the shizzle > food & drink

Single Malt Whisky

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maybe try threshers/wine rack as they've been closing stores down...

Bottoms up is part of the same group, and with a much better range, apparently liquidation sales start Tuesday.

Brilliant - thank you slack---line!!! Far superior than online shopping  ;D :great:

Hope you have a great holiday, I'm sure the weather will be a tad better than here!!!!

There's a whisky thread  :rtfm:

I tried some Talisker t'other evening.  Wasted on me, this stuff.


--- Quote from: Houdini on November 22, 2009, 04:23:51 am ---There's a whisky thread  :rtfm:

--- End quote ---
I searched the food & drink forum for messages containing whisky and there was nothing. I therefore started a new topic.

Are you telling me the search is not working?  :shrug:

Am I searching incorrectly? Point me to the right place and I will  :rtfm:


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