Can You Help to Tackle Ticks and Fight Lyme? (Read 4978 times)


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Tick Bite Prevention Week runs from the 24th March - 30th March 2013 and the organisers, BADA-UK (a charity dedicated to the prevention of tick-borne diseases) are asking for your help.

Why is there a Tick Bite Prevention Week?     :smartass:

Phillip's story is just one good reason.

Phillip (62) was an active man who enjoyed cycling, fishing, bowling and photography. He developed what was thought to be ring worm on his leg but after a few weeks it resolved and he thought nothing more of it. However, a few months later, Phillip was rushed to hospital in a critical state with fluid round is heart. Doctors discovered he had Lyme disease (Borreliosis), transmitted from an infected tick bite and treated him with intravenous antibiotics. The ring-like rash Phillip had was one of the more common early symptoms of Lyme disease.

Phillip recovered but his symptoms soon returned. He contacted the tick-borne disease charity BADA-UK who urged him to see an infectious diseases specialist at hospital. After assessment, the specialist immediately started Phillip on another course of intravenous antibiotics and, thankfully, this time he recovered and is now back to his hobbies and running a busy workshop.

Phillip was one of around 3,000 people in the UK who contracted Lyme disease (for which there is no vaccine) last year. He was not aware of the consequences of a simple tick bite and he's not alone.

Tick Bite Prevention Week exists to make sure everyone is 'tick aware' and knows about the tick-bite prevention measures that can help to keep themselves and their pets safe.

BADA-UK (Borreliosis & Associated Disease Awareness UK) was founded by a group of people who suffer the effects of Lyme disease. The charity is volunteer run and relies on the generosity of fundraisers and donors to continue its vital work in disease prevention.

You can help BADA-UK raise awareness of this important issue, and much-needed funds, by taking part in a national Walk- 'n' Wagathon during Tick Bite Prevention Week and beyond. Individuals, groups (and their dogs, because pets can get tick-borne disease too) can walk in aid of Tick Bite Prevention by registering with Justgiving. Then you're ready to get walking and making others 'Tick Aware'! BADA-UK would love to share pictures and news of your walks via its Facebook and Twitter feeds.

There's lots of tick-avoidance and tick-removal information for people and pets, plus the BADA-UK Walk- 'n' Wagathon 2013 registration, sponsor forms and event badges available at:

*Health Protection Agency 2012


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Let's hope this doesn't deteriorate into another evidence less Lyme discussion.

SA Chris

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Shame discussions deteriorate like that, I know Nicola quite well and she's having a bit of a shit time of it, but I guess that's UKC for you.


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Not wanting to start the same arguments on here, but BB's points are correct.

SA Chris

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Not saying they aren't I meant she's having a shit time trying to get the medical care she needs in this country, not she's having a shit time on UKC.


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Shame discussions deteriorate like that, I know Nicola quite well and she's having a bit of a shit time of it, but I guess that's UKC for you.

Seemed like a fairly interesting discussion to me. I must have missed the deterioration?

One thing I'd say is that in evidence-lacking cases like this, the NHS are perhaps more likely to go with 'do no harm' whileas private providers are more likely to go with 'do make money'. It may (or may not) be that in this case, evidence eventually shows greater treatment is beneficial, but that doesn't mean the NHS are wrong to take the approach they currently are, since 'do no harm' works out better as a general principle.

It strikes me that what is needed is evidence first, awareness second and NHS-bashing way down dead last.


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    • Sheffield Boulder
It strikes me that what is needed is evidence first, awareness second and NHS-bashing way down dead last.

NHS recommendations for treatment tend to come from National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE)  and yes, efficacy is paramount, but its also unfortunately offset by value for money which is often quantified by Quality Adjusted Life Years.  The NHS do unfortunately have limited funds to spend across the HUGE spectrum of diseases that occur and the even bigger range of possible treatments for these.  Such things take a long time to assess though and are obviously necessarily precluded by efficacy.  At present they don't appear to have anything on Lyme Disease.

Private treatment doesn't have the same constraints.


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Private treatment doesn't have the same constraints.

I would look at this from a different angle. A theoretical condition. Long term antibiotic treatment with no evidence they work.

On the NHS the money comes out of the pot for this unproven treatment.

Privately a doctor is paid £200 a consultation , and the cost of the antibiotics falls to the patient.

Desperate people with vague symptoms are vulnerable to unscrupulous practitioners.


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    • Sheffield Boulder
 :agree: and under an insurance based healthcare system this also leads to over-testing/treatment.

The (over-)use of anti-biotics is a problem in its own right too.

Anyway  :off:

Prevention is better than cure and being tick aware is a good thing.  :2thumbsup:


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It seems like a good charity, focussed on awareness and prevention.

Between me and me dogs i remove several ticks a year. It's good they're dispelling the old wives tales about tick removal.

I always carry a tick puller in first aid kit on hills. Free from vet.


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Old thread

I swear by my tick twizzler.  Works really well.


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:agree: and under an insurance based healthcare system this also leads to over-testing/treatment.

The (over-)use of anti-biotics is a problem in its own right too.

Anyway  :off:

Prevention is better than cure and being tick aware is a good thing.  :2thumbsup:

Indeed. Agree with both of you on this. I happen to think the current drug industry is an excellent example of the failings of under-restrained capitalism. The financial constraints NICE get put under are majorly worsened by huge markups on certain drugs, often absolutely ridiculous prices while some corp has monopoly. NICE generally seems to make a good job of a bad situation -- not helped by twats like the daily mail complaining that they're refusing to treat patients with a new life-saving (0.5% chance) drug at a cost of £1k a week etc.
As you say, anti-biotic overuse and improper use is a huge problem. The worst case scenario is perhaps inability to treat, but in the current system it's also potentially crippling for the NHS as drug companies will be able to charge more and more for new antibiotics as the old ones become ineffective. (I find medical ethics very interesting and stimulating, but I'm just a geek.)

Awareness is a good thing. I've never found a tick, which worries me a little as it probably just means I've not been looking enough. Is summer usully the worst time for them?

Johnny Brown

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Did my bit for tick week by getting one at Rocher Fin in Font last week. Keep an eye out if you're there over Easter.


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