Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012! (Read 4638 times)


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Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012!
March 01, 2012, 04:07:08 am
Big Changes Afoot
15 January 2012, 12:51 pm

Seeing as its 2012 I decided my New Year resolution would be to do something productive and start a blog so here goes!

2011 was a pretty eventful and big year for me with many firsts on the climbing front. I'm pretty happy with what I achieved but I know I can do better so its time to knuckle down for 2012!

2011 has been a pretty inspiring year for female climbing with Hazel Findlay pushing the boundaries on trad with impressive hardcore ascents. Both Mina and Shauna have been crushing the bouldering with Mina doing many impressive Font 8a problems and Shauna doing the first female ascent of a problem of Font 8a and above in the UK in style by making it a Font 8a+!!

Already 2012 looks like being an exciting year, I am soon going to be working less which means more time to climb rather than just the weekends! :)

The first big change of this year is that I will soon be leaving Sheffield (sniff sniff) to live in Llanberis and work at the Beacon (yay). I'm super excited for this but also pretty sad to be leaving a big part of my life behind.

Sheffield has been a really special place to me for eight years meeting many cool and lovely people along the way, also a high concentration of extremely strong people so there must be something in the water!

Something I have been getting involved with the first week of this year was learning to route set at the Foundry with Rob Napier! Rob is one of the best  route setters in Uk and I have enjoyed climbing his routes so it was a great opportunity to learn how to set a route with him. Its definitely pretty full on but I learnt many new and useful things and most importantly route setting is definitely not easy! I now appreciate how hard it actually is to set a route on the main steep wall after setting my very first route on it and feeling like I'd been doing sit-ups all day non stop!! I've still got a long way to go before I am good at route setting but I have learnt more with Rob than I would of done with anyone else trying to teach me.

One of the reasons that we were setting some new routes was for the Mammut challenge which is running from the 10th of January to the 8th of February. To watch for some beta on some of the routes click this link  . Its free to enter so get on down to the Foundry, every week a name is pulled out in a raffle to win a rope so anyone has a chance of winning!!

I have already had a good start to the year by climbing my second ever Font 7b or V8, Left Wall Traverse in Parisellas cave. I am happy to have done this and hopefully I will spend some more time in the cave getting strong when I move to Wales.

Well I guess to finish off my blog I will leave you with some pictures of my last year or so climbing.

Happy climbing peeps,


Boat People 7c flash at the Diamond - James Mcormack

Statement of Youth 8a flash at LPT - Jon Butters

Statement of Youth - Jon Butters

Fun de Chichunne 8a onsight at Grande Grotte - Sarah Messenger

Fun de Chichunne - Sarah Messenger

Fun de Chichunne (the end is in sight!) - Sarah Messenger

Fun De Chichunne (Thank God I'm at the top) - Sarah Messenger

Air Time on Marci Marc 7c+ Odyssey - Minji Wong

Source: Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012!


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#1 New Beginnings in Wales
March 01, 2012, 04:07:08 am
New Beginnings in Wales
10 February 2012, 6:51 pm

Well the move to Wales started off with some trepidation. I was sad to leave Sheffield and say goodbye to  my friends there (though hopefully I will see them again soon!) but excited to be moving to Llanberis.

I was nervous about my first couple of weeks as my boyfriend Alex is a way a lot with work this month and whilst I knew a few people I didn't know many. However I now have my first ever car so freedom to go wherever I want is a pretty new feeling right now and an exciting one too!

Luckily for me everyone so far has been really lovely and I feel like I'm getting to know a great bunch of people. The weather has worked out perfectly and I have already had some wonderful days out bouldering on some beautiful rock in great locations. Its days like these recent ones that I have had that make you remember why climbing is so special and how lucky we are to be able to go on adventures exploring new places with good friends. You can't really beat those days when everything is just perfect.

My boyfriend would probably agree with me when I say I'm not the most focused of people when it comes to bouldering. I've grown up doing routes most of my life and I definitely get more psyched for trad and sports climbs. However all my days since moving to Wales have been bouldering and I have really enjoyed them. I am always impressed by girls who can boulder well, it takes a lot of dedication and training to get. I am hoping that I can keep on going with the recent psyche I have found for bouldering in the hope that it will make me an all round better climber.

