Climbing life and experiences (Read 110613 times)


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#50 This is how we do it!
November 03, 2011, 06:02:02 pm
This is how we do it!
3 November 2011, 12:57 pm

We've all been continuing the gritstone rampage in the last week, its been awesome to get back out to all these different crags and start getting involved again. Makes a change from the usual haunts of Chee Dale and The Tor!

Goliath was on the list of routes we were all syked to do, and after acquiring some badass cams it went down like a good un! Peace goes out to Tom Randall for this, cheers bro, that was for you.

Check the videos!


Sam gives us the lowdown on his rack!

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#51 And there was light!
November 18, 2011, 06:00:14 pm
And there was light!
18 November 2011, 5:35 pm

It was good to finally see some sunshine over the weekend, even if we did have a pretty gash sesh at out on the grit, the weather has been so grim over the last couple weeks it has been hard to get stuff done which has frustrated the camp hugely. Saturday me and Sam hit Curbar hoping the place wouldn't be to soggy, it wasn't brilliant but we came away with a couple of small ticks, and was just good to be out really and see some blue sky!  We all ended up at Apparent North on Tuesday, getting spat off the groveling nightmere of Skinless Wonder, it didn't yield but Ed saved the day by edging his way up Stanage Without Oxygen and then we all bailed for a huge, if not quite deserved, carvery and ice cream!

Its my graduation tomorrow so will be giving the grit a miss, but fingers crossed the weather improves for the coming week. Here are a few pictures from our grit questing. Cheers

And good luck to Ed in his first senior world cup this weekend in Kranj! Kill it bro, peace.

Setting up for the most bull mantel ever

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#52 Cracks, Comps, and Dogs
November 29, 2011, 12:00:38 am
Cracks, Comps, and Dogs
28 November 2011, 1:35 pm

We woke up Saturday morning to be greeted once again with shoddy conditions but decided to defy the weather and head out anyway hoping to salvage something. We ended up at Cracliffe where me and Sam sent the Reticent Mass Murderer, E4/5 6b. Quite tricky for E4 but yeah another old school classic test piece done. Can't imagine this thing gets many ascents but its just cool to be ticking the routes again. Ted joined us later after his crush fest at Nuda's where he got the 2nd ascent of Marks 'Stumped' a crazy V10! Then went on a bit of a mini rampage at The Stride, throwing laps on Ben's Wall. Tres bon youth.

Mega respect goes to Ed for 2nd place in his last junior comp in Kranj over the weekend. That is how to go out in style. Good one geezer SHIKADING!

Over haddon local chilling on the podium

This week we are all thinking of heading up to Ilkley to try some different stuff, lets hope again for decent weather. We may also have a new crag buddy joining us out on the grit shortly, in the form of Jet the dog.

Finally check out the footage a friendly geezer captured of Ted on Stumped.


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#53 Quick shoot in the woods
December 07, 2011, 06:00:16 pm
Quick shoot in the woods
7 December 2011, 2:29 pm

The new geezer

I'm sat looking at the mad weather unfold outside, what is going on right now with it all! Anyway thought I would upload a few pictures from a quick shoot we did at the weekend.

Even though the weather is hit and miss at the moment, its not quite as bad as it seems. I twisted my knee about a week ago, so the odd day chilling is giving it time to heal up. Hard to believe that this time last year we were all knee deep in snow!

We're all stoked for The Works party this Friday! And hopefully we might manage to get out a bit the following day... Anyway check out the pics, and would just like to mention and give a big shout out to our Cassie who came first in her local bouldering comp! Nice one you crusher! cheers x

Just to finish, spent a couple days at the Haddon crib last week, couple of videos of our hardcore training sessions, and some post send thoughts from Sam after he boshed out Master of Reality at Hen Cloud.

