Wafflings of a Lanky Punter (Read 212409 times)


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#375 More running
February 15, 2012, 12:00:20 am
More running
14 February 2012, 6:45 pm

Dry days- 23

Days of rain- 22

This morning I went running again.  3x10 minutes of fast running, with 3 minutes of swift walking between.  It felt hard, but I noticed my recovery time is getting better.

We cooked the Hairy Biker's gyoza tonight, fabulous!  I think it's a Yarkshar day tomorrow.  May get back on the Keel.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#376 Brimham Again
February 16, 2012, 12:00:13 am
Brimham Again
15 February 2012, 8:39 pm

Dry days- 24

Days of rain- 22

The Doc, myself and the Junior Docs went to Brimham.  We re-joined the National Trust since our membership had lapsed.  First up I had a look at the 7a+ rock over problem  at the Red Tape buttress, but was quickly reminded that it's nails. BeardyBeast and I tried it years back.  Aft a warm up on the two easy problems here, I had a look at the Green Roof.  I managed most of the moves on this, apart from the last couple, although the foot lock ate through my right shoe and then my foot.  I opted to leave this for another time.

Next up was Black Chipper Arête. Rather annoyingly I did the first two moves that I couldn't do ever before, but then failed on the next two moves that I could always do.  Weird.

After soup at the cafe I had a look at Pair In A Cubicle, which I really struggled with today despite being really close last visit.  As a last ditch attempt I had a look at Murky Rib SDS, which I couldn't get off the ground on last time.  After a while I managed all the moves, using a tenuous right heel on a pebble to slap through into the stand up.  Second try I managed to link it.  Then with sore skin and feeling rather weak, it was time for home.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#377 Brownstones
February 20, 2012, 12:00:09 am
19 February 2012, 7:10 pm

Dry days- 26

Days of rain- 24

On Thursday I did a 6.5 mile run again, 1 hour 8 minutes and fairly comfortable. I was supposed to do a brisk 3 miles yesterday but the Doc and I were at kids' parties so I ended up not doing it. I was chatting to a Dad at the party- he is doing various runs and cycles and he put me into the fact that being a Preston Guild year, there's a race series: a 5k, 10k, a 10 miler and a marathon/ half. If you do all four you get a t shirt and a medal!  Tempted.

Today, I had an hour at Brownstones. I met Baz who was already there and had a chat. I did the usual easy circuit, managed Lancashire PotHot sans flake and did some traversing. I still feel unfit, but hopefully we'll have a new house soon and I can get a board built. We shall see.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#378 Man Flu
February 24, 2012, 06:00:11 pm
Man Flu
24 February 2012, 3:33 pm

Dry days- 28

Days of rain- 27

Rather a mixed week weather wise, it has tended to rain all morning and then brighten up in the afternoons- not the best combo for getting out, although this luckily coincided with a rather hectic week.  It has also meant that there have been some really interesting cloud formations going on this week.  Yesterday, Nemo texted me to say there were excellent iridescent formations where he was in Durham.  Clouds and atmospheric optics still amaze me.

This week I have been mostly feeling a bit full of the Lurgy, generally grotty and knackered.  This in combination with the rain made me sack off the marathon regime until I'm feeling better, I learned the hard way last time that pushing it can make you feel more shite.

Wednesday was my day off, and it was pissing down.  I really couldn't face sitting around the house, so I went for a walk around Entwisle reservoir.  it was pretty grotty weather but it was good to get some fresh air.  The Red Wall at Cadshaw was piss wet, and now the trees have been trimmed the rain falls directly onto the face.  What this will do to the fickle conditions here I have no idea.  I'm keen to get back on my projects here once there's a decent dry spell.

I also had a wander further up the stream that runs back to the A666, and found an interesting culvert.  i may upload some pics once I get around to it, I just realised I haven't even edited the Murky Rib SDS film!  Getting slack.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#379 Recent pics
February 25, 2012, 12:00:05 pm
Recent pics
25 February 2012, 8:02 am

Entwisle overflowing

Ginnster Culvert

Entwisle in the rain

Trowbarrow sign

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#380 Murky Rib SDS
February 26, 2012, 12:00:08 am
Murky Rib SDS
25 February 2012, 8:34 pm

Finally, the Brimham video!!!

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#381 Still Man Flu
March 01, 2012, 06:00:13 pm
Still Man Flu
1 March 2012, 9:04 am

Dry days- 33

Days of rain- 28

Right, I'm thoroughly fed up of this now!  Cough cough cough, and every time I bend over gunk pours out of my sinuses. And I feel rotten and very tired.

I also hate being couped up.  The Doc and I went to see Doc Snr on Saturday, up Silverdale way.  Not being up to bouldering I went along for a walk with them from Milnthorpe, around the coast and back through Dallam Park.  We had a pub lunch at the Cross Keys which was decent pub grub.

