Wafflings of a Lanky Punter (Read 217962 times)


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#50 Fumbles in the Jumbles
June 22, 2010, 01:00:17 am
Fumbles in the Jumbles
21 June 2010, 5:20 pm

Days of rain- 57

Dry days- 113

I had a couple of spare hours this morning, which I thought I'd spend at Jumbles.  It was all very greasy today.  I had a look at Sit Thee Down, one of R-Man's 7a problems.  I really struggled with this, partly due to grease and partly due to not being able to use R-Man's sequence.  I was pulling on and getting a fair (but greasy) LH crimp, then failing to get anywhere with it.  Felt hard to me today.

I then moved a few feet left to my project dyno.  Today I was getting pads over the hold, so it'll definitely go.  I still think font 7b, definitely as hard as other 7b dynos I've done.  Be a cool addition if I even land the thing.

Then I looked at a crimpfest through a low overlap, I'm not sure if this has been done- may be Lollythingy- but failed due to sliming off the thins and having to leave for work.  So that was that.  At least I didn't pay for parking today- the machine was out of order.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#51 Not So Mighty Mouse
June 23, 2010, 01:00:24 am
Not So Mighty Mouse
22 June 2010, 7:57 pm

Days of rain- 57

Dry days- 114

I had my review for post 4 on this rotation at 2pm, so after this I was free.  Cadshaw is a place I've visited twice, once to the small quarry and once when I did Brian Jacques.  Mighty Mouse is a 7a+ of R-Man's which I've not tried, so that was today's aim.

It was not to be, it was very hot and the footholds appeared to be very soft.  After pulling on once, the footholds were crumbling so I left it until I get the chance to stabilise things (plus it felt really really hard).  I noticed a line that (as far as I know) is unclimbed, just right of Brian Jacques.  A sitter as for BJ, then a weird diagonal dyno to a jug on the right arete with a crimpy wall to finish.  I tried the top bit, after giving it a scrub, and after a few goes managed it.  It's a French start to the jug on the arete, then a tenuous rock over left to a crimp.  Then a LH snatch to a good edge, and then a big jug.  I'd suggest about font 6b.

I tried to link it from the sitter, and failed on the dyno to the jug every try.  It's a funny one, decent hold to catch but it's sharp and there's a huge swing to control.  I think it's be in the 7b ballpark, but a cool problem- mad move.  I may need to head back soon.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#52 Still hot
June 25, 2010, 01:00:27 am
Still hot
24 June 2010, 8:53 pm

Days of rain- 57

Dry days- 116

After work I met up with the Ginnster at Widdop.  It's still far too warm for the grit, but Widdop is a nice place for a chilled session.  I did the usual warm ups- Red Edges, Easy arete opposite, Scoop problems.  Then I pointed the Ginnster at Grupmy Old Men, an excellent 6b/+ that doesn't see much attention as it's a 2 minute walk from the main boulders.

I did it after a couple of false starts, using a far better sequence than my old method of slapping again with the right hand to the top.  The Ginnster should have done it, and basically fell off the jug that marks the end of the hard bit.  It cost him skin, but I reckon he'll get it done next time.

After this I did Splashdown and The Ginnster got very close, shedding more skin, and this is another one he'll get done soon.  By this time it was clear not much else would get done, being greasy as hell and skin getting thin.  I did the Red Edge Traverse, Red Edge Right one handed and without the arete and finally the easier version of the Four Square sitstart.  And then it was time to run away- Midge Death had engulfed us.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#53 Cobbled
June 29, 2010, 01:00:31 am
28 June 2010, 10:04 pm

Days of rain- 57

Dry days- 120

After a crap weekend at work (and an utterly woeful thrashing for our national footy team) I was off today.  The Bowderstone was the intended destination, I was hoping it would be a good bet in the heat and Picnic Sarcastic is one of my aims for 2010.  Plus Golt had said he could meet up there.

I was there quite early and I did the Rib a few times to warm up.  First up was Picnic Sarcastic.  Pretty quickly I was getting to the move that has foiled me on the other 2 times I've been there:  the move to the high right hand sidepull.  I tried various feet, but it wasn't to be.  After this I failed to get anywhere on Move Man, and Statstick (although I wasn't using the left hand dink as an intermediate, and my left heel wouldn't stay put).  A few goes on Power Pinch and it was clear I was going to get nowhere, so I opted to leave.  I said bye to the guy that had been trying LG for the whole time I was there, and headed to the car.