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#54 London Trip
December 19, 2011, 06:00:47 pm
London Trip
19 December 2011, 12:51 pm

Last Thursday we headed down to London with the Hamers for a quick hit of shopping and a few days break from the Peak. Still not having much luck with the weather so we're all training quite a lot and trying to stay as syked as possible!

We had planned on hitting the Alps for some skiing and snowboarding for New Year but that has been scrapped and now a trip to Turkey could be on the cards at the start of January, which would be incredible as none of us have ever been before and the place just looks sick! Plus the crag is uber close to the campsite so no long treks like France back in the summer! Next year looks like being a pretty big year for traveling for us all as Spain is a definite for Easter, then maybe France again, along with a potential trip to the USA! Have to see how the funds work out though first, but it'll be so good to visit all these places and take full advantage of the endless amount of free time we all have at the minute!

Check out the pictures and stuff from London and stay keen people! x

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#55 Happy New Year!
January 03, 2012, 12:00:27 am
Happy New Year!
2 January 2012, 8:56 pm

Christmas has been and gone along with the New year celebrations and many of us are hoping that the start of 2012 the UK will finally be able to string together a few days of good weather! We kicked off the year today up at Baslow where I was able to pull my way up the E5 6c, Poppers! A very cool, short line with a dyno start followed by crimpy chicken heads, and a final sketch over the top with the wind blowing a gale!

A short while before Christmas me and Sam had a trip to eatswood and both sent Jon Fullwoods line Beyond the Forbidden Forest, E5 6b. Such a good crag this place and being only 15minutes from my house its ideal for a quick hit. Syked to check out more of the route here at some point.

Keeping it G at The Works party! Cheers Tom!

I spent much of the 'holidays' at the Hamer household with plenty of training going down in the garage of beasts along with a couple of pretty decent days out. Last week we all headed out with our good homie and up and coming photographer, Adam Bailes! He got some sick shots and footage so massive thanks go out to the geezer, peace bro. Anyway check it all out below, and you can find more of Adams work on his website:

Peace out and hope everyone has a year full of crushing and psyche!

Birthday lad!

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#56 J'adore l'escalade
January 14, 2012, 12:00:42 am
J'adore l'escalade
13 January 2012, 6:47 pm

Here is a quick video from Adam Bailes of us boshing out Mossatrocity at Grindleford last weekend. I do freaking love this problem and this compression style climbing! Nice one Bailes!

Also, I came across this sick video yesterday that has some pretty mental footage, nothing climbing related but check it out anyway.

More Surfing Videos

Peace ya'll, have a good weekend!

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#57 This is what it's all about...
January 17, 2012, 12:00:47 am
This is what it's all about...
16 January 2012, 8:21 pm

The cold, crisp conditions finally arrived at the weekend with Saturday ranking as probably one of the most memorable days on the grit ever. I was super syked to get involved and meet up with some crew from London along with beta master Ted at Stanage and hopefully take advantage of the perfect temps. First up was Stanage Without Oxygen, E5 6c which went down within half an hour and a route I was very stoked to top out on! Shortly after Ted joined us and we ventured off to the classic 7C, Brass Monkeys. I came close on the flash and dispatched it 3rd go, another wicked line ticked and in the bag!

Brass Monkeys

We decided to take a walk over to Big Air E6 6b, with the hope of giving it a blast if we could get syked for the leap of faith across the gully. After a couple of test jumps Ted showed the way and went for it, cranking his way to the top with a round of applause! I then found the psyche, dug deep and soon found myself topping out as well. Always wanted to do this old test piece and we even had the privilege of seeing Will make the the FA of the direct start! Big waddage for that man!

Going for it on Big Air! Cheers to Stu for this shot.

Further sends from the day included a flash of the 7A+ Help the Young, a team send of Captain Hook 7B, followed by Glass Hour and Help the Aged.

Ted boshing out Born Slappy

So in the end a truly sick day out with a really good crowd. Definitely have huge motivation for more! Big up goes out to my Dad for his belaying and to Ted for all his knowledge.

