywhere near as challenging

as it does with my current set of skills.


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#20 Zone interdite, Fontainebleau
September 07, 2013, 04:41:56 pm
Zone interdite, Fontainebleau
28 August 2013, 4:46 am

Nice picture of me working Zone interdite in Montrouget, taken by Andreas Elmquist.


Source: Bouldersgate


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#21 Dodo, Åland
September 07, 2013, 04:41:56 pm
Dodo, Åland
29 August 2013, 5:00 am

ÅlandAprilWeekendFW-034 height=567

ÅlandAprilWeekendFW-032 height=562

Erik working Dodo at Kasviken. I really enjoyed the standstart, and would most probably like the sit even more (if only I could do it).


Source: Bouldersgate


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September 07, 2013, 04:41:56 pm
30 August 2013, 5:00 am

I am proud and happy to announce a new collaboration between me and LYO FOOD. A family run buisness that produces expedition-food.

During the past year, living and cooking in my van, I haven't exactly kept a very varied diet. The options of what you can keep and cook in a car are not huge, at least not with my cooking experience. I have consumed more than one can of tuna, and at some point, this went from being something I enjoyed, to something I ate just because I did not know of anything better. I will probably be cooking my pasta-pesto-tuna-dish on future trips aswell, but I will definetly be mixing it with meals from LYO.

Last time I  ate freeze-dreid food (until a couple of weeks ago) was  at the age of sixteen, when me and a friend was hiking to Kebnekaise,  Swedens highest mountain. After a week of adding boiling water to and eating out of different packages, which were said to contain  everything from bolognese to oatmeal, but in reality tasted exactly the same, I swore never to force myself through another one of these meals. But when a friend was praising this meal he'd tried out of a booth at the Outdoor-tradeshow in Friedrichshafen, I got too curiouse not to visit them myself.

As with most mom's, mine is a great cook. It's impossible to beat her food, and if there is something I miss when being away from home, it´s her bolognese. However, I have yet not tried a better substitue to it, that I can make in my van (or in any other kitchen for that matter), then LYO's. Having any of their soups, mains, breakfasts or even just dried fruits, it's not hard to understand why they recieved the Outdoor industry award for best meals available on the market. Everything is 100% natural and does not contain any preservatives, artificial food-additives, colorants or flavour enhancers. They even grow some of the herbs and fruits used in the products in their own plantations...

You can order their products off their website, and if you don't believe what I'm saying about it being great, I think you should get just one (I recommend the bolognese), and bring out on your next climbing day or why not just as work-lunch. This way you will either confirm what you are now thinking, that I'm really only exaggerating how good the food is. Or you will discover something that will save you allot of time and energy on future climbingtrips. I am fairly certain which one it will be...


Source: Bouldersgate


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#23 Popping the glock
September 07, 2013, 04:41:57 pm
Popping the glock
2 September 2013, 5:00 am

ÅlandAprilWeekendFW-182 height=567

ÅlandAprilWeekendFW-184 height=564

Maja and Victor working Pop the glock at Kasviken.


Source: Bouldersgate


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#24 Swing, swing
September 07, 2013, 04:41:57 pm
Swing, swing
4 September 2013, 6:15 am

NalleHukkataivalFW-021 height=585

NalleHukkataivalFW-025 height=567

Nalle Hukkataival running laps on 52 gerard in Franchard Ermitage, Fontainebleau.


Source: Bouldersgate


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