the shizzle > power club

UKB Power Club Week 4 (Mon 1st - Sun 7th)

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BTW if anyone is keen to post on Sunday and I havent started it yet - feel free to start it first..

I've had a good week and am keen to put off the work I've got to do tonight!

Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Bouldered at the Matrix. Good session, did the 7b+ I set. Probably more like 7b. Ripped a huge flapper. Drove to Wales and slept in freezing cold bunk house ready for...
Wednesday - Bouldered in Llanberis Pass. Really good day out, flashed The Minimum and climbed some other good problems.
Thursday - Bouldered at the Matrix. Knackered, but still managed some good problems.
Friday - Rest.
Saturday - Rest.
Sunday - Bouldered at the Secret Garden. Another good day out. Managed to do Dick Williams in a session. Close to Zaff's Problem but greasy sloper raped my skin so sacked it off.

A really good week for me. Climbing well on consecutive days is looking good for Font trip. Saturday was an unintended rest day but probably helped my session today! Working a lot next week so less opportunity to climb. Must stay psyched and strong!

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Drove to The Pass and managed Bus Stop (thought it was brilliant). Walked over to Lizard King and found that last move was still absolutely nails for me and then drove home.
Wednesday: Fingerboarded in morning (weighted session 4.5kgs). Evening went to Wall and did a big hold/power session.
Thursday: Endurance session at wall. Did about 30 mins in total on easy circuits. Felt much better on fitness and recovery. Forgot to count up moves but will try and do this and set a baseline.
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Parisella's. Fell off end of High Life which was both frustrating and satisfying at same time, as it showed I am slowly improving. Did Ring of Fire High as consolation.
Sunday: Fingerboard session (weighted 5kgs)

Overall a good week and am psyched to both hit the grit this week and also complete unfinished business at cave. Have begun also to feel effects of doing a bit of endurance work, need to slowly increase the volume over the next month and prepare for the routes season.

Three Nine:
Goals: Cider Soak, Right Hand Man, 7Bs, strong for Europe

M - Cuttings. Did a 7c, felt a bit sloppy.
T - Rest (no running as bad ankle but think that will change this week)
W - 45 Power
T - 45 Poor and unstructured session, deadhangs (did 6 sec on 45s, a PB)
F - Rest
S - Ansteys. Fell off the last move of CS. Upset as wont get back for a few weeks.
S - Cheddar. Did a 7c (+ repeated it as good resistance training).

Medium week. Would have liked to do CS but that's life. Feeling very tired. Will possibly have a double rest day soon.

nik at work:
8B, 8b, (E8)

M - AM in the Peak just punting around, PM new problem at Mytholm, 7C+(?) dyno.
T - Warton, failed to do Poison with extended start.
W - Warton did Poison with extended start.
T - Brief fingerboard session, maybe two minutes.
F - Waybuloo yoga
S - Widdop child herding
S - Shipley child herding (with a cheeky 7A flash)

Got out a reasonable amount this week but not done much, and no training to speak of, minmal Waybuloo and most worryingly no Lego. Font in three and a half weeks, time to up my game (although I have been having a preparatory croissant each morning)...


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