Finally would just like to send best wishes to a girl from the London party that fell and had to be air lifted out. Peace out and crank through it! X

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#58 Sending fest
January 30, 2012, 06:00:17 pm
Sending fest
30 January 2012, 12:13 pm

Even though the weather still hasn't been too great we've still been getting out a lot  just lately and managing to get stuff done. We took a trip to the Churnet last week with the Hamers and alongside getting pretty soaked we got a fair few classic things ticked. Sends included: Simple Simon 7B, Sam Sam Tan 7B+, Wrights Traverse 7B, High Speed Imp Act 7A, Martins Mono 7A, Fifty Pence Problem 7B, and a few other things.

Anyway I thought rather than write much more I would just post up a load of video that we've taken from the last week, so have a gander ya'll.

Seems like the UK is set to get pretty cold in the coming days, lets see what happens... Out

Sam enjoying the rain

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#59 Keeping it real
February 14, 2012, 12:00:20 am
Keeping it real
13 February 2012, 5:50 pm

The cold weather and snowy conditions we'd all been wishing for all winter finally arrived but unfortunately didn't bring quite as many amazing days as hoped for! Nevertheless we've still all been getting out and digging deep! It can be hard to maintain motivation sometimes when every visit to try a route turns out to be dog weather, but you just have to learn to get on with it and be super patient because eventually it'll all come good. I've been getting stuck into the bouldering the last week or so and had a really good weekend sending some stuff on the lime! Most of the grit was pretty much out on Saturday so me and Ted ended up retreating to the grotty local toilet of Toms Cave to check out a few things. After warming up and a good brew I was able to get the fairly new problem of Hannibal (V9) done before heading for cake, tea and rugby with the Hamers. Sunday Ed joined us for a sesh at Stoney, a place I've not climbed at in years, and it turned out to be a brilliant call with most things bone! We must have ticked close to 30 odd problems between the three of us, mostly down to Teds excellent knowledge, nice one homie! Few 'highlights' included Power Allowance, Swing Thing, White Ladder and a total of four V10's for Ed! Good un youth.

Anyway check out some video from the weekend and the pics from Tom and Pete's birthday bash at Millstone, no idea how those guys found the psyche to tie on and get up that thing in those conditions, but waddage to them both for the effort!

Some blonde chic going for it on Masters

Banana man

Ted the Hannibal

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#60 River of Life
February 27, 2012, 06:00:14 pm
River of Life
27 February 2012, 11:24 am

Ed, Bailes and myself headed to try this problem the other week so here are a few shots that my sister LYDIA took of us getting involved. Cheers youth.

This last week we've had our good friend Gasper Pintar staying with us from Slovenia, its been awesome to see our true homie again and show him around the Peak. I'll get onto writing something about what we've been up to shortly.

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#61 True Slovenia
February 29, 2012, 12:00:41 am
True Slovenia
28 February 2012, 9:13 pm

So as I mentioned briefly in the previous post our super strong Slovenian friend,  Gasper, spent the last week kicking it in the Peak with us geezers and learning what British climbing is all about, along with what us lot have to deal with on a daily basis.

Bearing in mind this guy climbed 8c when he was 15 we were all syked to see how he would get on! For his first ever 'trad' route he boshed out the highball E6/7 Thumbelina at Ina's Rock in the Churnet! Check out the pics, and I will upload some video when I get around to it.

It was an awesome day out with a big crew, and huge crush fest with us all sending this scary classic. Cornelius was up next just to the left, Dave led the way and soon found himself through the high crux and topping out. We'll be back to finish this off soon, that bloc is high!

Being mainly a sport climber, Pinti was especially excited about checking out the Tor, however we arrived and the place was soaked, but he was happy to have seen all the famous lines and to experience his first taste of fish and chips after!

