UKB Power Club Week 2 (Mon 15th - Sun 21st) (Read 27659 times)


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UKB Power Club Week 2 (Mon 15th - Sun 21st)
February 21, 2010, 05:47:56 pm
Goals: Austrian Oak. 10,000 8anu points
Weight: 11.2-4

M. Busy day at work. Cancelled Malham trip as forecast was gash. Felt good about life driving home until I got rear ended. Glass of wine and toblerone. Felt sick. Was sick.
T. 11stone 2lbs Hallelujah!. Early Am Yoga. Another busy day. Lifted weights between phone calls. Did better on the Clean and Jerk and Power Cleans than last week. 
W. PM Assisted one arm deadhangs and pull ups and offset pull-ups on board and ladder. Intense.
T. Eve. Ace session. Repeated all problems done so far and bagged the two project problems (Green black spots on steep section) Quick go on campus board.
F. Felt beasted and fluey all day – bagged planned finger endurance session
S. Malham. With Alex, Bob and Chris. And it was dry – mostly. Warm ups then 3 goes on the Oak though undercut by 3rd bolt was wet. Attempted quick go at redpointing Personal Services as light was fading but got spat off.
S. Two Breakfasts. Edge – did 15 routes whilst boys did the bouldering comp. Feel wiped. Roast dinner imminently.

First time climbing routes outside in 3 months.  :thumbsup:What a rubbish winter. Did OK on Oak – hard to tell. Going to do more endurance stuff for next few weeks.

Falling Down

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M - 30 mins lunchtime run
T - Physio am; 45 mins light fingerboard pm
W - 18 hour work day!
T - Pressups & core
F - Pressups
S - 8 Routes at AW Stockport to 6b+
S - Pressups & bouldering on friends board 2 hours

The physio session with John at The Clinic was great. He diagnosed nerve compression in the shoulder, back and Tricep insertion rather than Tennis Elbow (which I did have last year) and basically said 'fill your boots' as far as climbing and training was concerned and a couple more sessions to ease the compression. A big psychological boost after the last few months of injury and illness.

I've not done any routes since September last year and only bouldered less than 10 times so I was really pleased climbing on the lead at Stockport yesterday and had a really good session on my neighbours board today.

I'd like to do 100 pitches before heading to Siurana over Easter - grade not relevant as I just want to go climbing when I'm there having missed my holiday there in October because of flu.  I also booked a weekend in Zurich to go see Metallica and Slayer followed by three days bouldering in Cresc/Magic Wood :-)

This weeks goals -
Run twice
Physio Wed
Routes indoors 10 pitches
1 bouldering session outdoors (weather permitting)
Drink and eat less (weight has been creeping up 'cos I've guzzling wine by the bucketload)


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Break the world buttery eating record by such a spectacular margin no-one attempts to beat it ever again.
Find a way to use my new patented invisible email/text technique I've discovered (people's eyes just slide away from it as if by magic!) for either illicit profiteering or glamourous espionage.
Become even less tolerant of the imbiciles on the A80 roadworks (this may not actually be possible).
Tick all the schist bouldering that doesn't involve grotty, pointless and disproportionately hard sit-starts (this won't take long).
Persuade Scottish National Trust to build a chairlift up to Gharb Bheinn.

Mon: 16 minute run (11.5 running, 1.5 walking, 4.5 running) - longest I've run continuously for months.
Tue: 1 hour steady walking.
Wed: 1 hour steady walking. Make promising contact via UKC.
Thu: 3 hours steady walking. Absolutely fine as all flat walking still is. Got sweaty. Listened to good drum&bass and metal.
Fri: n/a
Sat: 1 hour hard bouldering - climbed hardest problem I've done, also good slab practice. Finger taped and okay. Celebrate with 14 minute run (10.5r / 1.5w / 3.5r). May have followed through on run whilst farting.
Sun: 3-4 hours steady bouldering - good circuit, not as much flashing as I'd hoped. Finger taped, okay but a bit achey. Doused hands in frozen river afterwards, interesting, could feel pain in my arms from chilled blood returning. Had txted lots of people for cragging, few replies. Shower and stretching.

