the shizzle > buildering

buildering my workshop wall

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just done a problem on my workshop wall which is cotswold stone. there are places every so often with enough pointing missing to crimp  on.  the route i did is around the f6a mark so definately a good training route for crimp work.  its also good cos its fairly high, about 25 feet.

I've just made myself a cup of tea. I thought I'd have a biscuit to go with it, but it turned out we didn't have any.
I shall probably have to have a piss soon.

I'm drinking some white wine.  We had a barbeque on Saturday and a guest put it in the freezer to chill and forgot about it.  We found it on Sunday, I was quite surprised the bottle didn't break.  It's lost a bit of its taste though, so maybe tea and a biscuit would be better.

Makes me wonder though, if 1-5-9 is 8a+ then what grade is a pull up?

I really should go and get the washing off the line, its dark now. I'm fairly sure it'll be dry.

Paul B:
are you from Scunthorpe by any chance?


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