We then took him out for a crash course in proper trad climbing on the grit. The guy turned out to be a natural and you would have hardly guessed he'd never placed a cam or nut in his life! Respect bro. See you again soon, hopefully for some hardcore euro style training in Slovenia! Peace

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#62 Livin it large on the blocs!
March 09, 2012, 12:00:15 am
Livin it large on the blocs!
8 March 2012, 7:59 pm

I've been carrying on the bouldering front just lately, mainly because its quick and easy to bail if the weather craps out. Had an awesome session last weekend with Ted again, this time at Burbage South where I came super close to flashing Zorev, 7C only to fall slapping for the top. Managed to get it second go and my brother was standing by with the camera, so check the video below. We then carried on to tick Trellis, Electrical Storm, Attitude Inspector, and Iain's Roof. A pretty good day doing some classics in the sunshine!

I also did the cool bloc of Tetris a few weeks ago now, another one of the essential peak 7C's and something good to take from an otherwise wet day up at the Roaches!

Earlier today I headed to the Tor with Ed and met up with Dave and Zippy for a first sesh of the year at the place. I was pretty psyched to go on Ben's Roof, having never really put any proper time into it before, and Ed was interested in giving Keen Roof a blast with Mason.

After a good warm up and some banter I ticked Ben's, and Keen Roof wasn't far off getting an ascent from Edwardo, but something that will have to wait for another day. Very pleased to get this famous essential tick and feel the benefits of the training.

This weekend its all about the CWIF, and we are all looking forward to watching the finals on Sunday, along with a free burger... and hopefully getting out on the Saturday for some routes! There are going to be some big Wads in Sheffield and it'll be a cool few days hanging out with the crew, with lots of rock climbing!

Oh and I finally managed to upload the video of Gasper doing Thumbelina, take a look at the lad crushing.


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#63 CWIF and more grit
March 16, 2012, 06:00:17 pm
CWIF and more grit
15 March 2012, 9:28 pm

Last weekend was a big few days in Sheffield with the arrival of a bunch of strong climbers for the CWIF. I met up with Ted for another hit of the grit bouldering on Saturday morning, and the geezer yanked his way up Zorev. I know he was very keen to get this done so good effort mate! We then moved onto Burbage North to escape the hurricane like winds that were battering the quarries and us! Here we did the classic highball 'Sphinx'  7A+ or E5 6c in the olden days, before walking over to tick 'Zaff Skoczylas' 7C and then a good flash of 'Boyager' 7B. If you haven't done this its definitely worth seeking out as its a real gem of a boulder.

Warming down in the evening light

We woke up Sunday to more amazing weather, but it was all about heading down to The Works for the semi finals and to give some support to our friends competing. It was an awesome atmosphere with a huge crowd and some dam strong guys and gals all fighting it out for a spot in the final on some pretty nails looking blocs.

After stuffing our faces with burgers and scones it was finals time. It was very cool to watch those guys all battling super hard and big congrats to Dave and Shauna who totally crushed and for once it wasn't those French on top of the podium, or in this case, spacehoppers!

Ed pulling hard in Semi's

Adam Bailes Photography

It provided a good rest day for those of us not competing so the following day we all once again hit Burbage, in perfect conditions. I was pretty stoked to top out on The Knock E4/5 5c after warming up, a route I've always wanted to do and with the weather, it meant you could just enjoy the whole thing so much more! We ventured down the crag a bit more after this and 'The Alliance' got flashed before a few more things got sent by the rest of the team, including 'The Rib' and 'Desparate'.

It was really starting to warm up as we walked back for the main event of the day, the E6 6b Nosferatu! The arete was in full sun and we pondered for a good while at the bottom before Ted decided to just go for it. A recce or two later he was at the last move, stretching to the huge bucket of a hold that awaits those successful and it was in the bag!

By this time the temps had cooled loads and everything seemed just right for giving it a go, I tied in, set off and quickly found myself at the break clipping the gear and setting up for the launch to the jug! I pulled over and stood on top in brilliant late afternoon sunshine and pretty syked on the flash, but mainly just to climb a really sick line and another route that's been on the list for a while. Should have a load of pictures from Bailes coming through sometime so I'll post them up when I get hold of them, but cheers to Kitty for most of these!

