the shizzle > power club

UKB Power Club Week 1 (Mon 8th - Sun 14th)

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Another consistent week and corrected last weekend’s indulgence and dropped a few pounds. Had intended to do some intensive arm/finger stuff but didn’t happen.

Goals: Austrian Oak, 10000 8a nu points
Current weight 11.3-5

T.Early AM Yoga. Eve. 2hrs Invite to a garage board. Did endurance circuits and some bouldering.
W.PM. Weights. 1 hour. Useless on power stuff (Clean & Jerk and Power Cleans) but new PB (just, grip slipped) on Deadlift 145kgs
T.PM. Stopped off at Roaches after customer visit in Stoke. Beautiful day. Easy soloing on Upper Tier and bouldering at Lower Tier (Did Teck Crack direct)
F.Eve. Foundry 90mins. Bouldering on Wave.
S.Bouldering at Apparent North with Dolly and Lucien. Did the end section of Hampers twice but failed on full traverse. Did Skinless Wonder after bottling it a few times.
S.Might pop down to the Foundry or go in the Cabin in a minute...

Word is that Malham is drying nicely. Hopefully go up to meet Andy F there on Tuesday. Dan too..?


Week 1.
Monday  - rest day after wall on Sunday
Tuesday - 4 * sets encores on a crap fingerboard... (set 7on 3 off & 4)
Wednesday - Evening session at Citibloc - good, really worked my shoulders - slightly tweaky LH golfers..
Thursday - Rest and longingly look at Beastmaker
Friday - Wall (stockport) routine bouldering session - barely repeated hardest stuff done, though managed one new prob
Saturday - Rest and stroking Beastmaker...
Sunday - 3 hours at the Cliff... Good warm up, failed failed failed miserably on Satans Steves wall but did DWR first go (a first!!) and repeated Dreamland (lush problem), arms ache, LH golfers fine...

Week 2....


Goal - Font 7c this season.

T - an hour at Newstones after work, just a few easy problems.  Nice.
Th - Desperately wanted to get out but work denied me the time off.  Managed a couple of hours at Ramshaw at lunchtime, wanted to get on the Lust problems but they were wet.  Made enough progress on Ram Air to warrant a return visit.
F - couple of hours at a mostly damp RHS, found two dry problems I hadn't done, the slab's fairly straightforward in the right conditions but the Cave problem proper took a few goes and was a good workout in the end.
S Ached.  Over did it on food and wine in the evening.
S couple of hours at damp burbage, wasn't that inspired, tried stuff on Jason's block, didn't get up anything. Trashed my skin.

On reflection the easy volume on Tue and Thur was probably just what was needed after what seems like ages away from rock.  Just wish my skin would stop flaking off so easily.

The Sausage:
Sunday Night: Read Power Club. Stabbed self in eye. Ah, much better now...

Now in right topic at request of new landlord!

Dig the thread .. will highlight how little I am training.

Monday - nowt
Tuesday - nowt
Wednesday - beasted down the gym - running farlek one arm pull downs, chest and arms.
Thursday - why do I have a hangover after not drinking?
Friday - hangover marginally better
Saturday 3 hour gardening session
Sunday - pasted myself in the gym again.

God my life is so rock and roll. Consistently working til mid-night is probably not helping.

Anyone hitting a heavy session, I highly recommend the PHD VMax power. Any supplement that comes with a warning of pins and needles has to be a winner in my book.

oh, and weight is 11st 10lbs. Needs to get down to 11st 4lbs

Goals - anything at Dunby I have previously failed on (i.e. alot!)

1-2-3 on the smallest of the campus rungs in the garage.

Standing start to hitch hikers......


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