Axes out at Millstone?!?!?! (Read 110027 times)


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#150 Re: Axes out at Millstone?!?!?!
December 08, 2010, 01:11:54 pm
In the cold light of day, I'll admit I've allowed my anger to spill onto people that probably didn't deserve a blasting, for which I apologise.  Humble pie for lunch.


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#151 Re: Axes out at Millstone?!?!?!
December 08, 2010, 02:49:30 pm
Hmm. A few observations.

This young chappie has shown little or no remorse or acknowledgment that he's wrong, in spite of the consensus on here and on UKC (thousands of posters).  Indeed, poor wee Callllllum seems to be 'the only one marching in step'.

He has little experience of climbing and seems to be a relative beginner, with all the gear but really, no fucking idea.

He says, discovered somewhere during my stalking earlier, that he could do 6a, probably couild do 6b, possibly could do 6c.... or something. On a post elsewhere, during another stalking episode (!), he says he 'could nearly do all of the moves separately, but couldn't put them together- steep ice is hard"- I am paraphrasing- sorry!.

Reading between the lines Translation- "I can't do 6a, have never been on a 6b and have never even seen a 6c, but I might be able to do them if I can float up on the rising heat from the bonfire of my own fucking vanity!". And... "I fucked about on this ice tunnel for a nano second, so my sycophantic cronies can take shitty pictures to impress all the freshers with in order to feed my own narcissistic tendencies"!

Distorted perception of self. Check.
Refusal to attend to other people's views. Check.
A feeling that people might be talking about you behind your back. Check.

I'd recommend this young man has a good look at...



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#152 Re: Axes out at Millstone?!?!?!
December 08, 2010, 03:32:41 pm
Just had a look at Callum's blog - this is fecking priceless:

"4th week - Stanage - ...Got trapped on top of the deliverence boulder after climbing up in the dark and not being able to see the holds to get back down, had to ab off, using Duncan as a convienient anchor on the other side of the boulder."

I definitely don't think the major issue is his use of's more a question of him BEING a tool.


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#153 Re: Axes out at Millstone?!?!?!
December 08, 2010, 03:36:32 pm
Haha, I know. Imagine calling it the deliverance boulder! It is clearly 'the pebble'. Some people!  ;)


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#154 Re: Axes out at Millstone?!?!?!
December 08, 2010, 03:56:01 pm

a good link indeed, but the test is completely wrong. I did it and it came out I am normal.


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#155 Re: Axes out at Millstone?!?!?!
December 08, 2010, 04:06:54 pm
oh, well done. I only got about seven questions down before I got really angry and cut myself to stop the pain. ;)


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#157 Re: Axes out at Millstone?!?!?!
December 08, 2010, 09:14:18 pm
I have never posted on here, hardly ever read it, and only sometimes when somebody pisses me off enough to get a reaction (which is actually fairly often) post on UKC. I have been utterly gobsmacked at the frankly mixed response to this little prick's actions on UKC and have been wondering what the fuck has happened to climbing in this country when something like this, which is just about an ultimate sin as far as it goes, is greeted with a few angry genuine climbers, but a lukewarm tut tut, and even worse, actual defence from the typical self righteous sanctimonious warbling spineless know it all fuckers that fester on that site. Basically, I'm bloody relieved to see its not just me who is fucking fuming about this, and who will have absolutely zero hesitation in making my feelings known to the little moon faced twat should I ever run him over- sorry, run into him - at the crag. Thank you for restoring somewhat my faith in the climbing community.
Also I have to say the flaming of the two lads who came on here to stick up for Struan is harsh, and I hope that Struan himself has not received any shit, but more than that I hope Struan notes that Calum has not once had the guts or the loyalty to tell the world that it wasn't Struan who was involved. If I was Struan I would be as angry with Calum as any decent climber is right now, just for slightly different reasons.


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#158 Re: Axes out at Millstone?!?!?!
December 08, 2010, 09:57:26 pm
Well said that man.