In the mean time, for those of you not familiar with the route, check out the video below of Katy climbing it a few years ago.

We finished the long weekend with the best carvery in the world and all you can eat ice cream! Nice one youths, and massive cheers to Denise for putting up with us all again!!

The Sheep!

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#64 All aboard the wagon
March 21, 2012, 12:00:49 am
All aboard the wagon
20 March 2012, 5:11 pm

I am full on loving the trad at the minute along with the lighter evenings. Its been really good to finally get some more consistent and settled weather were you can actually go out, get stuff done without worrying about freezing  fingers and how long you've got until it starts raining! Burbage South has continued to get a lot of attention, with another hit over the weekend with my revived trad homie Ted! I don't know exactly why I'm so syked for this place just now. Maybe because I have never really done much in the way of routes there before, and there are just so many classic lines to get done.

Offspring has always been something that inspired me, as the whole block is just so impressive and sits proudly on the hillside like the frickin Titanic! Anyway we both got up this and it has quickly become a firm favorite! We also popped down the crag a few yards and did another class E5, Pebble Mill. There is still so much to do in this area and we're hoping we can tick a few more things off before the it gets too much warmer. Cheers to Lydia again for most of the pictures.

Oh and it's looking like we'll be taking a trip to the Frankenjura towards the end of April! I cannot wait to get out there and get stuck into all the short, bouldery routes the place has to offer, and to see our good friend Tanja who we'll hopefully be chilling with for a couple weeks.


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#65 Turning up the heat up!
March 28, 2012, 01:00:13 am
Turning up the heat up!
27 March 2012, 7:05 pm

Since doing Offspring the other week I was really keen to try Masters of the Universe, E7 6b which is the stunning, hanging arete of the Cioch block. So last week I headed back to the place with bold grit man, Nathan Lee, who was equally syked to give it a go. We went through the moves and got set up for giving it a burn. This is another route were you have to abseil in to start climbing after tying off the ab rope at the bottom to back up the rather rusty looking old bolts! I managed to get the flash in the end, after a brief, spooky moment half way up the arete, with a large beckoning fall looming below! We got some footage of Nathans ascent so have a look. It might be soft for E7 and probably more like E6 but who cares, its another sick route and one that should get more attention! You can also get a good view below of Tom and Ed finishing up this route  after doing the traverse on Silent Scream.

Big up to Ed as well for his ascent of the 8B, Keen Roof, a few days ago. Word up home  boy!

We seem to have been suddenly hit by an intense heat wave since the start of the weekend but we still kept up the grit trad mission on Saturday and boshed out Poached Salmon, E5 6b at Bamford. Pretty tough in the heat but steady as she goes youth.

Today though we decided it was time for some more lime action, so we checked out Squirrel Buttress just up the river from the Tor! Ed and myself both managed the 7C here, Candy Kaned before blasting over to Crag X and doing another 7C Moffatrocity. Then it was time for a feet up sesh in Bakewell with bread n cheese, chillin with the old people! Got a quick video if anyone is keen for some beta on Candy.

Off up Scotland tomorrow for a couple days, building a climbing wall at a school in Edinburgh. Will let ya'll know how that goes. Going for some chocolate digestives now, peace.

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#66 Team Mammut
March 30, 2012, 07:00:25 pm
Team Mammut
30 March 2012, 2:18 pm

Very pleased to announce that I have officially joined the Mammut team.  Super syked to work with these guys and to start promoting the brand in the UK! Would like to say a big thank you to everyone at Mammut UK for their support!

You can read more about the rest of the team here on UKC:

Hope everyone has a good weekend, with maybe slightly cooler temps! Peace.