Yesterday was another day off for me and another not wanting to be couped up. The Doc was off with vomiting, so she and I went for a walk round Anglezarke reservoir, which got me quite breathless at times.  We has a small pub snack after this.  The Doc went for a hot chilli with baked potato- kill or cure if there ever was one!  Then last night I made some lovely French Onion soup.  Lovely.

I hope this lurgy buggers off soon, there's bouldering and marathon training to be done.  I'm trying to pursuade Ginnster that he want to do the Ribble Way Challenge in June, 100km in 30 hours......

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#382 Bastards
March 03, 2012, 06:00:06 pm
3 March 2012, 3:57 pm

Dry days- 34

Days of rain- 29

Yesterday, the Doc and I went to a school quiz night. Our team won, incredible as it may seem.  There was then an impromptu rope climbing contest, which I was pleased to win too.  And after not drinking!

Today it has alternated between sun and showers.  I was still feeIng a bit viral, so I didn't bother with running. I decided on a Wet Poo visit.  "bouldering please". "six pounds love". In I went to find the bouldering walls closed off for a comp. Brilliant. Oh well, caveat emptor. There is argument that I should have looked online etc before going, so it's my own fault. No refunds, fair enough but it may have been polite to let me know before taking my money. Well, Wet Poo you can keep my six pounds and shove it up your arse.  The sooner I build my own board the better.

I went to Longridge after this, which was mostly wet. I had half an hour doing circuits aroun the Bomb Squad area, then went home. Grumpy.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#383 Back to the roads
March 07, 2012, 12:00:09 pm
Back to the roads
7 March 2012, 11:18 am

Dry days- 34

Days of rain- 33

I still feel pretty rubbish, sore throat and generally washed out.  I was keen to get to Almscliff today, but it was pissing down here and a BeardyBeast report from further East was the same.  Both MWIS and the MetOffice said similar, so I had no option but to try to get back into the running program, since I've missed two weeks.  

Tomorrow was supposed to be an easy eight mile run, but since I'm working all tomorrow I decided to do it today.  two mistakes- not eating this morning before going out, and then picking a hilly nine mile route.  Oops.  The head winds didn't help much either.

By seven miles I was getting my usual popliteal discomfort in the left leg, this only ever happens when I try to push faster and I suspect is due to my crap running style.  Despite this I made the eight miles in one hour twenty minutes and the 8.8 miles in just under an hour and a half.  Tired now though, I still don't think I'm 100% over the lurgy.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#384 Shit skin for grit
March 16, 2012, 12:00:18 am
Shit skin for grit
15 March 2012, 11:03 pm

Dry days- 40

Days of rain- 35

Yesterday I was taking the Doc's Big Car for its service. This meantime had a few hours, and a courtesy Volvo C30 diesel, to play with. After a check on UKB I was put off Yorkshire, so I opted for a Peak raid.

The sun was out as I left Lancashire, but the cloud set in over the Snake and passing Stanage I couldn't even see the chalk on Hamper's Hang!  Burbage was cold and in cloud, but I headed to the Famous Grouse area to warm up on Breakfast.  This puzzled me.  I tried various things including an illegal lank to that high right hand crimp with the foot lock still in place.  After an aeon on failing, three guys appeared and joined me in the quest.  James, Ryan and another dude whose name I didn't catch had a go.  They suggested better beta, a clamping foot thingy, and I should have done it except for being tired.  After a while I admitted defeat and moved rightwards.

I was so close to Jason's Mono it sent me mental.  What a frustrating little shit!  I then wandered along Burbage and need up at The Terrace.  I had a brief go, he starting few moves feeling ok apart from the incredible skin pain. one to look at again once I'm stronger.

Just made the mistake of googling masterchef to watch the final  Oh, well.  At least I know who wins.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#385 Mothering Sunday
March 18, 2012, 06:00:12 pm
Mothering Sunday
18 March 2012, 5:31 pm

Dry days- 42

Days of rain- 36

It has been a beautiful day today, clear skies.  It had been wet overnight but the ground dried up nicely early doors.  Knowing I need to get back on the running program, I managed to drag my lazy ass out this morning.  We were going round to the Doc's brother's for Sunday roast, so I headed out at a decent time for a run.  It felt quite tough as I haven't been for some time, but I managed 13.5 miles before having to head back to get ready to go out.  It took me a disappointing 2:25 for what is effectively a half marathon.

If this weather stays settled I may try to head out on Wednesday for a bit.  No idea where as yet, we shall see.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#386 Rubbish
March 22, 2012, 12:00:40 am
21 March 2012, 7:46 pm

Dry days- 44

Days of rain- 37

Yesterday I continued the Marathon training with a sprint/ jog session: 45 seconds fast run, the three minutes jogging.  I was supposed to do six cycles of this, but I lost count and ended up doing seven.  I felt rough during the sprints but managed to recover fully during the jogging sections.  I thought I'd done ok until I stomped around the hillside today.

