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Family holiday ideas - probably not climbing

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We're having this debate at home currently.

We only have a 2 year old to take - who hates being in the car for more than about an hour - despite food and DVD bribes.

My wife was recommended North Norfolk by some friends she worked with. ?Wells on the Water?

We'd prefer Brittany but with a 2 year who screams all the way there and a wife who gets sea-sick just at the thought of going on a long ferry crossing, I'm more inclined to stay in the UK. Cornwall / Devon seems stupidily expensive!

SA Chris:
Remind me where you are based? Liverpool? Not sure you will get to Norfolk in an hour? You could get to Northumberland in the same time. A bit more to it than Norfolk, but depends what you want to do.

Pembroke is a less ruined cornwall. Cardigan is a nice little town, mwnt beach is lovely: , this caravan site is just a few hundred yards away, dunno what it's like though. The other side of fishguard, this pub is nice. The coastal quarries at Abereiddi are worth a look too. dunno prices compared to cornwall tho. FK2K, have you tried leaving about the childs bedtime? mine sleeps pretty well in the car.

Oh, and there's some good looking easy bouldering in the preseli hills mentioned in grimers book...

I stayed in Wells-next-to-the-sea a couple of years ago on a family get-together. Also, my wife's from Norfolk, so I've been to quite a few spots on the N Norfolk coastline. Personally, I find it very dull. If you do go though, I recommend The Lifeboat Inn in Thornham, which is a great food pub (massive roaring fire in winter).

What about Northern Spain? A week on the beach and a week in the Picos. I had an amazing holiday there as a kid (going back later this summer, tho sans famille  ::))


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