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Freestanding Folding portable pull up bar/dip station AKA HOTGYM

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Anyone bought/own one of these, know anyone that has one?

They look pretty decent, and a potential solution to my lack of having anywhere to mount shit inside the house I live in:

Whadda ya reckon?

Paul B:

the base doesn't look very wide. I know using the roman chinup at greens if I try a one-armer the thing starts to tip. You're a big bigger than me.


I think I may be able to get past that using some clip on weights I have for light stands, I think seeing as I am not going to be doing one arm pull-ups anytime soon it's not a major thing, I can just about hang from one arm at the moment lol.
Maybe i'll call the guy see what he says..

Paul B:

any kind of kipping and it'll rock... I suggest you get like malc and carve your own out of wood.

Norton Sharley:

See thread elsewhere on here by Jasper about Powerbars, will one of them not do instead?  I'd recommend one.

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