I'd arranged to meet the BeardyBeast at Caley at 10:00.  I was a quarter of an hour late, but luckily so was BB.  We wandered up to the crag, BB wanting to look at Strangeness.  It looked in need of a clean and brush.  We tried the two problems on the small wall opposite Rick's Rock, on the Pinch boulder.  These were greasy and we hated them.  BeardyBeast fell from the last move of Rick's Rock a few times due to the greasiness. Then we moved on to the boulders.  I have to say, we weren't psyched.  BeardyBeast had a look at Scary Canary, which looks nasty  We did a couple of the easiest things, BB did the Flapjack traverse despite it being a bit wet. I struggled on the first move, which was was a little irksome.  BB did Mr Smooth fifty times just to annoy me, then I failed on it.  Again.  I hate that problem.  By now it was nearly home time, but I had a brief play on the Horn left hand which was super greasy.  And after that we headed home.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#387 Re: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter
March 22, 2012, 12:12:23 am


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#388 Warm
March 25, 2012, 12:00:20 am
24 March 2012, 9:39 pm

Dry days- 47

Days of rain- 37

On Thursday I did my training run- six miles run, with the last mile a sprint. Other than being harassed by teenagers this went ok and I felt ok.

Today I nipped back to Duxon Hill Quarry. I did the Groove and the crack, as well as a left hand finish to the Groove. Shed Seven still has one move I cannot do, and I don't get many tries as the holds shred you skin. I added a new (eliminate) problem on lovely slopes. Worthwhile at 6a ish.

Tomorrow I'm supposed to do 18 miles. The clocks go back tonight so hopefully the longer evenings will afford some climbing pleasure.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#389 Too hot to run, but run I did
March 25, 2012, 07:00:07 pm
Too hot to run, but run I did
25 March 2012, 2:21 pm

Dry days- 48

Days of rain- 37

I'm sitting in the garden, in the sun, and typing this.  It has been a beautiful day, but very warm. Today was my 18 mile training run, and since I've been a bit lackadaisical recently I HAD to do it.  It was pretty hot, and the route was pretty hilly. I managed to run all of it except for three points where I walked in order to have a snack and drink.  I drank two litres of fluid on these stops.

The whole thing felt very hard work due to the heat, so the time of 3:21 wasn't great.  Although, if I maintain that speed that would be under the five hour target for the marathon.   We shall see.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#390 Parbold
April 01, 2012, 07:00:09 pm
1 April 2012, 5:14 pm

Dry days- 55

Days of rain- 37

It's been too hot for me recently.  This morning was another sunny day with clear skies, and hot.  It's only four weeks to the Manchester Marathon, so I continued my training by doing 12.5 miles this morning.  I thought I'd try to push it a little, and managed the first five miles in 52 minutes, ten quicker than usual.  I felt the last 3 miles, but managed to keep pace and got back in 2:01:46 which I was fairly pleased with.  The Doc did her usual 5k run.  The Preston Guild 5k is close on the tail of the marathon.

This afternoon the Doc dropped me off at Parbold Hill then went onwards to look at furniture shops.  I had a look at Parbold Hill Quarry, which isn't in the Brick that I've found and the only reason I knew of it was seeing James Jennings' photo topo over on UKC.  The main Mentalist wall was nice and clean, although slightly seeping/ muddy in some of the slots.  I jumped on Fundamentalist which felt hard until I managed to get the hang of the pop to an edge, then I managed it first link.  Mentalist is a fun problem too.  I had a look at Mentalist Direct, getting close to latching the high left sidepull by the power of lank.  I was thwarted by mud in the right hand starting sidepull.

I did Vesuvius/ Vesuvius Base Camp, which both felt miles easier than the V6 they are given.  I eliminated the back wall too, but they still felt around 6b+.  I did Etna after this, which I found hard. It was only when I got home that I realised this uses the arete, so I had added my own eliminate up the face.

Walking back up the hill to the road was hard work in the heat with a heavy bag and pad.  Feeling OK now though.

Here's some footage from today, as well as last Sunday at Duxon Hill:

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#391 Re: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter
April 02, 2012, 09:27:57 am
Parbold is in the previous Merseyside sandstone guide...


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#392 Re: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter
April 02, 2012, 09:44:32 am
Thanks Fiendy- any idea why?  It's in Lancashire and is a Lancashire crag in appearance!


