LakesBloc (Read 68180 times)


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#100 Traci Lords Landing Improved
September 11, 2012, 01:00:28 am
Traci Lords Landing Improved
10 September 2012, 7:53 pm

Over the weekend, myself and George North did a proper job of platforming out the landing below the excellent Traci Lords (8A) face at the Lad Stones.

It was previously a bit of stretch to pull on even with a very thick/folded pad, and the hole to the right made the landing a bit iffy. With the new groundwork complete it's now really easy to pull on and work the problem, plus the landing is much safer - i.e. it's good. You now only really need a single large pad to climb the problem if you have a spotter or two pads if you're on your own. I also added a couple of new problems hereabouts, which I'll write up on the site soon.

Source: LakesBloc


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#101 Improved Videos Section
September 16, 2012, 01:00:13 pm
Improved Videos Section
16 September 2012, 9:23 am

I have completely overhauled the videos section of the site, so it is a proper database of clips. Now if you click on the 'Videos' link in the LH menu column, you will be greeted by a list of crags/venues, after selecting your desired venue you will see a list of the current additions by problem name and grade. Each of these has its own page and is embedded to a large scale where possible (i.e. when the clip quality allows) and the ability for the user to comment on any particular video.

Please feel free to submit additions via email, Facebook or commenting below this post.

New videos section:

Source: LakesBloc


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#102 Lad Stones Guide Released
October 22, 2012, 01:00:17 am
Lad Stones Guide Released
21 October 2012, 7:33 pm

Finally, one of the last best bouldering areas to get documented properly is complete.

The Lad Stones offer a brilliant hard circuit, situated on the southern flanks of Wetherlam, east of Levers Water and the Coppermines Valley. Two vast 2000 ton blocks and a few smaller satellites provide a circuit of some 50 odd problems, nothing too unusual about that. However, where the Lad Stones stand apart from other areas with a similar quota of climbs is their grade spread ratio – 60% of the problems are in the 7’s and 8’s spectrum!

I have thoroughly enjoyed putting this guide together and climbing most of the problems in the process (all but 3 at the time of writing). Big thanks to the numerous individuals who have also been up there enjoying the venue and giving valuable feedback.

I've also updated the Lad Stones Gallery, which is also well worth checking out to get a better idea of the problems on offer.

Anyway without further ado here she blows, I hope you enjoy the area as much as I do:

Source: LakesBloc


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St. Bees North: Central Descent Further Damage
2 November 2012, 3:28 pm

I have heard reports that the main and most frequently used central descent at St. Bees Head North has suffered yet another fairly sizeable rockfall/mudslide.

Although the descent is still usable the insitu assurance ropes and anchor points should be treated with extreme caution. If you are at all usure and/or its extremely windy I would strongly recommended using the furthest northern descent.

Photo: Seen better days - Tom Burns ascending the then relatively pristine central descent some 8 years ago.

Source: LakesBloc


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#104 Mint Wall Breakage
February 05, 2013, 12:00:57 am
Mint Wall Breakage
4 February 2013, 9:47 pm

Unfortunately the useful obvious edge in the centre of Carrock Fell's Mint Wall has recently snapped off, rendering Orison and Mint Royale much harder/defunct.

Jon Freeman has rescued the hold so if possible it will be glue back in place at some point.

Source: LakesBloc


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#105 Re: LakesBloc
February 05, 2013, 12:51:24 am
Not tried this problem, but love Carrock and have been loads of times.

I understand holds getting glued back on at popular, maybe less picturesque venues, but kinda doesn't seem right at Carrock? its beautiful and wild, gluing holds seems out of place??

Just my opinion. not sure what anyone else thinks?


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#106 Re: LakesBloc
February 05, 2013, 08:35:28 am
Without that hold the problems arent really do able. There aint many harder (7c above) problems a carrock so it  is good to have some harder lines also this block is permo-dry which is rare. There are other glued holds at Carrock as well!


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#107 Carrock: Repairs and Restoration
February 28, 2013, 12:00:06 pm
Carrock: Repairs and Restoration
28 February 2013, 8:12 am

Lots of repairs and groundwork have been going on at Carrock Fell of late. Following on from Adam Hocking sorting out the landing of what became Dan Varian's new problem, Get a Grip, Dan returned the favour by shifting the the large block below Punks Life. This both makes the sit start project a better proposition, as well as opening up an off-the-deck stand up start - which also remains a project. The original version stepping off the block is unaffected.

