the shizzle > food & drink

Serious Delirium - the coffee thread

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Paul B:
I'd advise watching the James Hoffman videos on this.

If he doesn't want a new hobby I'd suggest the Sage Barista Express. It's the right level of messing about for me. Otherwise you're looking at a Gaggia Pro and something like the Iberital (sp?) grinder (£1:£1). There are others at a similar price point but not many.

The grinder is as important as the machine, and electric grinders capable of producing a consistent espresso grind don't come cheap.

if your mate does't already have a good grinder, it might be worth considering a hand grinder. I have a 1zpresso, which was pretty much state of the art when I bought it a couple of years back, and I don't find the under 30 seconds it takes me to grind a shot's worth of beans onerous.

Second the recommendation to check out what James Hoffmann has to say.

James Malloch:
Thanks for the advice. Ive pointed him in the direction of James’ videos. And also a good point on the grinder - i guess for espresso you’ll need something high quality.

It’s making me want a home espresso setup now - if only we had a bigger kitchen…

+1 for sage and in terms of a grinder I always recommend people pick up a Timemore C3, around 70 quid and does a grand job for the price.


--- Quote from: Dingdong on May 15, 2023, 09:36:21 am ---+1 for sage and in terms of a grinder I always recommend people pick up a Timemore C3, around 70 quid and does a grand job for the price.

--- End quote ---

It's really hard work to get an espresso grind with my Timemore C2 - and not very adjustable in the espresso fine settings either. Personally wouldn't recommend it if espresso was the goal, absolutely love mine for making pourovers and aeropress though.


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