the shizzle > bouldering

Angry Man at Shucks Lair

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We went to find this crag the other day,  Just as we were leaving the footpath a couple of guys, guessing they would be the  gamekeepers, arrived and told us piss off.  His excact words were if i catch you in the woods further than 50m from the fairy steps then i will make sure you are prosecuted, I dont like fucking climbers they chopped down some Yew trees and i got in the shit for it from english heretige.  So there you go.

There's a post on the Lakesbloc blog with some wider issues at Fairy Steps :-

Haha, I had a similar incident a couple of weeks back (one gamekeeper also had a rifle).

Personally would strongly advise not going there, to be fair it is in a runner pen for pheasants, people's (very expensive) livelihoods.

Also gamekeepers are highly unreliable and edgy people. 


--- Quote from: nodder on August 04, 2011, 03:22:35 pm ---His excact words were if i catch you in the woods further than 50m from the fairy steps then i will make sure you are prosecuted
--- End quote ---
Unless you're causing some sort of damage, what's he going to get you prosecuted with?


--- Quote from: Bubba on August 04, 2011, 05:03:50 pm ---
--- Quote from: nodder on August 04, 2011, 03:22:35 pm ---His excact words were if i catch you in the woods further than 50m from the fairy steps then i will make sure you are prosecuted
--- End quote ---
Unless you're causing some sort of damage, what's he going to get you prosecuted with?

--- End quote ---

Stealing buckshot out the end of both barrels  :-\


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