I can't stand how some of the posters on that ukc thread seem to take the view that people getting angry over something very close to their hearts and expressing that anger is something which is terribly wrong. It's fucking crazy talk from people who have zero vitality or imagination and no trust in the good sense of most people. To paraphrase someone - all it takes for misguided little cunts to drytool grit crags is for people to do nothing.

To make this even more unbelievable - according to Jack Geldard, Calum contacted ukc 2 days before he drytooled at Millstone, asking if ukc would publish a 'big news story' about an ascent he was planning.  Madness, fucking attention craving madness. Surely this is all some messed up prank?
« Last Edit: December 08, 2010, 10:09:08 pm by petejh »

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#159 Re: Axes out at Millstone?!?!?!
December 08, 2010, 10:56:36 pm
And after all that we get this;

source - ukclimbing

I’d like to say that I had no idea that so many folk would be upset by our actions, this was not my intention, and I apologise for this. Mistakes were made. Most of all I regret that ICMC’s highly excellent reputation has been besmirched. They do good work and are great guys.



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#160 Re: Axes out at Millstone?!?!?!
December 08, 2010, 10:58:13 pm
In the cold light of day, I'll admit I've allowed my anger to spill onto people that probably didn't deserve a blasting, for which I apologise.  Humble pie for lunch.

Me too.



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#161 Re: Axes out at Millstone?!?!?!
December 08, 2010, 11:02:57 pm
And after all that we get this;

source - ukclimbing

I’d like to say that I had no idea that so many folk would be upset by our actions, this was not my intention, and I apologise for this. Mistakes were made. Most of all I regret that ICMC’s highly excellent reputation has been besmirched. They do good work and are great guys.


 :-\ so he's sorry people were upset by what he did, not sorry about his actions... well its a start I suppose...


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#162 Re: Axes out at Millstone?!?!?!
December 09, 2010, 01:32:32 am
power club / Re: UKB Power Club Week 12 (Mon 26th - Sun 2nd)
« on: May 07, 2010, 10:03:24 pm »
Monday - Ran about
Tuesday - bouldering for couple of hours at westway
Wed - Ran about, almost ended up enjoying it, the sunshine was lovely
Thurs - bouldering at westway
Friday- westway
Sat - Core exercise, always feel good after doing them
Sun - westway, felt good

STG(basically this summer): Continue working to grip handholds as lightly as possible.  Go bouldering outside in london for the first time, do dry tooling bouldering project without falling off and breaking my back. When back in scotland try to onsight firestone, have a look at the hurting,  get over to skye and do some new routes.  When in cham, do joe le taxi, try a new route on the dru, try a nice unclimbed steep ice line that I know of, get on thai boxing, fall off thai boxing.  Explore the argentiere glacier more and do some new routes.

LTG(basically this winter):  Have my eye on two incredible scottish winter lines.  If I can get up one of them, it would be ace.

Exactly how does one go from bouldering in London to onsight soloing E7 and climbing Scottish IX? And while we're on the does one equate climbing Font 6 slabs with E7? Empty posturing in the gym and on the ground is annoying, but its outdoor consequences are potentially awful (as we have seen here). +1 to what was said about his email.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2010, 02:02:44 am by sberk4 »

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#164 Re: Axes out at Millstone?!?!?!
December 09, 2010, 06:24:45 am
If anyone would like to discuss my post apparently telling WaldoXerxes (sp?) where to go then you're welcome to.  The post was aimed at Callum, only WX posted 3 seconds before me.  In the event I let my post stand because it did, and still does, seem like an appropriate response to both of them.   It is certainly the response they would have got had I found them at Millstone chipping.


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#165 Re: Axes out at Millstone?!?!?!
December 09, 2010, 09:41:34 am
Norton, I puntered you for that response. Calum McLellan, who you responded to, isn't the Calum who was dry tooling at Millstone. He posted for the same reason as Waldo - to point out that Adam had named the wrong person as the belayer. This seems fair enough, especially given the angry response this issue has (rightly) evoked, it'd be pretty upsetting to be wrongly accused of being involved. Their posts were entirely clear in this regard, the only possible source of confusion is that Calum McL shares a first name with Calum N. If you missed that I'd say the appropriate response is to apologise.