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#67 Lime is back with a bang!
April 04, 2012, 01:01:53 am
Lime is back with a bang!
3 April 2012, 7:23 pm

We hit the Tor up at the weekend, along with just about every one else as the place was crowded out, but it was good to catch up with a few people and get stuck into some more boulder action.

After watching Simon blast his way up the Weedkiller/Chimes link I managed to get Tumbleweed done. Whether this is still 8A I don't really know, but just really stoked to see the progression!

We all decided to then escape the crowds and had a cool few hours at Gardoms, doing a bunch of classic blocs, before another sick carvery with the crew.

Hannah getting a good SPOT on Marks!

I've been meaning to check out Anston for a good while now so yesterday me and Ed drove on over and ended up having a rad session in the woods. This place is soooo good and with it only being 20 minutes from my house I'll be spending a lot of time there this summer for sure. Highlights were us both sending the amazing roof problem, Soul Crusher 7C+ as well as the 8A sit start from the back! Other sends of day included Bullit 7C, The Pheonix 7C, The Vision 7C, Black Crow 7C+ and a send of the super popular 8A, Dark Art and Quarantine, 8A by Edwardo!

We both made pretty good progress on the 8A+ Vanilla Sky as well so we're super keen to get back and try it some more.

Anyway we've got loads more video footage from the last week so take a look. Cheers to Nathan for the one just below!

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#68 Chillin int woods
April 11, 2012, 01:00:26 am
Chillin int woods
10 April 2012, 7:22 pm

This last week has been pretty intense with quite a few trainings sessions on the plastic and then some more trips to the uber popular Anston. I am definitely in need of a rest day and have some time to just chill out and take it easy. Hoping all this bouldering we've been doing will help us out in a few weeks when we hit the Jura up! I am very excited to get out there and big thanks to everyone who has been sending me lists of some of the best routes to get on!

Anyway some of the top sends over the last few days have been:  Into the Light Direct 7C+, Dark Art 8A, Dark Beta 8A, and Wrestling with my Dangerous Soul, a potential 8A+... from where I started on the back wall. No idea about this one really but a good line with a fair few hard pulls. If you've not visited this place yet, I'd really recommend you check it out. If only to get away from the usual limestone spots. Have a gander at the video just below of the problem Dark Art and fingers crossed this rain doesn't ruin the lime for us, as people are really starting to get back into it!

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#69 Fingers n Veins
April 16, 2012, 01:01:06 am
Fingers n Veins
15 April 2012, 6:08 pm

Wrestling with my Dangerous Soul

I've had a bit of a bruised finger for a few days now, so had to take a bit of time out and rest up, but it came at a good time as I've been helping out a bunch of PhD students at Loughbourgh university with their study into how effective the arms blood vessels, among climbers,  are at delivering blood. So the finger setback hasn't bothered me too much as I wasn't supposed to really train while they performed their tests, plus I was in need of a few days off! It'll be really cool to see the full results when they are published, it was definitely interesting seeing the arteries rushing with blood on the ultrasound as they released the clap from my arm! Below is the study overview for those that are interested.

Elite rock climbers have a highly adapted forearm vasculature, when compared to the sedentary population. For example, we have previously demonstrated that the blood flow capacity, and blood flow during exercise, was much higher in the rock climbers compared to non-climbing control subjects. However, this study is not able to identify the mechanisms for this higher blood flow capacity, which could be due to structural and functional changes in the artery supplying the forearm (brachial artery), or a higher number of capillaries within the forearm.

Therefore, this study aims to examine artery structure and function, and capillarity, in a population of elite rock climbers, and compare them to a group of non-climbing control subjects.

I'll be sure to post up the report of their findings soon as they email them through. Out.

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#70 Rainy day syke
April 18, 2012, 07:00:20 pm
Rainy day syke
18 April 2012, 4:43 pm

Check out this cool video of our homie Hannah Wilson, getting down with it on the blocs. Keep the psyche going on a rainy day!

