the shizzle > the blog pile

Shauna Coxsey

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6 Weeks Post Op
5 October 2016, 8:45 pm

It’s been exactly six weeks to the day since I had an operation on my shoulder. It seems totally crazy to think its been that long. I remember the moment that I hurt my shoulder. I remember it well: the pain; the confusion; the fear. How did it happen? Who knows. It seemed insane that […]

Source: Shauna Coxsey

The Paywall
10 April 2017, 9:25 pm

I fully support the athletes commission in opposing the paywall for access to the IFSC competition live stream. The paywall has implications for the competition organisers, athletes, sponsors and most importantly, the fans of the sport who tune in to watch IFSC competitions. I started climbing at the age of 4, no one in my […]

Source: Shauna Coxsey


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