Last Tuesday I headed to Parisella's Cave, it was pretty cold and warming up and then staying warm was pretty tricky. I went there with Ollie Cain and Caff but Neil Dyer and Pete Robins also joined us there. Its not very often that I'm the weakest person in a group out climbing but in this case I didn't mind being the weakest! My original intention was to try Rock Atrocity but it was so cold that the thought of pulling on the dishes wasn't very appealing to me so I turned my attention to Lou Ferrino, I felt pretty pleased with linking the upper moves and had a bit of a play on the lower bit. Wow is it powerful! I am definitely keen to carry on trying it but it may take some time to work out a good way to do the bottom bit as its the sort of climbing I'm not very good at.

On Wednesday we headed to a couple of places with a group of strong people.  The first place we visited was called Craig y Llyn in Nant Gwynant and the tick of the crag for me was Voie Normal (V7/7a+) on my second go. Its always interesting to watch other people climb and everyone else made this look so easy, but for me I found it really powerful and did not climb it well.

                                                   The finish of Voie Normal - Ollie Cain

After warming up at Craig y Llyn we then headed to Elephantitus Cave. This place was beautiful in the sunshine, bouldering on sun kissed rock in winter is a rarity but this was one of those wonderful occasions. Elephantitus Cave has some sweet little lines that are definitely worth a visit but on a nice sunny day to get the full ambience of the place. There was no messing about once we got there with team strong quickly smashing in Elepahntitus (V6/7a), again making it look really easy. I was pretty nervous pulling on as there were some biggish moves but luckily I flashed it with Jim (big guns) Mccormack's beta! I was pretty happy as the climbing is so lush. Next a lot of the group turned their attention to Down on an Elephant (V8/+ or 7b/+) with everyone putting in quick ascents. The first move was a big cross over from a good left hand hold into a slot with your right hand. Because this looked like a big move I didn't feel any pressure as I thought it would take a few attempts. I surprised myself by doing this move first go and went on to flash this problem which I was pretty chuffed about. In the end it felt ok to me but I think it suited my style and small fingers! A few of us then tried a problem called Tusk but that is definitely one to go back for and Dave Noden impressively added a new problem called The Old Bucaneer weighing in at V8+/7b+.


The view of Elephantitus Cave across the water - Simon Panton

Flashing Elephantitus - Simon Panton

Flashing Down on an Elephant - Simon Panton

Determined not to let go at the top of Down on an Elephant - Simon Panton

Attempting Tusk (V10) one to come back for - Simon Panton

This week Tuesday and Wednesday were stunning yet again, I can't believe how lucky I have been with the weather!! On Tuesday we went to the Lily Savage boulders on the opposite side from Tryfan. It was an entertaining walk in, a little bit boggy and neil couldn't quite remember the way! We all did a tricky little V6/7a to warm up and then went to try Paul O Grady (the stand up and sit down start). I wasn't climbing my best that day but it was nice just to be out. I didn't do the problem either way but I had a good stab at the sit down start. Unfortunately we ran out of time and had to leg it back down so that myself and Miles Hill weren't late for work!

Tricky V6 warm up - Ollie Cain

                                           Paul O Grady sit start (V9) maybe one day - Ollie Cain

On Wednesday a small group first headed to Rhiw Goch, myself and Jim Mccormack were pretty broken from the shouldery burl fest at the Lily Savage boulders the other day. Unfortunately for me Jim has big guns and is extremely strong so I was expecting him to still be ok. I on the other hand was praying for  bit of respite in the style of climbing. It as not to be! Rhiw Goch is a lovely little hidden place but its also pretty burly. After warming up myself and Jim set to work trying a deceptive V8 /7b called Moria whilst Chris Doyle was working some nails burly problems and projects. Moria was a really lovely problem, from the ground it looked pretty easy and I thought it would go quickly. How wrong I was!! once you get on it the holds aren't quite as good as you think they will be in places and the foot holds are all at the wrong angle. The first move is extremely powerful and shouldery, it took me a few goes to get this consistently and then I had to figure out a good sequence for the top as Jims way was too burly (he dispatched it pretty quickly)! I was robbed on one of my attempts where everything pinged off at the same time on the top and I shredded a fair bit of skin. I decided to have one last go with time running out ad skin feeling pretty sore. I almost wanted to leave it but I felt so strong on the go before that I just couldn't. I pulled back on crushing the holds and feeling super smooth, I got to my high point and hesitated a little bit but my determination came through and I stuck the last move to top out! Psyched :)

                                      Hitting the top move on Moria (V8) - Simon Panton

After this we headed to the Mallory boulder for the afternoon, its a fair old hike up through the boggy ground and the heather, but the rock is one of the most aesthetically beautiful places I have climbed.  Unfortunately I didn't have much time as I had to be at work in the early evening so I did a lovely V4 called Barking Direct and then tried a V7 called Mallory Crack with one hard move that I couldn't quite do but then I had to leg it down to my car to get to work. Hopefully I will visit there again but it is a bit of a mission so the psyche definitely has to be high!

