Bouldersgate (Read 77641 times)


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#25 A mental challenge
September 09, 2013, 01:00:46 pm
A mental challenge
9 September 2013, 6:28 am

ÅlandAprilWeekendFW-154 height=567Maja managing a perhaps more mental than physical challenge, going up this amazing highball at Djupviksgrottorna.


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#26 Spanish coffee
September 11, 2013, 01:00:30 pm
Spanish coffee
11 September 2013, 6:24 am

As I'm sat in the schools cafeteria with my first cup of burnt coffee of the day, I can't help thinking back on where I was a year ago. Appart from the climbing, if there is something I miss about Spain, it's the ability to walk in to nearest place serving coffee and enjoy a great tasting Cafe  con leche. Most of the times for less than a euro. The fact that  Spanish coffee is cheap, ironically made me spend way more money buying  it than I do back home, since all I ever did when I wasn't climbing, was being sat looking  through the guidebook in the nearest café.

AlbarracinOct-NovtripFW-19 height=569

AlbarracinOct-NovtripFW-18 height=569

AlbarracinOct-NovtripFW-17 height=850


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#27 Geta king-line
September 13, 2013, 01:00:31 pm
Geta king-line
13 September 2013, 6:01 am

ÅlandAprilWeekendFW-285 height=567

ÅlandAprilWeekendFW-292 height=559Fred on one of the greatest climbs of Åland.


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#28 Svarttjärn
September 18, 2013, 01:00:31 pm
18 September 2013, 6:26 am

My first impression of the ropeclimbing in Stockholm definetely made me curiouse to see more of it. The routes at Svarttjärn suites me better than any other ropeclimbs I have done, since they basically are boulders that you climb tied in to a rope.

Fredrik Sydstrand Kristallbandet Svarttjärn height=567

Fredrik Sydstrand Kristallbandet Svarttjärn height=567Sydde was looking strong as allways, and after a couple of warmup-goes, he made Kristallbandet look easy as a Sunday-stroll in the park.


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#29 Anatomi 8a+
September 20, 2013, 07:00:46 am
Anatomi 8a+
20 September 2013, 5:49 am

OlofErikssonAnatomi-016 height=567

OlofErikssonAnatomi-018 height=567 Olof Eriksson finishing off what I got was an old project of his at Svarttjärn. It's hard to imagine why he had not climbed it before, seeing how smooth he did it on his first go of the day after putting up the quickdraws. One can only assume he's been trying it in pouring rain or in equally aggravating conditions...


Source: Bouldersgate


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#30 Den gamle och havet
September 23, 2013, 01:00:49 pm
Den gamle och havet
23 September 2013, 6:15 am

Revolution Boulderbucket height=567

Thomas Schermer Hönö height=567

Thomas Schermer Den gamle och havet 7B+ height=567 Thomas Schermer trying Den gamle och havet on Hönö.


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#31 Nameless Geta-arête
September 24, 2013, 01:00:54 pm
Nameless Geta-arête
24 September 2013, 6:05 am

ÅlandAprilWeekendFW-252 height=850Erik climbing a nameless arête at Djupviksgrottorna.


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#32 A healthy start to the day
September 25, 2013, 07:00:41 am
A healthy start to the day
25 September 2013, 5:59 am

Olof Corn flakes 7b+ height=567

Sydde Corn flakes 7b+ height=567

Olof and Sydde kicking off their day with a lap each on Corn flakes at Svarttjärn.


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#33 True determination
September 27, 2013, 01:00:44 pm
True determination
27 September 2013, 10:36 am

For a couple of years now, I have followed my close friend Henrik Sennelöv through motivation mixed with frustration, while batteling with one of his big projects. Not only has it meant a physical challenge, but due to the problem being extremly sensitive to rain since water keeps pooring down it long after even the smallest shower, it has required incredible patience from Henrik. When forecasts has been looking promising, he has been in standby mode to go out as soon as weather has allowed. Allot of the times he has arrived at the crag only to discover the problem being impossible to try.

Thank's to a dry summer and autumn, Henrik has been able to try his project more frequently than before, and yesterday I recieved a text-message from him saying: "Finally sent it, on my last try before I had to leave for picking up the kids at daycare..." Congratulations Henrik on a great addition to the westcoast-bouldering!


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#34 Z-sprickan
September 30, 2013, 01:00:49 pm
30 September 2013, 9:10 am

SKF40årFW-058 height=551

SKF40årFW-061 height=546

SKF40årFW-064 height=567Photos: Henrik Hult.


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#35 Jänkarproblemet, Öckerö
October 01, 2013, 01:01:01 pm
Jänkarproblemet, Öckerö
1 October 2013, 5:32 am

  Thomas Schermer Jänkarproblemet height=567 At the end of August, Thomas Schermer visited me for a couple of days for us to go out and take photos around my home turf. Most of the times it was me doing the climbing while he was behind the camera, but at a couple of times the roles changed. Here he is about to send Jänkarproblemet.