You seriously think "you can fuck off too" is an appropriate response to two people pointing out that a freind of theirs is being wrongly associated with actions that are evoking such threats?

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#166 Re: Axes out at Millstone?!?!?!
December 09, 2010, 10:47:18 am
to point out that Adam had named the wrong person as the belayer. 

 :spank: I accept my puntering , and admit i made a mistake.


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#167 Re: Axes out at Millstone?!?!?!
December 09, 2010, 11:33:52 am
Reminds me of a Jim Donini quote Yvon Chouinard once recalled at a lecture he gave:-

 " I thought dry tooling was something you did in high school if you didn't have a girlfriend"

Turns out that in this case he might be more correct than even he anticipated - we live in a post ironic age :wall:


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#168 Re: Axes out at Millstone?!?!?!
December 09, 2010, 02:14:49 pm
Is it me? I can't work out whether I'm the only one going grayer and grayer reading through the UKC discussion...

Perhaps it's what happens when you promote 'free speech' AND forget to ask posters to employ self-censorship. I love UKB  because it gives one the freedom to call a 'retard' a 'fucking retard'... on UKC , it seems, any one can say anything no matter how ridiculous (See nearly any post by that utter specious twat Wanko Cockson) and as soon as anyone DARES criticise, the response is 'oooo, leave them alone, don't reveal their identity, did you have permission to show his/her photo, he's just a poor wee lad who doesn't know any better'... they make me fucking sick.

If I'd caught the twat red-handed, who'd drilled three expansion bolts into the top of Chevin Buttress in the late eighties-early nineties, I would have intervened verbally, then I would have taken direct action to stop them or make their work so inconvenient as to be impossible/impractical. I am aware that this is confrontational. I believe that confrontation is distasteful though it may be unavoidable. I doubt whether I would have come to blows- I'm too much of wimp!

IS UKC populated entirely by fuckwits who think that every ethical issue in climbing can be discussed without proper reference to the history and development of British Climbing, or to the feelings and views of British Climbers.

Are these tosspots unaware that relativism is NOT the only position upon which to base an argument?

Do they not understand that one 'opinion' is NOT as good as any other, and it is usual to support statements with facts?

Do they imagine that their pathetic little exploits on Boreby Crag in Whine and Tear give them the right to assume that anyone who disagrees with their so-called "modern approach" is an old school buffoon who should be euthanised asap?

And finally, for UKC to claim that they represent British Climbers in ANY meaningful sense is as hilarious as it is undemonstrable. The willful ignorance celebrated by some of these acne-faced milksops who post to UKC has become almost fetished and bears no similarity to what most crag users would probably say.

Think I'd better stop now- I'm starting to feel the effects of my own poison!



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#169 Re: Axes out at Millstone?!?!?!
December 09, 2010, 02:40:02 pm
That still makes him a tit though.

Why does that make me a tit?


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#170 Re: Axes out at Millstone?!?!?!
December 09, 2010, 02:45:50 pm
PS. have a vote on the recent millstone news on


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#171 Re: Axes out at Millstone?!?!?!
December 09, 2010, 03:06:23 pm
That still makes him a tit though.

Why does that make me a tit?

Not sure why I'm bothering but it makes you a tit because "playing devils advocate" in a black and white case where somebody has behaved disgracefully is neither clever nor helpful.

As if the borg need any help in making a cut and dry situation messy and ludicrous. Pretending to agree for the sake of winding people up is as tittish as actually agreeing.


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#172 Re: Axes out at Millstone?!?!?!
December 09, 2010, 03:12:35 pm
I wasn't agreeing with dry tooling at millstone. I was trying to get people to justify their position, which they couldn't do, as their position was daft.


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#173 Re: Axes out at Millstone?!?!?!
December 09, 2010, 03:16:44 pm
Also, don't spread shit about me saying it's acceptable to steal QDs. I said I didn't know the difference between crag swag and gear left by people working routes. A fair mistake considering I grew up in an area with zero sport.


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#174 Re: Axes out at Millstone?!?!?!
December 09, 2010, 03:18:38 pm
Fuck off back to UKC please


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