Up on the Mint Wall I've glued the central hold back, re-establishing the quality 7C+, Mint Royale and the central 7A Orison . Thanks to Jon Freeman for collecting the broken hold and handing it on to me. Hopefully it will stay put - it does take a fair amount of weight.

Over on the Leopold Wall myself and Dan Varian (to be fair Dan did most of the work) completely shifted the big block to the immediate left of Leopold Von Buch making the landing far flatter and meaning you need less pads to try the problem.

Source: LakesBloc


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#108 Trowbarrow Gardening
April 23, 2013, 01:00:07 pm
Trowbarrow Gardening
23 April 2013, 8:19 am

The saplings, small trees and foliage around the two main Trowbarrow boulders have been fully cleared out, making both blocks much more easily accessible as well as ventilated.

On the small block in front of Red Wall the south face has been re-opened up, meaning that the small but worthwhile 7A+ of Mojo is now climbable again (although it may well need a brush).

Source: LakesBloc


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#109 Lancaster Bomber repaired
June 09, 2013, 01:00:03 pm
Lancaster Bomber repaired
9 June 2013, 8:23 am

As you may know, if you've visited the Lad Stones in recent months, one of the crucial holds on the classic prow of Lancaster Bomber has been creaking.

Late last year I endeavored to bolster the hold by applying some glue around its edge, however it has become obvious that this was not going to be a long term solution as the hold continued to move. So yesterday I applied a more lasting solution,  by levering the hold off cleaning it up and fully gluing it back. Hopefully this will solve the issue.

Source: LakesBloc


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#110 Bull Stones Bouldering
June 19, 2013, 07:00:09 pm
Bull Stones Bouldering
19 June 2013, 2:09 pm

Many years ago I went to checkout the small gritstone escarpment of Great Bull Stones (GBS), in the heart of the the Forrest of Bowland. On that occasion I approached via Wolfhole Crag, a lengthy and arduous trek across some pretty wild moorland. The day was a bleak misty affair, and having reached the crag I was quickly underwhelmed by the potential climbing on offer. Having scoped the western portion of the crag (and mainstay of the crag according to the OS map) I decided I'd seen enough and headed home, quickly forgetting about the not so Great Bull Stones.

This past weekend, 12 years on, I returned to the crag for another recce, having been tipped off by Mike Binks (who visited the crag the week before) that the boulders of Little Bull Stones (LBS) - essentially the eastern continuation of GBS and a sector of the crag I had not previously visited - offered a better concentration of sizeable blocks and lines, which may be of more interest than the more scattered collection of generally small boulders provided by the GBS escarpment.

Having parked at the base of the Hornby Road (a historic Roman road come bridleway linking Slaidburn to Hornby) I followed this substantial track to the near summit of Croasdale Fell, before heading up the short slope to the western most rocks of Great Bull Stones - as per the described method in the basic topo Mike had acquired and kindly passed on. From here I stuck to the crag line, taking in GBS and the surrounding blocks, to eventually reach Little Bull Stones. I didn't climb anything at GBS but having climbed most of the topos described lines at LBS, I climbed (added?) about 10 more problems which were not covered. For the benefit of anyone who's interested, the best of these were are as follows:

1: Stinger 7A+/7B (SDS) From two low crimps work up the wall to the top of the block. Bunched start.

2: Dream On Sit [?] - 6A (SDS) The excellent curving arete climbed on the right.

3: Toro Loco - 6A+ (SDS) Use low edges to gain the rib and follow it to its finish, then top out via a big juggy pocket.

4: The Scoop - 6A (SDS) As per p3 but once the rib is gained mantle into the scoop and up.

5: Cascadia - 7A/+ (SDS) Start under the small roof and climb a direct line through the left of side of the 'sloper cascade'.

6: Bully Beef - 7B (SDS) Climb the LH arete of the slab from sitting at the base of the arete on the left.  

Cascadia & Bully Beef videos:

Overall, the area is certainly pretty esoteric, however its beautifully remote location combined with the small but compact bouldering circuit at LBS makes it worth a visit for those who like moorland areas, well off the beaten track.

Source: LakesBloc


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#111 NEW Sampson's Stones Guide
July 04, 2013, 01:00:05 pm
NEW Sampson's Stones Guide
4 July 2013, 8:18 am

The NEW Sampson's Stones bouldering guide is now complete and available to download. It includes between 15-20 new problems when compared with the last version and hopefully a generally cleaner easier to follow layout.

Right: NEW Sampson's Stone guide cover.

With plenty to go at for abilities, I hope this guide inspires a few more people to make the effort and visit this magnificent venue.