                                   Barking Direct (V4) What a Line! - Simon Panton

I've definitely enjoyed my first couple of weeks and I'm looking forward to hopefully getting out some more if the weather behaves itself! I'm really loving life in Wales and made even better by the people I have been getting to know. At the moment I feel really lucky to be where I am in one of the most beautiful places in the country.  For the first time in a while I feel completely at peace and satisfied with the way things are panning out, it will soon be spring and I am getting psyched for what will hopefully be a good routes season again.

Happy crushing to everyone out there!

Source: Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012!


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#2 Route Season Psyche!!
March 17, 2012, 12:00:32 am
Route Season Psyche!!
16 March 2012, 9:29 pm

Its been a good few weeks but also frustrating at the same time.  Hopefully I will get the problems I have been trying soon,  but the routes are becoming dry and psyche is high again! :)

After taking it easy last week I headed up to Malham with Jimmy Big Guns on Monday and Tuesday this week. Unfortunately when we arrived it was a lot more wet than I thought it was going to be, surprisingly it has been rather nice in Wales! The bottom part of the route I have been trying was soaked but the top half was dry so I got some good links in high up, I was pretty happy with this and hopefully it is a a positive step towards doing the route.  Jim was also on the same route and made some good links for his first time up it, looking like the beast that he is.

On the Wednesday after getting back I was planning on having a rest day with no skin left and a sore shoulder but it was so beautiful outside that I got roped into going up into the pass bouldering with Ollie Cain and Ruth Bevan. One of the great things about Llanberis is that there are so many people psyched to get out but its also really hard to say no when you should be resting. Ollie had promised me an easy day pottering but in the end this was not the case! It started off nicely lazing about on the pads soaking up the sun but then more people arrived so we felt like we should probably start climbing. We warmed up a bit then did a nice problem called the Scoop Sit Start (V4).  Ruth tried this a few times putting in some stirling efforts and falling off the tricky last move. This was awesome as she had just finished some hardcore night shifts - I know most people would have been catching up on some much needed sleep!! She will definitely crush next time when she is fresh.

Meanwhile I turned my attention to Scoop Traverse (V8+/7b+), I was really happy to do this on my third go after a bit of tweaking on the middle section. It felt pretty ok but the moves definitely suited me with none of them being ridiculously powerful. After that I tried a problem called the sting (V8) but it has really small holds and I wasn't psyched for losing more skin more psyched for a cuppa tea!

[tr][td][/td][/tr][tr][td]Scoop Traverse V8+ stretchy move - Ollie Cain


Scoop Traverse, getting ready for crux - Ollie Cain

Scoop Traverse, crux move - Ollie Cain

[tr][td][/td][/tr][tr][td]Scoop Traverse, crux move - Ollie Cain[/td][/tr]
[tr][td][/td][/tr][tr][td]Scoop Traverse, the end is in sight - Ollie Cain[/td][/tr]

Luckily after three days on I had a day of work at the Beacon, I don't think I could have taken another day on of climbing. Today after my day of rest I went to LPT with Ollie Cain and Mark Reeves, I woke up feeling pretty awful with a bad nights sleep and stuffed full of cold so it was a pretty slack start. I did start to perk up a bit as the day went on, I was trying Over the Moon Direct (8a) and fell off at the last move on the attempt I had before the tide came in, I also felt pretty knackered after this attempt so thought it wise to stop there. Unfortunately the climbing is not over until you have got the jugs at the top if you are on the shorter side! Hopefully it will go soon though otherwise you might hear me screaming a few times at the top. This was my third time down at LPT this year and it has been pretty lush down there with the sun out shining on two occasions.

Luckily I now have a couple of rest days doing my first aid course so hopefully I will have recovered and be rested for next week..............

Have a nice weekend to those who read this and lots of fun climbing!

Source: Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012!


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