A slightly odd week as I was resting my tweaky finger, so didn't get out despite good cold dry weather. I also had a lot of hospital / doctor appointments which I got decent exercise walking to, and explained why my fitness is wank, because the clots are still present.
I was also in a pretty bleak mood which made it hard to stick to beneficial exercise. However I got more SYKED at the weekend and ticked big numbers. Sunday was a bit disappointing as cragging plans fell through, but I still made good use out of it.
Finger is okay when taped, right shoulder a bit achey from sleeping on it funny, will keep working on that. Everything else plodding on okay.


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. Sat: 1 hour hard bouldering - climbed hardest problem I've done,

Nice one  :beer2:


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Good effort Fiend..

Goals (this year) work a 7b+ & Flash 7a

Mon: Rest - started cycling into work - good plan.
Tue: Depot with Rob - 3 hour session (great pink circuit though we did it wrong way round! - got a yellow or two) beasted.
Wed: Rest - open day at work.. bit manic
Thu: Rest
Fri: Trip to Slipstones to try Sulky Little Boys. It was the only dry(ish) problem at the crag. Warmed up on it, tried it for close to two hours - left as my skin was beginning to fail. Need more grunt.. (and to warm up properly..)
Sat: Rest - had to go into work for 4 hours on a lovely day.. arse.
Sun: Beastmaker session. (Didnt fancy Stockport wall) Working front two and back two for first time.. joyful agony  :)

andy popp

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A funny week of many family commitments and all normal training partners away

M: Nowt
T: Weighted pull-ups, first in ages but goes pretty well, some press-ups for opposition
W: Lats kill from yesterday. Repeaters on fingerboard
T: Long work day, drink plentiful red wine at work do
F: Stacks of problems up to 'V6' (whatever that means) at Manchester Climbing Centre. Not an impressive set-up but nice to climb somewhere other than my board.
S: Does shopping count?
S: Take daughter swimming, manage to fit in a few flat out lengths

Not a great week.

Forgot to add my new training mantra last week, taken from a text from Pete C the other week "we're only middle aged once, lets get our fingers out"

Three Nine

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Goals: Cider Soak, 7Bs, strong for Europe

M: am continuity 1 hour pm deadhangs 1 hour
T: rest (wanted to run but bad ankle)
W: power 45 3 hours
T: resistance problems on 45
F: rest
S: did Fighting Torque at cuttings, pretty steady, pleasing milestone for me (token 8a)
S: drizzle at cuttings, did a 7b+ in the wet

Slack week as wanted to do fighting torque. Will get on it this week hopefully. Like to start running again if ankle gets better.

nik at work

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8B, 8b(, E8)

M - At brother in-laws in Northampton, messed around on outdoors gym equipment in local park, had a curry - yum.
T - Drove home, started building extension to the 10 degree "ladies wall" on the board to aid wifey's pre-font training.
W - Finish extension to board, have a quick session, ooof! Go and see Sherlock Holmes and eat a whole packet of revels, get told off for not sharing.
Th - Board session, do some new problems. They might be hard and I strong or they easy and I weak, who knows :shrug:
F - Went out with G to look at his wet project, it was wet. Tried a different project, it too was wet.
S - Had a sociable day at Cratcliffe, got a handful of 7A-ish things done and talked a lot of shit.
Su - Tidied the house.

Not done enough climbing, training or Lego construction this week. Very disappointing.


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Half-term week and off work so tried to get out as much as possible despite the bad weather and changeable forecasts.

Monday: rest
Tuesday: Cave, tried Broken Heart and did my normal trick of falling off last move!
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Wanted to go to Trowbarrow but weather sent me scuttling back to the cave and success on Broken Heart
Friday: Rest
Saturday: Ilkley and success on Ringpeace. Went to Almscliffe in evening and got shutdown on Matt's Roof and fell off top of Stu's roof in dark.
Sunday: Plans of climbing sacked due to snow. Scuttled back to Liverpool.