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#393 Re: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter
April 02, 2012, 10:02:21 am
Sorry not sure. And my copy has randomly disappeared  :doubt:


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#394 Re: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter
April 02, 2012, 10:08:54 am
Coincidence?  I think not!!   :o


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#395 15 days to go
April 14, 2012, 07:00:09 pm
15 days to go
14 April 2012, 4:34 pm

Dry days- 60

Days of rain- 45

I've had a hell of a week at work, so that's all I've done this week.  This morning I headed out for the easy 10 mile run.  The first 5 miles took me 52 minutes but I was feeling good. I decided to stretch out a bit and see how could get on. I managed the last 5 miles in 46 minutes, at around 9 minute miles. This felt pretty easy, and I managed the ten miles in 1:38 which beat my aim of doing the Preston Guild ten miler in under 1:40.  I may have to look at a quicker time to aim for.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#396 Pleased for once
April 17, 2012, 01:00:07 pm
Pleased for once
17 April 2012, 10:34 am

Dry days- 61

Days of rain- 47

My running training has been moved forward one day out of sync due to other commitments.  It was a lovely day yesterday, I could have had a couple of hours out on the rock but motivation was lacking and it's so close to the Marathon that I had to force myself to get out running.

I was supposed to be doing a 6 mile gentle run but I set off to see how fast I could do a 10k, since I felt quite good the last time I went out.  I set off pretty fast, which winded me a bit as the first 3 miles was pretty hilly and I thought I'd have to stop and have a lie down.  I managed to keep going, and after a while I settled into a reasonable rhythm.  I was pleasantly surprised that I could pick up the pace over the last mile and made the 10k in under 48 minutes.  Now I know in real terms that is pretty slow, but my previous best 10k was 56 minutes so being 8 minutes quicker is quite good for me.  I feel quite fit at present, which is a nice change, and I'm almost (but not quite) looking forward to the 29th when I will either die or cross the line in a blaze of glory*.

Thursday I am supposed to be doing an 8 mile gentle run, but I may go to the Lakes on Wednesday and stomp up a few hills.  Hopefully that will get me nearer to my Aims for 2012.

*Well, not so much a blaze of glory as I'm not aiming for a good time- I just want the self satisfacion of having managed to complete a Marathon.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#397 Wainwrighting
April 19, 2012, 07:00:06 pm
19 April 2012, 10:40 am

Dry days- 62

Days of rain- 48

Today was supposed to be my 5 miles easy jog/walk, but as I was off yesterday I decided I would try to tick a few Wainwrights.  The weather was so-so on the way up and I was parked up at Hartsop by 11:30.  I had decided to use this as a bit of a trining session so I pushed myself a bit to see how fitness was.  I followed the track up to Hayeswater, then left up the fell and on to The Knott.  I was pleased to stomp up to here fairly quickly and managed to overtake quite a few people.  At the summit it was trying to snow, so I stopped and put my waterproof trousers on.

I dropped down from the Knott and then headed left to Rampsgill Head and on to High Rise.  It cleared for a while so I had some good views over to the North.  Back to Kidstye Pike, then to the Straights of Riggindale in order to head up to High Street.  On the way a Coast to Coast walker asked me where they were going as they were lost.  i would have thought it prudent to be able to navigate effectively before doing such a walk, or am I being elitist?

High Street's wall reminded me that I had been up here years and years ago with my father.  I remember huddling behind that same wall 25 years ago, hiding from the wind.  I remember my Dad finding half a maggot in his apple- it took me years before I'd eat apples again!

From High Street over to Thronthwaite Crag, then back down over Gray Crag- the descent from here was rather slippery and tedious- and back to the car in under 3 1/2 hours.  I'm feeling the fittest I have in years.  Doing 7 Wainwrights in a day has brought the total for 2012 to 9, one more and 10 Munros and that's one of my aims ticked.

I've just found this article which is basically what I did.  I think their distance is 2 miles too high though.  

After a blast back home I went to see The Hunger Games with Doc Jnr 1, which was pretty good.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter


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#398 New House
April 26, 2012, 01:00:11 pm
New House
26 April 2012, 8:25 am

Dry days- 64

Days of rain- 53

We got the keys for the new house yesterday.  When we got into the place we found it was a bit of a tip- half the cupboards had cornflakes/ flour/ etc scattered through them.  now it's emtpy you can see how battered the carpets are and how much decorating needs doing- basically everything.

The Doc spent a few hours cleaning last night, I pulled rawl plugs out of the wall and filled holes, then started on painting the kitched.  The Doc seemed a it taken aback by how much needs doing, but it's all superficial stuff so it'll be great at the end of the day.  Having said that, a board is a little down the list at present.

Marathon this Sunday, then we have a week off so if I'm in any fit state I'll get more work done on the house.

Source: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter

nik at work

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#399 Re: Wafflings of a Lanky Punter
April 26, 2012, 01:03:00 pm
Just bring the doc round to ours again, then she'll realise how lucky she is...


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