Golt was in the parking so we had a chat and I moaned about being spanked at the hands of the Cobble.  Nice to meet at last.  I decided to risk a Carrock Fell visit, even though I didn't have the guide.  Once there, I did a cruise past looking at the boulders- I recognised Punk Life which is something I was keen to try.  After 10 minutes bashing through the vegetation I was there.  It was out of the sun, and unfortunately out of the wind.  As I put my boots on the sky went dark, a cloud of midges descending around me- needless to say I beat a retreat.  I ended up at the Ground Force boulder.  I did a sitter on the left end which was quite cool.  After getting home it gets 7a in the guide, but I assume lanking a right hand undercut to start was wrong- I'll assume I did the 6b+ by accident.  By this time it was hometime, to pick up the Blobs.  On the way home it started to rain, and it hasn't stopped since- a return to the usual UK weather?

My hair's been rather unruly recently so The Boss razed it for me.  With my shirt off I passed a mirror and noted that I have developed a massive gut- I partly blame Tunisia, but I hadn't realised before that I was getting this chunky.  I seem to be sitting at 87-88kg for the last couple of weeks, which is 4-5kg more than a few months ago.  This would seem to fir with the developing pattern of miserable failure at any vaguely steep venue.  All these revelations spurred me to go for a run- I opted for the gentle entry by doing the 5.8km cross country route.  I had to walk up the last mud slope but I managed 33 and a bit minutes, a few minutes below May last year but it's been a while.  The upshot is going to be a diet after the World Cup (beeer, mmmmmmm) and more aerobic exercise.  Maybe.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#54 Jumbles again
June 30, 2010, 01:01:07 am
Jumbles  again
29 June 2010, 9:44 pm

Days of rain- 57

Dry days- 121

Internet at home down, so I'll update the blog properly soon.

Jumbles: should have done dyno.  Made progress on Crescent project.  Did sit thee down.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#55 Sit Thee Down
June 30, 2010, 01:00:08 pm
Sit Thee Down
30 June 2010, 11:04 am

Thanks go to the nice man at TalkTalk who efficiently diagnosed that the LAN port was u/s on my router.  Courtesy of LAN2, I am back online.

Here's that video:

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#56 Progress on the Crescent
July 02, 2010, 07:00:09 pm
Progress on the Crescent
2 July 2010, 3:15 pm

Days of rain- 59

Dry days- 122

I managed to nip out of work and grab an hour at Jumbles.  Unfortunately, it was pretty damp/ wet after the recent rain.  It clearly takes a couple of days to dry.  Clown's wall was soaking wet, so the Dyno project was out.  So I turned the attention back to the Crescent Project.

It was damp too, but a good towelling and brush made it a bit better.  I basically got one go at it, then towel and chalk again.  Then repeat.  I did the first hard move, to the left hand high sidepull on the Crescent.  This was because I was half knee barring as I was falling off, thus stopping the barn door.  Then I was getting the high crimp, but sliming off.  I'm sure I can do this, I'd agree with the proposed 7b.  And there's potential for a sit start too......

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#57 The Crescent of Embrace
July 04, 2010, 01:00:13 am
The Crescent of Embrace
3 July 2010, 9:32 pm

Days of rain- 59

Dry days- 123

Last night was a works night out to the Dogs at Bell View.  Beer was drunk, let's not extrapolate.  Anyway, it took until late afternoon  for me to feel well again.  After tea I negotiated a pass out, and headed back for retribution.

I arrived at gone 7, and there were loads of cars parked near the barrier, so I assumed the crag would be stowed out.  It wasn't, I was on my own.  The place was dry, but with the usual greasiness.  I got on the Crescent project, and made some progress.  After half a dozen goes I was pretty close to latching the high edge.  The secret is turning from a layback position to a face on, whilst letting your right hip float out so it comes around the overlap.  Very specific.

After many failed goes I finally managed to nail the stand up, although I started from LH low sidepull and RH on the bottom of the crescent.  This is well within my reach, so it's legit, however I had envisaged it starting from the low edges so I'll coe back when the camera is fixed and do it from the "proper" start.  My skin was too smashed, and the midges too hungry, for any more goes at the lower start.  But then there's the sitter....