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goals for the year - font 7b specifically onde du choc, new aim to do 7c route

m - rest
t - good session at tca, planned to work circuits but after warming up got stuck into the new whites; lots of progress but none completed
w - power session on mark's board
t - more work on the whites at tca but no real progress as so knackered
f - rest
s - 3 hours at tca working whites inc steve mac's new problems and circuit. 1 move off flashing the 7a endurance circuit
su - 4 hours at tca. got all the moves on 2 new whites and then dropped the last move on the orange endurance circuit again!

rest tomorrow, pure circuits session on tues then board session again on wed


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M  weights, 1 hr
T Wall, short power session plus laps of 18 move circuit
W Absolutely nails ashtanga yoga class
T Wall, routes 15 pitches or so.
F run 40 mins ish.
S Malham, remembered vaugely how to stand on proper footholds, then it got dark. fantastic conditions.
S power endurance / circuit laps session at wall.


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Just hit the come-back trail again so time to set some goals.  Current status: recovering from shoulder injury, have not climbed for 6 months, can do 1 pull-up, could probably scratch up an HVS or soft E1.

Short-term goals (June 2010): 10 pull-ups, onsight E3, climb El Capitan.
Medium-term goals (June 2011): onsight E5.
Long-term goal: reduce the frequency of shoulder (and associated elbow) problem recurrence and increase proportion of time fit-to-climb.  Currently 50% counts as a good year.

M: Visited physio. Happy with progress.  Video analysis of shoulder movement.  Revised exercises and set goals.
T: Scapular stability exercises (side planks, press-ups, 2 point kneeling etc.)
W: as above
T: as above
F: as above
S: 4 x F5+ routes.  Not much post-climb soreness.  yyfy.
S: Scapular stability exercises

Richie Crouch

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Goals for 2010: Burn off Andy F, see Mills climb on rock, see Millso climb RA, maybe sketch up an 8A+

Mon: Route setting, problem testing, overgrading... tired
Tues: Cave, shutdown on Broken Heart, In Hell and Halfway House, think I may have done a lap of Clever Beaver, Beaver cleaver & Lip Service figuring which was the easier finish for BH
Weds: Rest, whole body in pain
Thurs: Try to climb, give up after 40 mins of sever left arm pain
Fri: Rest
Sat: Ilkley, scrambled up Ringpiece then failed to ascend First arete. Brief try on Curious yellow then off to Almscliff. Got Matt's roof done which was nice. Pints and kebab in evening, strong diet of champions. P.s. Davo is a beast.
Sun: Headache, semi glad of biblical snowfall making it a dvd watching/coffee drinking session

Might try to climb something over 7b+ next week  :-\

Andy F

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Goals for 2010 - Grooved, Overnite, Zoolook, COTC. A 7B+ somewhere. Destroy Crouch on the routes  ;)

Sun - Malham, Some good training on Raindogs, Felt strong after not using string for 3 months, stamina better than expected.
Tues - The Cave. Annoyingly dropped the move into the flake on LW. Twice. But I did have to use a completely original sequence as everyone else's method doesn't suit.
Wed/Thurs - rest. Battered after Tues.
Fri - good beastmaker session.
Sat - family
Sun - Snow cancelled the planned Malham trip so went to Broughton. Did over 15 6b's, including at least 5 flashes. Best ever Broughton score. Which was nice.


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Goals : Enjoy my climbing

M : Knackered after weekend in Scotland, cooked beef wellington.
T : Usual fun session at the Foundry.
W : Nothing
T : Back at the Foundry again.  Had fun.
F : Usual Friday fare, few beers.
S : Spent the day doing lots of fun easy routes at Froggatt before popping over to Tegness briefly.
S : Made three big snow blobs, good fun.


