the shizzle > power club

UKB Power Club Week 3 (Mon 22nd - Sun 28th)

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Only just got in and dinner is ready so will post later....

Three Nine:
Goals: Cider Soak, Right Hand Man, 7Bs, strong for Europe

M: Deadhangs recruitment 1 hour
T: Rest (still no running as ankle still fucked)
W. 45 maximal on pockets. 2 hours. First proper board session emphasizing pockets. Could use the juggy monos a bit.
T. 45 resistance.  2 hours/Still not worked out a good routine for this. Was good at grammar.
F. Rest
S. Anstey's. CS piss wet so felt demotivated. Did my best to train at the crag but wished I had gone north.
S. 8 30 move low-end anaerobic circuits with 4 min rests. Technique drills. 2 hours.

Poor week. sort it out!

Goal - font 7c
weight 14st 5lb
body fat 30%

M - still ache from Saturday
T - high intensity visualisation session: Natalija Gros doing a photo shoot for
W - wrist hurting from yesterday, some stiffness remaining
Th - as Wednesday. Lots of walking in rain.
F - takeaway curry from Mogul Room
Sa - bouldering at Curbar - did Early Doors (felt E3 topping out in rain) and worked Great White
Su - party with top buffet and cake

Monday: Core bar session, did lots of levers and pull ups in various leg positions. Felt hard first time for a while.
Tuesday: Went to grit with Rich. Managed blockbuster at Caley and Stu's Roof at Almscliffe. An enjoyable day out on grit.
Wednesday: Fingerboard weighted hangs (4.5kg)
Thursday: Fingerboard weighted hangs (4.5kg) rested for a few hours and then went to wall late evening for an endurance session. Endurance at wall was a bit of a disaster as too many people on bouldering wall and I lacked a plan.
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Cave, good conditions. Tried and failed on Trigger Cut but enjoyed it. Did Sam's Finish which had great moves. A good session and re-inspired me for the cave after taking a bit of a break from it.
Sunday: Fingerboard weighted hangs (4.5kg) in morning. Wall in evening for an endurance session. Better this time but got bored and realised I need some targets for this to motivate myself.

All in all a good week and have decided to start doing some endurance work to prepare myself for routes season when weather warms up a bit.

nik at work:

M - Damp Warton failing, Damp Trowbarrow not even trying. Family Waybaloo "yoga".
T - Sore skin. Family Waybaloo "yoga".
W - Sore skin. Family Waybaloo "yoga".
Th -  Family Waybaloo "yoga". Late evening board session.
F -  Family Waybaloo "yoga".
Sa - DIY and eating. No Waybaloo.
Su - Not much, a small lego helicopter.

Another disappointing week on the crush/training/lego front, but my five minutes of yoga for two year olds each evening will surely yield impressive flexibility. I promise to pull my finger out next week.


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