Download the guide for FREE here:

LakesBloc Sampson's Stone PDF Bouldering Guide (5.05mb)

Source: LakesBloc


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#112 Dow Crag Bouldering
September 30, 2013, 07:00:07 pm
Dow Crag Bouldering
30 September 2013, 12:29 pm

I have just added various information pages to the website focussing on the recently developed bouldering circuit below Dow Crag, in the southwest Lakes. The area now hosts a fair circuit of easier lines and 10+ problems from 7A to 8A...

News Report:

Crag Page:

Crag Gallery:

Source: LakesBloc


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#113 Carrock Fell Guide Updated
November 26, 2013, 12:00:57 am
Carrock Fell Guide Updated
25 November 2013, 7:54 pm

Carrock Fell Guide 2012 Version 1.1: I have updated the Carrock Fell guide. There's a number of grade/description alterations (the most notable being 'Hockstack & Two Broken Toothbrushes' going up to 7B) along with the addition of the Mint Wall sector and of course the crags hardest line, 'Home' (8B). There were a few other recent additions that I couldn't include without a major overhaul, these will get included in the next full re-write.

Source: LakesBloc


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#114 NEW Brant Fell Guide
March 13, 2014, 06:00:09 pm
NEW Brant Fell Guide
13 March 2014, 12:08 pm

New Brant Fell Bouldering guide now available to download. Head to the  site and click the PDF topo link at the base of the crag page.

This may be a small area but it is extremely popular with visitors and locals alike.

Thanks  go to George North for the text and images, as well as John Kettle and  Annette Smith for problem feedback and general area beta.

Source: LakesBloc


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#115 St. Bees Storm Damage
March 13, 2014, 06:00:11 pm
St. Bees Storm Damage
13 March 2014, 12:16 pm

Chris Fisher has kindly passed on this information relating to the damage caused to the bouldering areas at St. Bees Head, after the recent winter storms.Firstly  the block featuring Izaro on has completely collapsed (see pic below),  unlike it's namesake the problem has disappeared without a trace!There's  been some block shifting round where The Kraken is situated: the right-hand  version of this can't really be done any more as there's a block in the  way, the left-hand version could possibly still be done. At Fleswick, the piece of rock housing Trash Vortex has separated totally  from the crag and is tilted quite alarmingly, whilst this makes the  problem harder it is quite likely to kill anyone who happens to be  on it if it detached completely (see pic below).

Round  Fisherman's steps there's been lot's of movement behind Fruits de Mer,  this has created a couple of nice 6c+/7a problems for folk to explore.Lastly  the rock step between Apiary Wall and Scabby Back has disappeared,  fortunately though it's still possible to get between the two.

Whilst this damage and 'reorganizing' of blocks is a bit disappointing, it could have been a whole lot worse. If anyone notices or has noticed any other changes please feel free to post a comment below...

Source: LakesBloc


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#116 Download All Guides: One File
March 15, 2014, 12:00:22 pm
Download All Guides: One File
15 March 2014, 10:44 am

You can now download all 50+ LakesBloc bouldering guides as a single (105mb) Zip File via the page linked below. Then simply add to your smart phone or tablet and away you go...

Source: LakesBloc


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#117 New Dow Crag Bouldeirng Guide
April 06, 2014, 01:00:19 pm
New Dow Crag Bouldeirng Guide
6 April 2014, 10:22 am

There's a new 10 page guide to the Dow Crag area now available to download via the crag page on LakesBloc:

The new guide cover 70+ problems from 2-8A and incorporates Nettle Crag, the Cove Stones and the Dow Crag boulders.

Have fun.

Source: LakesBloc


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#118 Re: LakesBloc
April 06, 2014, 06:21:40 pm
top effort Greg thanks  :great:


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#119 Lost Buoys Lost
April 21, 2014, 01:00:26 pm
Lost Buoys Lost
21 April 2014, 10:45 am

Liam Halsay reports the demise of another quality St. Bees problem, due to winter-storm damage. It appears that 'Lost Buoys' at the Old Buoys Circuit of the Northern Head has been hit by some big blocks, resulting in it being moved and having a number of holds badly damaged. Liam said it may still be possible but the landing is less good and it would probably be easier. :o(

Source: LakesBloc


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#120 Got the Poison, Got the Remedy
April 28, 2014, 01:01:35 am
Got the Poison, Got the Remedy
27 April 2014, 7:59 pm

I have repaired and and re-sent Poison at Warton Pinnacle Crag. The crucial good hold on the lip, just before the final lay-back crack section, had deteriorated to a point where it was no longer usable and thus the problem had become defunct. Obviously this was a shame as this is one of the better high 7's on South Lakes Limestone.