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Goal - Font 7A.
Weight: 13st 5.5lbs (-2.5lbs on last week)

M: Tired. 100 sit ups (10,20,40,20,10)
T: Foundry bouldering. Good session. First spotty problem with aid from the power goatee.
(using debatable volume crimps).
W: 9miles running 1hr 22mins - Runners high at 7miles  :bounce:.
T: Foundry bouldering. Good but tired session. Repeated everything from Tuesday but failed on the last move 4 times on Tuesdays spotty problem. Power goatee let me down. (debatable volume crimps are in). 180 sit ups (20, 20, 30, 40, 30, 20, 20)
F: Rest and beer.
S: Bouldered at Caley. Fairly lame circuit although not far away from climbing the sit-start to The Great Flake.
S: Sacked off my planned Ladybower circle run due to weather. Opted for a local 9 mile run in the snow 1hr 30mins. Freezing cold because of the FUCKING CUNTS who think it's funny to drive near the kerb creating a wave of ice cold slush.

Pretty good week. Hope to repeat this week replacing sit-ups with fingerboard work and no ice cold slush shower.

Three Nine

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goals for the year - font 7b specifically onde du choc, new aim to do 7c route

m - rest
t - good session at tca, planned to work circuits but after warming up got stuck into the new whites; lots of progress but none completed
w - power session on mark's board
t - more work on the whites at tca but no real progress as so knackered
f - rest
s - 3 hours at tca working whites inc steve mac's new problems and circuit. 1 move off flashing the 7a endurance circuit
su - 4 hours at tca. got all the moves on 2 new whites and then dropped the last move on the orange endurance circuit again!

rest tomorrow, pure circuits session on tues then board session again on wed

Mate the only think stopping you from doing a 7c route tomorrow blindfold and with boxing cloves on is actually going outdoors and trying one. Get it sorted lest i punter you.


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short term goal.
climb something harder than 7a outside again.
longer than short term goal goal.get healthier and maybe lose weight.
every morning first thing either shoulder theraband or lower back stretches. off work.citybloc mainly grey circuit plus a couple of yellows.wasted at the end.plan to get healthier failed as i needed to drink 2 large bottles of beer to stop my arms aching.
tues.after work out on my road bike for 1hr20mins.
wed rockcity repeated most of the problems i've done before plus one new one.i felt i was still tired from mondays home to find wife and daughter had gone to the pub.thought about not going but hell its at least a 5 mins brisk walk.also was able to mention my possible 2 week trip to font while the wife was pissed and agreeable.
thu.after work beast maker session doing 6 sec hangs various grips.also supermen,crabs,spidermen,crunchs,press ups and body lowers.
fri. cycled to work and back 50mins going 1 hr coming back.drank wine.
sat shipley glen wet and the rock was damp as well.did some reasonable eliminate stuff.drank wine.
sun.supermen,crabs,spidermen,crunchs,press ups body lowers.turbo 2 hour session due to having 4 inches of snow outside.did a bit of power lifting getting the telly/video player off the top of the wardrobe.drank wine.


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Goals - Font 7c, double figure Don barbel.
Weight 14.7

M - run, pullups, dips
T - wrestling with 9 year old, no tickling allowed - won with ease
W - visualisation session
Th -  brain hurts from yesterdays visualisation session - rest
F - walk in Peak with baby attached
Sa - Plantation bouldering, did nowt harder than 6c, couple of half hearted boings on deliverance
Su - sledging, built snowman, ate pork. Lost living room golf putting tournament with wife.


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Weight: 63kg

Aims for 2010: rp 7b+ sport, o/s 6c+ sport, 7A boulder.
Stupid challenge to keep me motivated over the winter: Climb every problem in the room next to the tower at Ingleton Wall.

