the shizzle > buildering

John Redhead is more entertaining than Alain Robert

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I know what you mean, bit of a reputation, but hardly original. Saw Titus Andronicus recently- he’s like that too, well regarded but full of cliches really. Wouldn't recommend the pies either.


--- Quote from: JCorbot on July 05, 2019, 10:10:52 pm ---Hello, thank you for posting lagerstarfich. While I enjoyed some of the climbing aspects of the video, the ‘dark clown’ show was not my cup of tea at all. And I did wonder whether he was ‘over egging’ it when climbing the cathedral. In one sense I thought he was far too alternative for my tastes, but then, it reminded me of the ‘political horseshoe’ theory where far left and far right ideologies result in the same action. Could it be that redheads ‘alternative dark clown’ is in fact so alternative it’s literally MainStream? I have heard that Doylo of this parish thinks he’s the real deal, but I disagree.
In fact the most alternative thing a climber can do these days is turn up at the crag swigging a can of Monster and smoking an Embassy number 1, before tucking into a pastie. That is surely the real deal. Redhead AkA MainStream as fuk

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Come on Dan you know Redhead is the Man.

I don’t know who you’re referring to Doylo but what I can say is I don’t think much to his Buff. His affected tones are disturbing, like a Blue Peter presenter. As for Titus Andronicus that guy is a fucking clone. 

Dans messaged me to say you’re not Dan Dan.


--- Quote from: Doylo on July 05, 2019, 10:51:49 pm ---Dans messaged me to say you’re not Dan Dan.

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