Now my skin has holes in it.  I should be pleased to get another project done, but the stupidity of an obvious start bugs me.  I want to add the extra move and link it all together.  Why?  I don't know, I just do- personal goals, I think a lot of climbing revolve around that point.  I think the issue lies with what I had planned, and the way it came to pass.  One easy move.  A lock from a good sidepull to latch a crappy crimp.  It adds minimal difficulty, so why would it matter?  It just does, I suppose.

On a lighter note, Mad Props to BonJoy and OldTownGirl for having the desire to go out and climb stuff:  yes, I know the grades are awesome too, but that's only part of the tale.

Here's a shit video of the new problem.  It's pretty duff as I can't get The Boss' camera to do what I want.  Bring back the HV20.  You get the idea anyway.  The RH crimp I miss at the end marks the end of all the difficulties.  I also did the same problem via a jump start to the high crimp- Flight 93, font 7a.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#58 Brownstones In The Rain
July 05, 2010, 01:00:25 am
Brownstones In The Rain
4 July 2010, 6:50 pm

Days of rain- 60

Dry days- 123

I had the Blobs today as the Boss was working.  The Ginnster had mentioned he may head to Widdop, but by lunchtime it was drizzling on and off so a meet at Brownstones was agreed upon.  When the Blobs and I arrived, The Ginnster was sitting glumly under a damp Pond Traverse.  As it was all wet I said I'd show him the numbers for Pigswill, one of his aims for the year, so he left his mat and we wandered up to the top end.

The Nexus wall was dry, so The Ginnster went back for his mat only to find it had gone.  With the Blobs present he was very restrained and managed to avoid any blue language.  The Blobs ran around like nutters whilst we did a few eliminates on the Nexus wall above my old towel, whilst the intermittent drizzle continued.

Someone has posted on UKC about a found mat, so The Ginnster's luck is in.  Still amazed it went so quickly.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#59 Project: Failure
July 06, 2010, 01:00:10 pm
Project:  Failure
6 July 2010, 10:53 am

Days of rain- 60

Dry days- 125

Weight- 88.4kg

It seems The Ginnster has been self harming, so he may be out for a couple of weeks.  You'll notice that I'm pretty much the heaviest I've ever been- action will need to be taken.

Another 2-10 shift meant I was free this morning.  I had to get the Blobs out, so in the end I didn't end up going to Silverdale as intended.  I wandered to Healey Nab to see if I could put another of my projects to bed.

I did the usual warm ups.  Coolboy Slap remains one of my favourite esoteric Lancs problems, despite the venue.  I had a go at my line, it felt very hard today.  I wasn't really getting close to the hold you slap to in an out-of-control manner.  I noticed the arete right of Old Route which I've never really looked at.  It's a Trackside style thing.  Initially a slap to the arete from matched on the greasy sloper.  Then left hheel next to left hand and rock rock rock.  The landing isn't great but with 2 pads I may have a proper go.  So no projects ticked and one gained, not a good ratio!  I should be able to get out tomorrow night, have to have a think where to.  

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#60 Exploration
July 08, 2010, 01:00:10 am
7 July 2010, 8:57 pm

Days of rain- 60

Dry days- 126

Yesterday I went into work for 2pm, only to find my clinic was cancelled.  Effectively, I could have had a whole day out bouldering and gone to work at 5- all fine in retrospect.  Instead I popped home and did my 5.8km run, knocking a minute and a half off the previous time and only having to walk up the mud slope itself.  To add to the fun the BlobMinder has given notice so there's all that stuff to sort out.  Great.

BeardyBeast and I had planned to go to Jumbles tonight, but it rained overnight last night until lunch today.  We decided that Jumbles would be wet and miserable, so opted to have a wander to Stronstrey instead.  BeardyBeast had a couple of lines to look at and I was happy to hold his rope and get some fresh air.