M: Routes at Kendal. Good session some 6c/6c+'s flashed plus several good burns up steep long 7a's. Slowly starting to feel gains in stamina.
T: Bouldering at Inlgeton, warmed up on previously desperate problems (yyfy) and ticked off 3 new ones including one which has spat me off for weeks (yyfy!). Only around 10 more problems to go.
W: Pull ups (18,18,18), assisted one arm pullups, one arm lock offs. Exhausted, go to pub for a couple of pints.
T: Routes at Kendal, reasonable session - more good stamina work and some short hard routes done.
F: Rest, curry and pub.
S: 6 hour walk in the lakes.
S: Abandoned plans for Malham trip. Routes at Kendal, lots of volume at 6b+ - 7a on long steep routes. Slightly poor go on a long 7a (commitment lacking on hard moves) but warm down on long pumpy 6b+ felt piss (felt a bit desperate previously at the end of a session).

Woke up this morning feeling tired and miffed that the weather is beautiful and I had to go back to work! Good week overall though. Stamina has always been a weak point for me (because I'm lazy and its a lot of effort!) but I'm starting to feel like I'm making some progress with it.


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Shortish term (before next september): Onsight E3 at the Head (hopefully salango), boulder 7b
Long term: Be like Jerry

Mon: Beastmaker session, crimp repeaters
Tues: Gym
Wed: Looked longingly at a poster of gogarth and fondled pembroke guide.
Thurs: Beastmaker openhanded deadhang session
Fri: Watched Welsh Connections. Considered moving to wales.
Sat: Geo conference in Belfast.
Sun: Tried to go bouldering at the head. Waterbottle burst in my bag so lugged a pad about 2 miles through a snowstorm with all my stuff drenched only for the crag to be practically a whiteout. Realised "why do you want to move to wales when this is on the doorstep, fool". Got stupidly psyched for a summer of big trad.


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Goals:  font 7C

M - nowt
T - intended to do an evening FB session but Wednesday's forecast looked good so I booked the day off work and watched the fooball instead.
W - got up, saw the fog, checked the forecast, went to work.  FB in the evening, didn't feel good and ended early when I felt a tweak in middle finger.
Th- ached more than I should have done, started developing sniffles and a bad throat.
F - 2 hours bouldering after work, lots of dampness so ended up at burbage. Not a great session, wanted to be elsewhere really, motivation problematic.
S - family visit down south and back, walked a few miles around Bleinheim Palace, mostly with a toddler aboard.  Ate cake.
s - eurgh, cold fully set in now.  Also a sore back from driving, baby wrestling, shoulder rides, etc yesterday.

A poor week all round, not much enthusiasm, down with another cold only two weeks after getting over a long one, I've started snacking on crap and my weight's ballooned to 9st 2lbs
On a positive note I did manage to climb on grit for a whole 2 hours without putting a tip through.  My Climber's Balm only turned up on Wednesday, is it really that good?



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I've started snacking on crap and my weight's ballooned to 9st 2lbs
if my weight would only balloon to 9st 2lbs.i think my right leg weighs more than that.


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Be the best climber in Suffolk
Not go mental living in Bury St Edmunds
Not forget how to climb on rock
Use the distance from the scene to breed paranoia that i am getting weak to fuel more training
Zoo York

m: Weights and core, beat bicep curl pb after climbing rather than doing any weights for 6 months...
t: More weights as I couldn't face going to the local wall and getting burnt off...
w: My loathing of the local wall makes me turn to the most disgraceful of activities, I went for a run (half hour)
t: More running, ended up being out for 45 mins because I got lost. Actually enjoyed it (I must be going mad)
f: Night out in East London, most excellent.
s: Drive to Leeds, get there at half three, head to the cliff until it gets dark but take it easy as I want to crush on Sunday
s: The weather does not want me to crush gritstone, so go to the Depot.  Get told that I don't look like a climber, but I look like someone who stays up all night playing computer games and eating cheesy wotsits (this will form the basis for training paranoia this week). Drive back to Suffolk (total 8 hrs driving for the weekend, sorry atmosphere).

aims for this week:
Hang beastmaker from powerbar thing
do more running
do less driving
go to the wall and be the best


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