the shizzle > food & drink

Serious Delirium - the coffee thread

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Cheers for the purchasing advice, but funds mean I'll be limited to a cafetiere until I've got a job! Good website though, thanks!

Would agree with the Harrogates concensus, was really impressed with this recently:;GROSESSIONID=NLhVFGKmKn1CGJ6Xp6VP1hssg2VwLpzGyLxCgVp3zV7LnBpMH50r!-2041082410?bmForm=deep_link_groceries_search_javascript&bmFormID=1296767509087&bmUID=1296767509087

What Sam said - get a grinder.

And then buy some of the excellent stuff from here:

Highly recommend the Cuban Serrano and the excellent Ethopian Harrah.

Supermarket coffee? You'll never look back!

I get my coffee from a wee place run a by a family in Perth - awesome wee shop and nice people. Best coffee in Scotland too!

I've got a stove-top espresso which is great for camping and when I run out of beans (Lavazza red is the best of the pre ground stuff). But I mainly use a gaggia espresso machine and a reasonable grinder (would love a better one).

When you say you're using a caffetiere  - is it the "pour hot water into a glass jar with a  press style"? With those, I can;t say I've ever noticed the difference between fresh ground and pre ground - like others have said, that harrogates stuff is quite decent for that.

I got my dad a Gaggia classic off Ebay a couple of years back and it is noticeable how much better it is than mine - keep meaning to get one...

Mmmmmmm - love my coffee!

Farrah's mate! Kendal's Finest! Columbia! Two bags on the way to leeds (£3 a bag)..... you interested?


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