First up was Beardy's Wall project, which he made fair progress on until the holds disappear close to the easy finish.  After a while he declared it "impossible" and shifted right to look at Beardy's Arete.  First up he started up Love Handle, then up the slab/aretes left of Stopgap, which he top roped fairly easily.  Possibly E1 or something, he didn't comment as he had his eyes on the line to the left.  This proved to involve a sequence of hard moves, which he linked other than the 2 stopper moves.  It's quite a cool line, and he appeared keen to return.  You'd probably be looking at E7 depending how hard the last couple of moves turn out to be.  Then we wandered back down.  Nice sunset again.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#61 Brownstones and dark skies
July 11, 2010, 01:00:14 am
Brownstones and dark skies
10 July 2010, 9:39 pm

Days of rain- 61

Dry days- 127

This morning the Boss took the Blobs swimming whilst I stayed at home and awaited he man from AutoGlass.  The windscreen is now fixed so it's just the air conditioning to sort before Font.

The weather looked pretty poor all day so I wasn't sure if I'd get out.  After tea I nipped to Brownstones.  It was hot, and I was surprised that noone else was there.  I did all the usual warm ups, then Pigswill and Nexus Dyno.  Hank's felt hard, especially with my vital foothold becoming smaller everytime I go.  I managed Lancashire PotHot with the remains of the flake, and without matching, probably 7a+ still.  

After doing a fair bit of traversing, the biting flies came out so I left at 8:30.  As I was driving home it started to rain, which made me smile at my timing.

Video to follow once my home Internet decides to stop playing up.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#62 Various Random Wafflings
July 12, 2010, 01:00:09 pm
Various Random Wafflings
12 July 2010, 8:59 am

Days of rain- 62

Dry days- 128

Well, last week I decided to commence the new regime.  No alcohol from Monday to Friday, and 3 (admittedly quite large) glasses of wine on Saturday and Sunday with the footy etc.  I've also been out running twice, so that's 11.6km which I think is OK as I haven't been for over a year.  I've also been dozing off on the sofa at 10 at night which is a bit unusual for me.

Nearly everything is arranged for the Font trip now, still need to get the car's air con sorted and book EuroDisney to keep Boss and Blobs happy.  I've been looking at making up a to-do list of problems, but there's so many I want to try I've given up on that.  There's a couple of things from Easter I want to get back on and finish off too.  The unspoken aim (until now) is to get 10 problems done at 7a or above, although considering Easter's performance I'll be amazed if this happens.

So I'm in a bit of a pre-Font zone at the moment- my right middle finger still has a blister from The Crescent of Embrace, and I'd like that to settle before the trip.  I don't want to do anything silly as I want to have some skin- 2 weeks in Font is bound to beast my skin and elbows.  So fitness is the aim at present.

The Ginnster had a run up Winter Hill, a route I've always planned to have a crack at, so I may try to get up there this week.  Hopefully with the reduced alcohol and increased exercise I can drop a few pounds before I go, for whatever gain it will bring.  Then after Font I'll be in the new job, so I'm not sure how often I'll be able to get out.

On a positive note, I spoke to Canon this morning and they have fixed the HV20 and it will be back to me this week.  So you can all look forward to some nice vids from Font.  Aren't you a lucky lot?

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#63 Winter Hill- Part 1
July 13, 2010, 01:00:55 am
Winter Hill- Part 1
12 July 2010, 9:23 pm

The Boss was back a bit early from work, so I thought I'd better try the Winter Hill run.  I parked up at Brownstones and ran up behind the quarry, then up Coal Pit Road and then across the moors.

I went at stealth pace initially, and was quite pleased that I ran all the way to the mast without walking at all.  I think this was mainly as I wasn't pushing it too mush.  Under 25 minutes to the mast, then 20 minutes back to the car- managed up and down in 45:10 which is good enough for now.  Looking at the map etc it's 7.2kmh, so average is still under 10kmh.

After this I warmed down by wandering around Brownstones, where I met Darren (Wilton Warrior) and another guy I think was called Steven.  We had a chat whilst being eaten by midges.  The lowest bucket on Obscenity is wobbly, so be careful hauling on it or you may get a quick descent.

So now I'm home, time for a cup of tea.  Gotta love this new regime.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#64 Il pleut
July 14, 2010, 01:00:09 am
Il pleut
13 July 2010, 9:39 pm

Days of rain- 63

Dry days- 128

Today the HV 20 arrived back, I am most pleased.  It seems to have had a fair bit done to it according to ther invoice:

Replaced main circuit board, LCD, backlight and printed drive circuit board.  Set up.  Replaced flex connector and front cover ASY.  Cleaned.

Cleaning- body parts, viewfinder system.  Replace body parts, electrical components, PCB

It seems to work fine, and it looks nice and clean.  I'm just very glad to get it back for Font.