And for those that haven't seen this trailer from Nikon be sure to have a look! Its definitely worth another watch. I'm off snorkling now, cheers.

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#71 The Jura is looming!
April 25, 2012, 01:00:59 am
The Jura is looming!
24 April 2012, 6:13 pm

Not long now till myself and Ted fly out to Germany for a couple weeks and get stuck into the incredible looking routes the place has to offer. We fly out from Manchester Thursday night and then hopefully be hitting the crags Friday! Really stoked to meet up with our good friend Tanja out there, along with a few members of the German climbing team, who will give us the grand tour and fingers crossed not feed us too much cake!

The finger is feeling much better now, although still a little stiff but we've had some really good indoor sessions in the last week and its definitely getting there. So hopefully we'll be fine getting involved with all these pockets and mono's!

The Frankenjura apparently has over 1000 crags with approx 7000 routes! More than enough to keep us going that's for sure. Anyway I'll be keeping the blog rolling while we're out there, so check back in to see how we're getting on.

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#72 Deutschland JA!
April 30, 2012, 07:00:14 pm
Deutschland JA!
30 April 2012, 5:54 pm

We have been blown away by the amount of rock here. We were expecting it  to be pretty amazing but their are more crags littered around than you  can imagine. Its been awesome to see Tanja again and see some of the  local area. The weather here has been incredible with it touching 35  degrees on our first day, which made a bit of a change from the UK!

We're  on a rest day right now, and just got back from the school where Tanja  works, as she asked us to come and talk with her students and help them  out with their English. It was a bit of a surprise for them I think but  it went really well. The big difference between being here and France  last year is that pretty much everybody speaks English, even if only a  little, which is pretty cool and a real bonus when trying to find your  way around.

Below are a few shots from our trip so far, just had time  to upload them before we hit the local village for a big Mayday  festival. Auf gehts!

Source: Climbing life and experiences


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#73 Back int Peak
May 10, 2012, 01:00:31 am
Back int Peak
9 May 2012, 2:59 pm

Our time in the Jura has come to an end and we're now sitting back at  home watching the rain fall outside. We both had an amazing 12 days over  there, after a shaky start involving a hire car that refused to start,  but it all came good and we were able to climb some pretty sick lines  and party German style with our friends! There are just so many  fantastic routes to do and we barely even scratched the surface. We'll  definitely be going back in the near future to finish off projects and  explore the forests some more!

Some of our favorite ascents of  the trip were:

King Lui, 7c - Flash

Ekel, 7c+ - Second go

Leftfield,  8a

Pretty Girl, 7c+/8a - Second go

Massaker, 7c - Second go

Huge  thanks go out to Tanja and her family for giving us somewhere to stay  and showing us around. We really appreciated all of your help!

For  the Ceuse end of trip report last year I just uploaded a bucket load of  pictures and I'm going to do the same again this time, so take a look.  They do all the story telling for you!

Rustam Gelmanov filming on Action Direct!


Off to church on our rest day


Ted preaching to the masses

Off to school

Source: Climbing life and experiences


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#74 Some grit...
May 16, 2012, 01:00:31 am
Some grit...
15 May 2012, 6:45 pm

Since getting back I've been adjusting to Peak life again which has seen a return to the grit! We thought this stuff was done for the season but I spent the weekend hanging out on the edges with the Hamer homies pottering up a few routes. We did the classic E5 Goosey Goosey Gander on Saturday and then a trip to Ramshaw the following day where Sam smoothly dispatched Never Never Land E7 6b in his usual cool style. Myself and Ed got syked for the lead then decided we were more keen for a brew and roast dinner back at the crib!

I'm currently editing a load of footage we took in Germany so I'll post it up soon as its all done, be sure to check in and give it a watch. It'll be nothing special, just a couple of muppets dossing around and doing the odd bit of climbing! Peace


Ed forgot to tie in...

Some new hero

Having a moment in the cafe

Source: Climbing life and experiences


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