technical > music production

any one on Sound cloud in here?

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Not being any use at all with pc's maybe someone good help me out, with what no doubt will be an obvious answer. I swapped my work pc for a new machine - using the old one i listened to tracks on soundcloud quite a bit, since swapping pc's i cant seem to access any of the music?  a message saying 'error on page' appears though?

i also dont seem to be able to view videos on certain web pages

is this something to do with internet settings?


Have you got the most up to date Flash plugin?

unsure - i will check that out now, thanks Bubba


--- Quote from: Bubba on July 12, 2010, 03:06:13 pm ---
Have you got the most up to date Flash plugin?

--- End quote ---

 :agree:  Also  if this is at work then check that they aren't filtering/blocking multi-media content.


just installed the latest flash player and still nothing?

am i doing something wrong with the internet settings?


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