Tonight I was going to go out to Longridge, but the rain began at 6ish and it didn't stop.  After the Blobs were in bed, I headed to Wet Poo adn found TanMan and Weak Sam were already there.  I managed to do most of the sub-V6 stuff fairly easily, bar a coupe of nasties.  Then I failed on all the V6 stuff.  Weak Sam commented I was looking fat, cheers for that.  But then, it's early days of the regime and I wouldn't fancy his suggested chemical slimming plan.

My skin got pretty sore after a while, not helped by the hot and sweaty conditions.  I did more of the easy stuff, then left just before closing- still raining.  So another alcohol free night, cup of tea and then bed I guess.  Maybe I should start posting on the UKB power club, although I never feel like I get anything done.  I'll try to get out running tomorrow.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#65 Cadshaw plodding
July 14, 2010, 07:00:07 pm
Cadshaw plodding
14 July 2010, 2:30 pm

Days of rain- 64

Dry days- 128

It's thundering and very wet.  I've just got back from Cadshaw where I went for a run in the rain.  The Ginnster had suggested an 8km route, which sounded OK.  I took the rucksack again and went along the path past the Little Quarry, then Red Wall, switchback down to the reservoir and the wooden bridge over the river..  I went slightly wrong here going up and over a hill rather than following the reservoir bank.  Then I went the wrong way and wasted 3 minutes or so.  I felt quite good all the way around the reservoir, but when I got back to the wooden bridge I cut off left through the trees on a little path.  I thought this was the route the Ginnster had proposed, but now I'm back I see he'd planned to go back the same way.

The path through the trees was wet, muddy and made of slimy rocks.  I ended up walkng for a bit but I was soon back at the main track so ran back to the car.  38:05, but you can knock off at least 3 minutes for the detours.  Works out as 6.4km, a fair bit shorted than Ginnster's route, and with 130m of ascent/descent.  I actually think the extra distance would be worth it to avoid the difficult path.

So another day on the regime.  Start as you mean to go on I suppose.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#66 WoB
July 16, 2010, 01:00:12 am
15 July 2010, 10:14 pm

Days of rain- 65

Dry days- 128

Strong winds and heavy rain today.  I've just been over to BeardyBeast's for a go on the Wall of Burl.  Needless to say I managed to get to the top a few times, on the easiest problems.  It was worthwhile though as I managed a few moves that initially felt hard.  Definitely poor on the footwork though, and it maintains that steepness is my weakness.

On the way home the weather was atrocious, with fallen tree branches on the roads around here.  I just hope it's dry when we go to Font.

Tomorrow is the Boss' graduation, then I'm on nights this weekend so I doubt I'll get a lot done.  I may try to get out running over the weekend, depending on sleep requirements that is.  I think it's going to be sensible avoiding anything tweaky from now on, at least until Font is over.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#67 Winter Hill- Part 2
July 17, 2010, 01:00:06 pm
Winter Hill- Part 2
17 July 2010, 11:32 am

Days of rain- 67

Dry days- 128

The Boss' graduation went OK yesterday, and after a meal out I had to rush off to work for the first of 3 night shifts.  I'd suggested a Winter Hill rematch to the Ginnster, but this morning I was shattered and it was raining pretty hard.  Add to this his attendance at his coiffeur and things didn't look great.

I managed to motivate myself and parked up at Brownstones at 10:30, watching the rain.  The Ginnster arrived shortly afterwards and we had a jog upwards.  We did OK, other than Ginnster getting a stitch in his side to add to the several in his palm.  This meant we did a bit of walking on the way up, and got to the mast in 27:53.  Heading down was a bit quicker but the Ginnster still appeared to be in pain- back at the car with a total time of 48:23.  

Considering everything I'm not at all unhappy with that.  I felt pretty good when running and I'm pretty please to have got out at all as post nights motivation is usually low.  This week I've done 20.8km with 590 of ascent, in a total of 2hrs 8:38 and whilst I acknowledge in world terms it's crap, but it's a step in the right direction.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#68 Cadshaw Pasty Edition
July 18, 2010, 01:00:12 pm
Cadshaw Pasty Edition
18 July 2010, 10:44 am

Days of rain- 68

Dry days- 128

After another night shift, motivation was low.  I invited the Ginnster to come out but there was no reply, so I reckon he was overawed by yesterday's spectacle (or maybe he didn't get the text before I went out).

