the shizzle > get involved: access, environment, BMC

issue: Burbage Valley Zip Wire

(1/29) > >>

john horscroft:
There's a strong rumour doing the rounds that an outdoor pursuits company is seeking permission to hold occasional zip wire days in Burbage.  The wire would run from Burb West to Burb North right across the valley.  This is a commercial company.

So, I know what I think of this, but I'd be interested to hear what other people have to say.  Legitimate use of a national park?  Bad precedent?  Harmless fun?  Whaddaya think?  :shrug:

andy popp:
No, yes, no.

RAK Punter:

erm, sam:
If it wasn't you posting one would assume this was a troll, so ridiculous is the idea.

I think rumours aren't worth the paper their written on.


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