DIY Shoe Modification (Read 5458 times)


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DIY Shoe Modification
August 08, 2010, 04:28:06 pm
OK so the glue has finally turned up so I decided to start modding my shoes.  I really like my 5.10 dragons, but toe hooking in them is a pain so I thought about adding some extra rubber after seeing some mad mods on Japanese blogs.  I was recommend ShoeGoo, although I've now been told that it might come unstuck at a later date (Epoxy?).  Anyway, his is what I started with.

The toe patches are from an old pair of Madrocks that the wife bought in Bishop years ago (and has made them smell beyond economical repair).  I boiled them to remove the sticky stuff on the back however the rubber is still attached to the leather so we shall see if this is worse to bond.  The scalpel and sanding block were used to cut them to roughly the right size and rough up the bonding surface.

I bunged a load of glue on the bits to stick on and then a small amount on the actual shoes.  I also pulled the laces tight as I won't be able to tighten them at a later date.  I also stuffed the shoes with newspaper so that they were roughly the shape of my feet.  I then gaffa taped over the top of the rubber to help the bonding process and then stuffed the glued shoes under some furniture.

These are my wall boots so if I fuck this up it's not to much of a problem.  Will report back when they are dry and after I've had a Dremel on the edges to smooth them out

Wipey Why

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#1 Re: DIY Shoe Modification
August 08, 2010, 09:33:06 pm
Rather curious about the results of this.

Do you reckon stealth paint would have done a better or worse job?


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#2 Re: DIY Shoe Modification
August 22, 2010, 05:46:56 pm
...any updates?


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#3 Re: DIY Shoe Modification
August 23, 2010, 08:35:20 pm
Sorry for the slow reply.  The results were a little mixed, but mainly due to a couple of errors that after reading this you should be able to avoid.

The best shoe was the one I had left under the chair drying for a week.  Unfortunately I managed to pinch the tong inside the shoe that made it very painful to climb in.  I've since taken the rubber off and the pain has gone.  Will put the rubber back on when I get chance.  With putting it under a chair the rubber was level with the Dragon rubber and I didn't need to dremel at an angle (as much), but this runs the risk of a wayward tong.

The other shoe looked like this

Looks shit, but works really well.  I've dremeled the rubber at an angle so that it won't peel off (after this shot). BTW It was very hard to de-laminate the other shoe, so the glue works really well

In future I would make sure to check the tong before weighting them down.  This glue seems strong but isn't quick setting so you need to pack it or weight it.  The rubber is great for toe hooking and IMHO better than paint on the dragon as it protects your bent toes.  Stealth paint would be better on flatter shoes like the Velcro etc.  Last but not least I wouldn't use gaffa tape to hold them down before weighting as this happens

Apologies for not getting photos of the decent shoe or for the shoe after it's been dremeled


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#4 Re: DIY Shoe Modification
December 18, 2010, 08:45:35 am
Do you know where I can get hold of some fabric paint, as all my modded shoes are in desperate need of a lick.


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#5 Re: DIY Shoe Modification
December 18, 2010, 10:00:00 am
Absolutely, some fabric paint would be ace - I could then paint myself some new clothes!

SA Chris

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#6 Re: DIY Shoe Modification
December 19, 2010, 11:02:35 am
Don't bother expecting a reply, it's spam.


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#7 Re: DIY Shoe Modification
December 19, 2010, 11:04:16 am
thanks slackers....

SA Chris

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#8 Re: DIY Shoe Modification
December 19, 2010, 11:07:56 am
First you thank me, then you insult me.

(And its Slackers with a capital S).


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