I opted for the full Ginnster Cadshaw route.  It was totally pissing down when I arived, and it didn't stop at all during the run.  This wasn't that easy today as there was a lot of deep standing water which I had to keep dodging around, breaking my stride and becoming tiring, and nevertheless I was utterly drenched after 10 minutes anyway.  I managed to get round the whole route without stopping running, and was please to manage 7.7km with 160m of ascent in 41:13.

Totals this week:


750m ascent

2hrs 49:51  (average of 10.07km/h)

2 (large) glasses red wine

2.5 pints Guinness

1 Gin and tonic

Weight?  I think I'll start doing weigh ins first thing on a Monday morning, in a vain attempt to get an accurate measure of weight loss.

Last night shift (ever?) tonight, and then off tomorrow and Tuesday.  Not sure what will be dry after all this rain and I've got Blob 2 in tow anyway.  May just drag her up a hill in the rain instead.  Only time will tell.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#69 Rain, Scones, and West View
July 20, 2010, 01:00:44 am
Rain, Scones, and West View
19 July 2010, 9:17 pm

Days of rain- 69

Dry days- 128

After finishing my last night I picked up Blob 2 and we headed to Silverdale.  It rained on the way up so it was more of a fresh air expedition and a recce to see how much the crag was seeping than anything else.  Blob 2 fell asleep on the way so I had half an hour watching the rain whilst sitting in the Woodwell parking.

Once awake, we wandered down to Tom's which was drenched, and worse it was seeping in a lot of places.  We went towards Anesthesia, then up to the top of the crag and back along to Not Bad Dave.  I got bitten by mosquitos all the way there, and wasn't surprised to find that NBD was also gopping.  I reckon it'll take quite a number of days of dry weather to get back into decent shape.

It was getting towards lunch so we went to the cafe, and sat outside under a parasol and watched the rain.

Tonight the rain continued, so once the Boss got back from work I headed to West View.  BeardyBeast was busy, TanMan was over at Kilnsey (is it still dry?) and GasMan was at work.  Weak Sam was there when I arrived, so we had a chat before he left.  He'd scoped out Tom's today and agreed with the grim outlook.

I did all but 3 of the problems below V6, and fell off the last move of a few V6-7s too.  My skin was getting sore as usual, but I managed 2 hours then left at 10pm.  Hopefully I'll get out for a run tomorrow, maybe Winter Hill again.  It'll depend when the Boss gets back.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#70 Blisters
August 11, 2010, 01:28:55 pm
21 July 2010, 9:44 am

Days of rain- 73

Dry days- 129

On Monday night I had 2 G+Ts and 3 glasses of wine whilst watching Mongrels on iPlayer, to celebrate the finish of night shifts.  I think my new low alcohol intake has reduced my tolerance, as I felt a bit grotty on Tuesday morning.  I took the car to the garage to check the aircon before Font, and I need to take it back on Friday to have a sensor replaced.  After this I collected Blob 2 from Nana's and we headed home.

It rained all afternoon, but around 3 there was an almighty downpour.  The gutters were overwhelmed and the garden was at least an inch deep in water.  When we went to collect Blob 1 from school I ended up carrying them both through 2" deep water back to the car.  Needless to say my trainers were soaked, and I'd only just managed to dry them after Cadshaw.

Today dawned a bit drier, still drizzle though.  Another 2-10 shift meant I headed to Brownstones for another Winter Hill assault.  On the way up I felt heavy legged, and the path was a bog (at least my trainers were wet already I suppose).  I got to the mast without walking at all, in 25:28.  The last bit up the hill had been through rain and low clag, but the sun came out as I turned around and it got pretty hot.  I was down in 19:07, making a total of 44:36 which is better but still a way off the 10km/h target of 43:12.  Something to work on I suppose.  Got a couple of blisters from wet shoes though.

So now I need to get some shopping and then head into work.  I need to get out another couple of times this week, have to see if the Pastry King is around.  I just hope it rains less than it has recently.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#71 Freeze Thaw strikes again
August 11, 2010, 01:28:56 pm
Freeze Thaw strikes again
22 July 2010, 8:34 pm

Days of rain- 73

Dry days- 130

It rained this morning, but it stopped around lunchtime.  After going to a friend's for her birthday, we all came hme then I zipped out to Brownstones.  The first thing I noted was a big chunk had come off of the start to Alana/ Haskitt.  It makes the starting sidepull a lot bigger, and provides a large foothold when higher up.  Shame really.  

