the shizzle > power club

UKB Power Club Week 5 (Mon 8th - Sun 14th)

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andy popp:
M: Nowt
T: Bouldering on board. ABYSMAL!
W: Swim 25x25m
T: Nice circuit outside, nothing hard. Discover a lovely blank wall is far from blank, YYFY, another good Cheshire project.
R: Get shunted from rear when I have to break hard to avoid head-on with car full of armed robbers running red light with rozzers in hot pursuit.
S: Neck/back stiff (see Fri)
S: Fingerboard, add weights for first time - goes pretty good.

Re: work/life balance stuff discussed last week, for what its worth, I work full time and am also a single parent of two 100% of the time

For the last two months or so I've 'trained' minimum of three and often four or five times a week, with some loosely structured phases. This is serious as I've ever got (in my prime I just climbed fuck loads) but the last two weeks have been very frustrating, having gone drastically backwards on my board. Opinions would be valued. Am I just jaded with the board? Do I need a 'proper' rest? Basically planning to do almost nothing next week (probably outside Tues) as I fly to the states for work/climbing next Sun.

nik at work:
8B, 8b, (E8)

Also new STG - 8A in Font this Easter:lol:

M - Greased off Terrace in the sun, iced Piss, fell off the last move of Shit three times, bum. Post shower stretching.
T - Post shower stretching. On the board of an evening
W - Post shower stretching. On the board of an evening
Th - Post shower stretching. On the board of an evening
F - Nowt
S - Curbar, tried Super Size Me made good progress just one move to sort, Ben's Wall shut down, Great White progress. Shit skin.

Also some Lego this week but no constructions of note (just general tractor/plane/fire engine type stuff), no Waybuloo. Was pretty pleased with the number of board sessions as I wanted to go for a pre-Font burn. A good week considering limited outside activities.

You may be overdo-ing the showering, I'd ease back before Font.

nik at work:
50% is golden showers so that's OK right?

Also forgot:
Su - General wife pleasing drudgery under the guise of the commercial nonsense that is Mothers Day (or a delightful day with the family if you prefer).

Monday: Rested

Tuesday: Went to Stanage with Steve and Rich. Tried Brad Pitt got shutdown. Tired Storm, got shutdown. Did Help The Aged as consolation. Brilliant little problem.

Wednesday: Went to Caley. Did Ben's Groove which was brilliant. Tried Secret Seventh which was also great but hard. Rich skinned his pinky on this!

Thursday: Fingerboarded (weighted 5kgs)

Friday: rested

Saturday: Went to Cave. felt good and then proceeded to drop the end of the high life twice! Did Parisella's original as some sort of consolation and then did all moves on Lou ferrino.

Sunday: Was going to train but weather was good and I had got Cave Fever! So back to cave and then proceeded to drop high life at the end twice again!! Doh! Tried to make myself feel better by doing Dust Kick High but just felt low and sordid from this instead!

Overall a good week. Grit was great and felt good at cave on Sat. Frustrating dropping High Life but only because there are so many things I want to do...


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