je suis fait une steak - I've ripped a flapper, or literally I have made a steak (out of my finger..). Anyone heard this actually used by a Frenchman? think I learnt it out the back of a font guide years ago..
Dalle - slab = avale (or possibly 'sec', never quite got my head round this one)
gainage (f) = to lock elbow straight and roll at shoulder only using arm as a single lever...never heard /seen this outside of France, quite effective tho...un conduit = a slap where whole body is locked static except the moving arm
Pan Güllich = campus board
I suspect ghisino is more native than I am, so I'll stand corrected on best usage as conduit and gainage were used/first encountered by me principally (though not exclusively) in specific contexts:conduit; describing the semi-static way of doing Choucas crux (Mark Leach's method)gainage; some of the pocket moves on Zarma at Supermarchéréta is the abbreviation of rétablissementHave we had..?engagé - run outexpo - (genuinely) boldjwi- what's your first language?
bequet ok i don't know the english for this! it's when you have a protruding spike or feature and you can throw a sling over it for protection