I did Alana as of old, using the hold as was.  Then a bunch of the usual problems- Pigswill, low traverse from Haskitt linked into low Ash Pit Traverse, Parr's from a sitter, Layback, etc etc.  By this point I was being well and truly midged so I ran away.  May go out for a run tomorrow evening, I think the Ginnster is keen to get out too.

Broken Alana hold:

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#72 Old Man's Knees
August 11, 2010, 01:28:56 pm
Old Man's Knees
23 July 2010, 6:50 pm

Days of rain- 73

Dry days- 131

Last night I had 3 glasses of wine.  Today I had agreed to meet up with the Ginnster at half 5.  I had to take the car in to get the climate control fixed, and they finished at 16:15 so I headed over to Brownstones to kill some time.  I did Lancashire PotHot again, filmed with the HV20.  This time I stretched straight from the gaston to the jug, rather than the crimp continuation.  After that I did the low traverse from Haskitt to left of Unjust again, getting easier each time- mey need a downgrade?

I didn't have long there, then I had to scoot to meet the Clumsy Pastry King over at Cadshaw.  It was hot, but at least it was a lot drier underfoot.  The Ginnster set off at a rate of knots, but I had to stick to my usual pace.  My knees were killing all the way around, residual aching from the efforts coming back down Winter Hill I think.  The Ginnster developed a stitch half way round so we eased off the pace a little, but we managed to get all the way round at a run.  I did it in 40:27, The Ginnster not far behind after slowing slightly in the home stretch.  Quite pleased really, 46 seconds quicker but I felt like I could go a bit quicker.  Maybe sub-40 minutes should be a target along with the 10km/h Winter Hill target.

I think I'll have a bit of wine tonight, but I need to head out running again in the next 48 hours to get the distance up a bit.  Hopefully my knees will stop aching soon.

Oh, and Jon Venables got sent down for 2 years for all the child pr0n he's been collecting/ distributing.  It's unfair to take into account previous offences apparently.  I shall say no more.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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Rain, sore knees, and charcoal briquettes
24 July 2010, 6:33 pm

Days of rain- 74

Dry days- 131

I had a couple of glasses of wine since I'd been so good in the day.  This morning we went to the Blobs' swimming classes, then into Prestonia and bought The Boss some boots- lovely pink Boreal Lunas.  So no excuses for the Font trip!

We went to a barbeque at a friends, in the rain.  We nipped into Halfords on the way home and discovered they didn't have any light deflectors.  Awesome.  Once back home and Blobs in bed, I went on my 5.8km run from the house.  I took it quite a bit easier than usual, partly as my knees are killing, partly as it was pi**ing it down, and partly because I wanted to go the whole way without having to stop running.  I succeeded in this aim, and came home in a time of 33:02.  It's a minute and a bit off the best ever, but I still felt quite good and I reckon the 30 minute target may be possible.  Not easy though.

As an aside I'd noticed the days count was out, and I've found a couple of arithmetic errors in March which I've now corrected.  All in the name of SCIENCE.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#74 40 minutes warning
August 11, 2010, 01:28:56 pm
40 minutes warning
26 July 2010, 6:15 pm

Days of rain- 76

Dry days- 131

Drank some wine with Top Gear last night.  Posting on the UKB Power club thread again, and as you'll see the Monday weigh in was 85.5kg.  A way to go yet.

After wotk I met up with the Ginnster at Cadshaw, the Blobs are staying at Nana's for the night.  The usual 7.7km run felt a bit more comfortable, although we slowed a little in the middle bit round the reservoir.  I also lost 10 seconds or so having to go back to shut the gate.  Managed to go all the way quite comfortably and was a little disappointed to do it in 40:17, Ginnster only 12 seconds behind, both improving a bit on last time.  I certainly think my 40 minute target will be a goer, but I think I'll take it easy now as it's close to Font time.

The Font list is getting long.  Barre Fixe was on my list, but seeing other vids makes the first holds look painfil/ tweaky so I'll have to look when I arrive.  I'm thinking my 10 7s aim is pretty ambitious too.  We shall see.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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