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IT bargains

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Obi-Wan is lost...:
One for the geeks, an uber-geek collegue (his geeky-ness level is off the chart, in a good and very useful way!) pointed me towards this little bargain this morning...

£140 (after cashback offer, which ends tomorrow) for a near silent micro-server. Perfect for as alternative to a NAS box at home.

Obi-Wan is lost...:
Dell COLOUR Laser printer for £55   :shrug:

Not a bad price but I'd only ever buy networked printers these days, having to have a PC/laptop on with it plugged in is a ballache.

Cheap Netgaer 4-port 200Mbps powerline adapter

Picked up one of these the other day, its tiny, works great and is a bargain at £7

Kingston Technology 16GB Data Traveler Champagne SE9 USB Flash Drive


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