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#36 Twin 7A+, Västervik
October 02, 2013, 07:00:33 am
Twin 7A+, Västervik
2 October 2013, 5:44 am

Anja Hodann Fruberget height=567

Anja Hodann Fruberget height=567

Anja Hodann Fruberget height=850Seing Anja on the rocks is allways inspiring. She climbs with so much energy and power that I sometimes find myself taking a step back incase she explodes. These photos are from Fruberget in Västervik, where we met during the annual Bouldermeet a couple of weeks ago.


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#37 Ulorna beachplay
October 08, 2013, 01:00:53 pm
Ulorna beachplay
8 October 2013, 6:45 am

Thomas Schermer Ulorna height=567Thomas Schermer climbing Global warming on one of the boulders at the beach in Ulorna.


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#38 Closeau 8b, Flaten
October 09, 2013, 07:00:53 am
Closeau 8b, Flaten
9 October 2013, 5:50 am

Robin Dahlberg Closeau height=567

Robin Dahlberg working Closeau at the one of the close-to-town Stockholm crags.


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#39 Deep kick, Västervik
October 11, 2013, 07:01:10 am
Deep kick, Västervik
11 October 2013, 6:00 am

Stefan Pettersson Deep kick height=633

Stefan Pettersson Deep kick height=567Stefan Pettersson trying the sit down start to The kick at Fruberget, that was put up durng the bouldermeet in September.


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#40 She's a bitch 7A, Brudberget
October 14, 2013, 01:00:45 pm
She's a bitch 7A, Brudberget
14 October 2013, 10:12 am

She's.a.bitch height=567She's a bitch 7A, Brudberget.


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#41 Wild thing, Åkers styckebruk
October 15, 2013, 01:00:54 pm
Wild thing, Åkers styckebruk
15 October 2013, 10:12 am

Pierre Wild thing 7C height=630Pierro Ropero see's an opening between the rainclouds on a grey Saturday afternoon, and uses it to fire Wild thing 7C.


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#42 Danish dynamite
October 16, 2013, 07:00:46 am
Danish dynamite
16 October 2013, 5:16 am

Kristoffer Höglund Danish dynamite height=584

Kristoffer Höglund Danish dynamite height=567

Kristoffer Höglund attempting Danish dynamite at Röda Väggen during the Västervik Bouldermeet in September.


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#43 Swiss roof 7B+
October 17, 2013, 07:00:29 am
Swiss roof 7B+
17 October 2013, 5:53 am

ÅlandAprilWeekendFW-116 height=572Fred working Swiss roof at Fågelberget.


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#44 Fasans makt assis
October 22, 2013, 01:00:42 pm
Fasans makt assis
22 October 2013, 9:48 am

Fasans makt assis 7A height=567I apologize, but I really don't know who this arm is attached to. Regardless of this, the person in question is doing the first move of Fasans makt assis on a moist Sunday in Focksta.


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#45 Compton crips
October 23, 2013, 07:00:48 am
Compton crips
23 October 2013, 5:46 am

Fabbe Brush Bloc-X height=567

Fabbe Bloc-X height=567

Fabbe Compton Crips height=567Fabian Sardh working Compton crips at Bloc X last Saturday. A session that turned in to a proper mental war, before he pulled himself together and climbed the problem.


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#46 The watchtower 7C
October 24, 2013, 07:00:41 am
The watchtower 7C
24 October 2013, 5:58 am

Danny Salata Watchtower Focksta height=567Danny Salata using the last rays of sunshine of the day, to finish off The Watchtower in Focksta, Uppsala.


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#47 Baretta, Flaten
October 26, 2013, 07:00:38 pm
Baretta, Flaten
26 October 2013, 12:20 pm

Fredrik Sydstrand Baretta height=360Fredrik Sydstrand Baretta height=339Fredrik Sydstrand going up Baretta at Flaten.


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#48 Untermensch 7B+, Focksta
October 28, 2013, 12:00:38 pm
Untermensch 7B+, Focksta
28 October 2013, 8:45 am

Fabian Sardh Untermensch height=567

Fabian Sardh Untermensch height=658

Fabian Sardh Focksta height=850  Watching Fabian send Untermensch after his massive topout-failure, actually only made me more

impressed with him as a climber than if he where to have done it right away.


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#49 Unknown Svartjärn route
October 29, 2013, 12:00:52 pm
Unknown Svartjärn route
29 October 2013, 10:24 am

Svarttjärn approach height=567

Anders Lindström Svarttjärn height=567 Anders Lindström climbing a route going left from the same start as Cornflakes. Perhaps someone can enlighten me about the name?


Source: Bouldersgate


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