Right: Me resending Poison (7C+) via the repaired hold.

As there was nothing really left to glue back (the mainstay of the hold had crumbled away), I scraped out the remaining loose bits and completely re-stabilised the hold with epoxy resin, meaning it shouldn't deteriorate again. The hold is not as juggy as it once was, however it is perfectly serviceable and pleasant enough to use. Plus it is now totally solid. The reduced positivity of the hold makes the line a fair bit tougher and it is probably now in the 7C+ ballpark.

Repaired hold...

Source: LakesBloc


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#121 Chipping at Rolling Rock
July 02, 2014, 01:00:03 pm
Chipping at Rolling Rock
2 July 2014, 11:45 am

Some misguided individual has rather selfishly chipped, and in doing so improved, the reasonable low edge/side pull at the base of the Jungle Hobo arete on the Rolling Rock, Patterdale. Whilst it is not impossible that this is natural breakage it seems unlikely looking at the multiple scarring and improved hold.

It is believed that the damage to the hold has reduced the grade of both the stand and sit (Grand Unification) by a whole grade or so.

It is a sad day when people start chipping classic lines like this, lets hope it was a visitor to the area and someone who is unlikely to return any time soon!

[Thanks to Chris Arthur for the information and image.]

Source: LakesBloc


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#122 Fleswick Bay Path Closure
July 02, 2014, 01:00:03 pm
Fleswick Bay Path Closure
2 July 2014, 11:50 am

The path which most people use to gain access to Fleswick Bay, at St. Bees Head, has been closed by the farmer and the signs marking its way removed. I'm not entirely sure of the reasoning behind this or if it is just a seasonal thing but for the time being (whilst the signs are not there) it is probably best to access the bay via the (longer) cliff top approach. This involves carrying on as though you were going to the normal Northern Head sectors, but once at the top of the cliffs follow the cliff top path south to where it is possible to gain access to the shoreline and the bay itself.

To be fair, whatever the reasoning, the path is not designated a public right of way on the OS map, so the farmer is probably well within his rights to do this.

Source: LakesBloc


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#123 Re: Chipping at Rolling Rock
July 02, 2014, 01:41:26 pm
Chipping at Rolling Rock
2 July 2014, 11:45 am

Some misguided individual has rather selfishly chipped, and in doing so improved, the reasonable low edge/side pull at the base of the Jungle Hobo arete on the Rolling Rock, Patterdale. Whilst it is not impossible that this is natural breakage it seems unlikely looking at the multiple scarring and improved hold.

It is believed that the damage to the hold has reduced the grade of both the stand and sit (Grand Unification) by a whole grade or so.

It is a sad day when people start chipping classic lines like this, lets hope it was a visitor to the area and someone who is unlikely to return any time soon!

[Thanks to Chris Arthur for the information and image.]

Source: LakesBloc

Right shame that, they were both ace problems.


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#124 Hold Breakage at St. Bees North
December 08, 2014, 06:00:14 pm
Hold Breakage at St. Bees North
8 December 2014, 12:57 pm

Jack Metcalfe reports some hold breakage on the recently developed Modulator Block, located close to the base of St. Bees North's Northern Descent. Jack re-climbed the relevant lines and added a couple of other variants. He explains:

While repeating 'Modulator' last week a hold broke off unfortunately - this is the 'spikey edge' that you make a difficult dead point move to with your left hand while your right hand is still on the jug at the base of the bloc. Fortunately the problem is still possible but it now involves the use of a 2 finger pocket on the right-hand face in order to bring your left hand up to the good edges on the blunt arete. With the use of a right heel toe in the white rock it's possible to reach the pocket quite steadily.

After repeating the other problems on the bloc I added 2 variation finishes to both Salvage and Modulator. For Salvage, after making the crux move out to the far right-hand pocket, instead of crossing over with you left-hand as Tom does into the Modulator holds, I went straight up to the top of the bloc and topped out directly. This is a touch easier than Tom's full problem. For Modulator, after gaining the good holds on the blunt arete, instead of popping out to the rib on the right, I went straight up and left to the top of the bloc and topped out slightly left after a bit of shuffling to find some holds for use rocking over. This goes at about the same grade.

After a number of repeats from the guys on this side of t'Lakes the grades have settled a bit and are now roughly as follows:

Modulator (after hold breakage and new beta) - 7A

Modulator (LH finish) - 7A

Buoyz in the Hood - 7B

Salvage - 7B+

Salvage (direct finish) - 7B

Source: LakesBloc


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